"Okay, I'll call right away!"

Gu Xiaohao was about to act when suddenly the sound of breaking through the air came again.

Gu Xiaohao thought of the sharp bone spear in an instant, and immediately stepped aside, worried that he would be hit by the bone spear.

His speed was still very fast, and he moved to the side very flexibly.


A sharp bone spear suddenly flew, against his arm, rubbing against his skin, and flew past in a series of sparks.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly and didn't get hit. Huh? My arm was so hard that it was rubbed by the bone spear, and it didn't even break the skin."

Gu Xiaohao looked at his arm in surprise, and at the intact scales. He was pleasantly surprised. He felt that he had really become stronger, and even the bone spear couldn't hurt him.

Gu Xiaohao, who was in a happy mood, suddenly remembered that he was standing in front of the Dragon Blood Warrior just now.

And he moved to the side and dodged out, so who did the bone spear hit?

With a hint of disbelief, Gu Xiaohao lowered his head and looked at the discovery of the Dragonblood Warrior, and instantly a picture appeared in front of him.

I saw the dragon blood warrior fell to the ground covered in blood, his eyes widened, a sharp bone spear was stuck in his heart, and another bone spear was stuck directly on his forehead, instantly piercing.

Looking at the dead dragon blood warrior, Gu Xiaohao was stunned, and suddenly felt a little self-blame.

After following him for so long, the Dragonblood Warrior died like this. If he blocked it, he would definitely be able to block it with the scales on his body.

But at the moment when the bone spear came, Gu Xiaohao chose to avoid rather than block, which made Gu Xiaohao really feel a little guilty.

"I...I didn't dodge it on purpose, although I can block this bone spear, but I am a lord, a descendant of God, and my status is honorable. What if I get hurt?

You are only low-level subordinates, how can your identity be compared to mine? Yes, that's it, I'm a descendant of God. "

Gu Xiaohao continued to speak, comforting himself, but there was still remorse in his heart.

"Lord Lord, hurry! Hurry up and use the power in the guardian ring. There are too many monsters, and we can't bear it anymore."

The dragon-scale warrior Gu Shan shouted loudly, wielding his sharp claws to strangle the swarming monsters.

But there are too many monsters.

Without the support of the Dragonblood Warrior, the dragon-scale warrior Gu Shan had a lot of pressure and fought hard in front of him alone. The remaining soldiers cooperated fully and strangled the monster.

However, in the face of numerous monsters, soldiers die from time to time, drowning in monster attacks.

"Quick! Quickly use the power in the guardian ring!"

The dragon scale warrior Gu Shan saw Gu Xiaohao in a daze, and hurriedly reminded again loudly, his face was full of anxiety.

"Okay... okay."

Gu Xiaohao responded quickly, looking for the guardian ring left by his father in his pocket, and kept rummaging.

But he was so anxious that he couldn't find the ring for a while, and the whole person was in a hurry.


The familiar sound of breaking the air sounded again, it was the sound of a bone spear, Gu Xiaohao thought of something, and suddenly looked in the direction of the dragon scale warrior.


The blood splattered on the ground, and the dragon-scale warrior flew upside down, and the sharp bone spear pierced through his eye socket, directly piercing his brain, and died on the spot.

But this is just the beginning.

After losing the dragon-scale warrior Gu Shan, the soldiers fell in a pool of blood among the dense monsters, dying one by one.

When the last soldier fell, the densely packed monsters rushed towards Gu Xiaohao and killed the lord of the base.


The guardian ring flew out of nowhere, floating in mid-air, and suddenly released an extreme blood light.

In an instant.

The monsters within 100 meters turned to ashes, and they disappeared without even screaming.

After the blood light dissipated, one of the ten lights above the guardian ring went out, leaving only nine.

The battle is not over.

There are too many monsters here, and soon monsters from a hundred meters away swarmed in again, killing Gu Xiaohao bloodthirsty.


The cold ice instantly froze the 100-meter area, and once again killed all the monsters within 100 meters.

However, soon the third wave of monsters came, more numerous and stronger, all of them attacked Gu Xiaohao in one go.


In this way, wave after wave of attacks began, and the ten rays of light on the guardian ring went out one by one, leaving the last two soon.

This time, the two rays of light were extinguished at the same time, and a protective shield like an egg shell protected Gu Xiaohao and protected his comprehensiveness.

The other turned into a giant hand with dragon claws, floating in the sky, swinging wildly, slapping all attacking enemies, killing a large group with one hit every time.

The battle continued in such a beating, Gu Xiaohao stared blankly at the scene in front of him, at the densely packed monsters, watching the monsters gnawing at the protective shield and destroying the base.

Watching the monsters destroy the base, watching the corpses of the dragon-scale warriors and dragon-blood warriors being bitten.

Looking at the smaller and smaller dragon claw hands in the sky, and the increasingly thin protective shield around his body, Gu Xiaohao finally felt the breath of death.

Yes, at this moment, he finally felt that death was coming. This unprecedented feeling made him tremble and inexplicably excited.

Yes, excitement, not fear.

He covered his head tightly with his hands, and the whole person trembled with excitement.

"My father said that I am his best child~www.readwn.com~ I can definitely build an empire in the world of God's Domain,

But my father has nine children, and the weakest starling in the world of Gods has survived the third wave, and I am about to face failure in the second wave.

So why am I valued by my father? Obviously I am worthless, and my father is a real god, why does he value me so much? "

Gu Xiaohao murmured, his eyes became more and more red, his body became more and more trembling, and he became more and more excited.

Especially when the dragon claws in the sky dissipated, the protective shield around the body thinned a little bit, and death was getting closer and closer, Gu Xiaohao became more and more excited.

Suddenly, Gu Xiaohao's heart suddenly thumped, and a force from the bloodline finally activated at this moment, and the great change began.

Roar! !

The roar of the sky resounded through the sky, shaking the world.

Gu Xiaohao's body swelled suddenly, from the original small fire dragon appearance, suddenly turned into a real flame dragon, a giant dragon exuding a terrifying breath.

His body was as large as a basketball court, and the flames around him instantly vaporized the monsters around him.

"I understand, I finally understand, no wonder I am my father's most beloved son. It turns out that the blood power hidden in my body is the strongest, hahaha, hahahaha!"

Gu Xiaohao laughed wildly, his flame-burning wings flapped, his body slowly flew up, and the huge dragon head was aimed downward and gradually opened.


The scorching flames spewed out, like a sky fire extinguishing the world, covering the bottom and covering a large area.

The terrifying flames easily did not kill all the monsters on the ground. Wherever the flames passed, no monsters could block the blow.

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