Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 423: The bitter monk of Heihai City

This approach has had a serious negative impact on the rebel forces.

Those big families who originally supported the resistance army, saw the danger, the resistance army fled at the first time, and those families itch with hatred.

The most troublesome thing for people is that there are rumors that Squinting is rushing towards Black Sea City.

Black Sea City is the third force of the resistance army, the territory of the bitter monk. He occupies a total of eight cities and is also one of the powerful people that everyone expects.

After squinting the news that they were coming, most of the rebels in Black Sea City fled, even if the families in the city had to move out with their families and did not dare to stay.

To everyone's surprise, the leader of the Third Resistance Army, Monk Ku, was very responsible. He did not leave, but decided to fight to the death!

This kind of practice is very stupid. Knowing that it can't be stopped, it has to be sent to death. This makes many people think that the bitter monk is too stupid.

But at such a moment, he was willing to stay under pressure, and a group of heartfelt people who were willing to die gathered around the bitter monk.

These people are very responsible and sincere, and are willing to use their own death to wake up the world.

It's a pity that there are too few people who are really responsible. Except for the bitter monk, many rebel organizations have disappeared, either sneaking into the dark or completely dissipating.

Only the bitter monk in Black Sea City, Ye Fan in Qingyun City, and Qin Yue in Blackstone City are still on the bright side, and they have also become the targets of countless people's attention.

God's Domain.

Outside of Gu Xiaohao's territory.

The second wave of monster attacks is continuing, frantically attacking Gu Xiaohao's territory.

A large number of monsters have already gathered at the gate of the territory, charging frantically, trying to rush into the territory.

But so many monsters were temporarily blocked. A dragon-blooded warrior holding a big sword on the door panel frantically waved the big sword and strangled all kinds of monsters.

At this moment, the dragon blood warrior has been transformed into a little hero, the dragon blood in the body is more intense, and the strength has been greatly improved, which also makes him show terrifying power at this moment.

On the side of the Dragonblood Warrior is Gu Shan. He is covered in scales and armor. His body is strong and his muscles are knotted. His sharp claws can easily tear open the body of the monster, and his fighting power is extremely strong.

And he has become a dragon scale warrior, his combat power is comparable to that of a dragon blood warrior, and he is also a warrior at the level of a little hero, very tyrannical.

Around them, a large number of sword and shield soldiers, spearmen, and archers are working hard to support and block the dense monster attack.

The strength of these people combined is actually much worse than Gu Xiaohao, yes, they are not as strong as Gu Xiaohao!

At this time, Gu Xiaohao had grown to a height of 2.5 meters, his muscles were bulging, scales covered his body, and he was extremely resistant to various attacks.

The dragon scale tail behind him is even more burning with flames, and a flick of the tail can burn a group of monsters to death.

But Gu Xiaohao, who was so tyrannical, hid in the back, and occasionally found an opportunity to spray a flame and attack the monster, and he hid behind again.

Such a scene made Li Xuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, shake his head speechlessly.

Such a powerful Gu Xiaohao, when facing the enemy's attack, actually put the weak in the front, and hides himself in the back. This kind of behavior is really bad.

"The mud can't support the wall! If that's the case, then quickly perish!"

Li Xuan Yi Nian issued an order, ordering the army of skeletons to continue to drive away the monsters and attack Gu Xiaohao's territory.

Li Xuan has already figured out the situation of the second wave of monster attacks. In fact, many monsters in the shallow danger zone invaded together. If the lords can resist the second wave, they will be rewarded.

As Li Xuan swept the shallow danger zone, the number of monsters became very rare, resulting in basically no monsters in the second wave of attacks.

Like Nancy Territory, Lion Orc Territory, there were no monsters attacking at all, and they directly passed the second wave of difficulties.

After Li Xuan discovered this, in order to prevent Gu Xiaohao from being confused by the illusion, he deliberately drove the monsters from farther areas and gave them to Gu Xiaohao, otherwise he would have no monsters to attack, how boring it would be.

Although the monsters do not attack, they will also get the all-purpose water droplets. For example, Nancy has already got the small water droplets, but Li Xuan feels that he will cherish the good things that he has earned through hard work.

So Li Xuan drove away the densely packed monsters, all of which were sent to Gu Xiaohao in one go.

"Hey, I'm really kind, keep attacking, you guys keep driving away, I'm going to let monsters attack Gu Xiaohao's territory for one night."

Li Xuan muttered secretly, and dispatched more skeleton armies to drive away the monsters.

At this time, Li Xuan was already level 30, and he was getting closer and closer to the little hero's level 100. The key point was that he reached level 30 in just six days.

If he continues to give him time, he will be able to reach level 100 in ten days, and then he will be able to officially transfer to a hero and become a true saint-level powerhouse.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan couldn't wait to kill the monsters. Unfortunately, the low-level monsters have no experience points. The powerful monsters have been killed by Li Xuan, leaving these low-level monsters.

Li Xuan originally planned to travel far away and go to a further place to upgrade, but Li Xuan did not want to miss the second wave of attack.

And the attention of the lord token, he has been playing, trying to become a lord.

"Gu Xiaohao's dragon-blooded warrior, who still has some skills, has carried it to this point. I'll add some food for you."

Li Xuan hooked his finger at the skeleton giant next to him, and gave an order with his mind.

Ka Ka Ka!

The skeleton giant nodded, took out a sharp bone gun from behind, and aimed it at the dragon blood warrior in Gu Xiaohao's territory from a distance.


The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, and the sharp bone spear disappeared in the air like white lightning.

Gu Xiaohao's territory.

The dragon-blooded warrior swung the big sword frantically, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, and the whole person laughed in the slaughter.

"It's too weak, it's too weak, I didn't expect the monsters in the second wave of attack to be so weak, not even dark spiders. If so, we can easily pass the second wave of attacks, hahaha."

The Dragonblood Warrior laughed and continued to wave excitedly. He didn't know that all the powerful monsters were killed by Li Xuan, and the attacking monsters were weak.

In the end, it was cheaper for him, and it seemed that the Dragon Blood Warrior was very strong, so he could laugh here.


He smiled and laughed, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and the whole person flew out directly.


The three sword and shield soldiers were also hit and flew out, and they rolled and climbed upside down and flew out five or six meters.

When it stopped, the Dragonblood Warrior only felt breathing difficulties, his body was weak, and there were bursts of pain in his heart.

He looked down and found that there was a sharp bone in his heart, which penetrated directly into the heart, dripping with blood.

"Shit...damn it."

The dragon blood warrior fell to the ground in pain, feeling that the strength of his body quickly disappeared, and the breath of the whole person began to decline rapidly.

"Are you all right?" Gu Xiaohao hurriedly ran over to ask.

"Quick! Quickly recruit the healing profession!" The Dragonblood Warrior said weakly.

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