Shallow danger zone.

Li Xuan watched this scene silently, watching Gu Xiaohao kill monsters like no one, he felt as if he had been tricked.

"Is it calculated by the gods? Or is it just a coincidence?"

Li Xuan watched the number of monsters gradually exhausted, and then looked at the flaming dragon exuding a terrifying aura in the sky, Li Xuan took a deep breath, his eyes shining brightly.

"Since you can't be sure, let's try it out and see what's going on! The big deal is to die and come back to this world."

Li Xuan gave an order without hesitation, and through the space cracks, 100,000 dark creatures gathered, and soon the mighty dark army slammed into Gu Xiaohao's territory.

He didn't believe it anymore. God could have no scruples in the Divine Realm world, so he had to see what was going on.

Ka Ka Ka!

The army of skeletons has attacked, skeleton swordsmen, skeleton lancers, skeleton swordsmen, skeleton archers, dark assassins, undead knights...

100,000 dark creatures killed the past in a siege, directly killing Gu Xiaohao's territory

The strength of these creatures is incomparable with the flame dragon, and many of them are unable to release the means of attack against Gu Xiaohao in the sky.


The City Lord's Mansion is the foundation of the lords' foothold in this world. As long as the City Lord's Mansion is breached, Gu Xiaohao's mission in this world will fail.

Li Xuan concluded that as long as he attacked the City Lord's Mansion, Gu Xiaohao would definitely block it with all his strength.

If there is power, forget it, if there is no power, then...


The rolling fireballs fell from the sky, and the flame magic from the flame dragon covered a large area, attacking the dark creatures in all directions with scorching fire waves.

Facing such a number of dark creatures, Gu Xiaohao also became serious and started a frantic battle.

He activated the bloodline, and the whole person became slaughter and belligerent, but now he is still a young flame dragon.

There are not many strengths that can be exerted. In the face of so many enemies, Gu Xiaohao naturally does not dare to take it lightly.

So he took out all the means to fight against the dark army, fighting fiercely!

that's all.

The two sides started a life-and-death battle, fighting for three hours in a row with the rumbling sound, but the two sides still showed no signs of stopping, and were still fighting frantically.

Nancy Territory.

Li Xuan took the small porcelain bottle handed over from Nancy and gave her a serious look.

"Thank you, Dark Evil Tiger, I will solve it for you, and you can only rely on you for the subsequent attack."

"Are you leaving?" Lord Nancy asked hurriedly, realizing the profoundness.

"Well, leave for a while, and come back when you reach level 100, and won't leave forever."

Li Xuan smiled and then thought of something.

"By the way, under the big locust tree in the east, I left a gift for you, make good use of it, these things are enough for you to survive the attack later, that's it, goodbye!"

Li Xuan waved his hands as he walked, walking further and further in the dark.

The gifts he left were very good. It was the corpses of various monsters that Gu Xiaohao hunted during the battle in his territory, as well as those that Li Xuan had accumulated before, all of which were sent here by Li Xuan with skeletons.

With so many monster corpses, it is enough for Nancy's territory to gain enough energy. By then, the entire base will become more and more stable, and Li Xuan will be able to leave with more peace of mind.

However, Li Xuan was not able to conquer Gu Xiaohao's territory because of the mysterious power that increased him, making him more and more courageous, and even attacked with a divine aura.

Seeing this, Li Xuan had already guessed something, and decisively gave up killing Gu Xiaohao.

But before leaving, Li Xuan took away Gu Xiaohao's reward for the second wave of monster attacks, the almighty little water droplets.

That guy didn't have time to collect the all-purpose water droplets at all, and as a result, it was all cheaper for Li Xuan.

"Since I can't kill Gu Xiaohao for the time being, I will often scour his wool, the all-purpose little water droplets, as many as I want."

Li Xuan left happily, humming the small group and went straight to the lion orc territory to collect the source of the elements.

time flies.

A week has passed in the blink of an eye.

Thousands of miles away from Nancy's territory, Li Xuan is standing in front of a dilapidated territory, carrying a dark evil tiger and smashing it to death on the spot!

He had discovered that outside every base, there would be a dark evil tiger.

This kind of monster has a high experience value. Li Xuan likes to kill this thing the most, so his level is already 65.

This increase in speed is like sitting on a rocket.

Li Xuan, who was in a beautiful mood, turned his head to look not far away, and saw the dying black cat at the entrance of the dilapidated base, corrupted by the power of darkness.

This black cat is the lord of the base, but unfortunately it is too badly injured, and the corrosive power has completely eroded it.

Right now, it is in painful corrosion and can only wait to die slowly in despair.

"Hey, your injury can't be cured. Instead of dying in such pain, why don't I give you a ride?" Li Xuan asked.

"Thank you... Thank you, if you can, can you extract my soul so that I can go to the lower realm, and I can barely live in the lower realm."

A weak voice came out of the black cat's mouth. It looked at Li Xuan desperately, with prayers in its eyes.

"Nether Realm? You are also from the Ancient God Realm? Don't you have a backstage? Like the Ancient God?" Li Xuan asked.

"No, there are actually very few gods in the ancient gods, each of them is high above, most of them are gods like us,

We can only enter the world of the gods by ourselves and look for opportunities to become gods. Unfortunately, most of them fail.

If you are lucky, you can escape back to the Ancient God If you are unlucky, you will fall directly into the God Realm world. Of course, it is also a kind of luck to survive in the lower realm. "

The black cat's voice became weaker and weaker, and looked at Li Xuan pleadingly.

"It turns out that, for the sake of your active answer to the question, I will help you extract your soul."

Li Xuan's right hand was placed on the black cat's head, and the black light surged in an instant, and the soul of a black cat was drawn out.

"Huh? The soul is also a black cat? What kind of world is the Ancient God Realm?"

"The Ancient God Realm is huge, all-encompassing, and there are all kinds of races. We Black Cats are in the God Realm, they are considered middle and low-level gods, and we are born with tyrannical illusion talents.

It's a pity that the Dark Evil Tiger naturally restrained me and was directly immune to illusions, so I couldn't handle it. "The black cat said sullenly.

"Is that so, tell me some more information about the Ancient God Realm."

"Good lord."

The black cat immediately told the information that he knew one by one, and it took half an hour to tell the story.

"Well, thanks, let's go reincarnated."

Li Xuan waved his hand and opened an undead channel, allowing the black cat's soul to reincarnate.

"Thank you, sir, I owe you a favor. The black cat family is the most grateful. I will definitely repay you in the future." The black cat said gratefully after seeing the space crack.


Li Xuan carelessly put the black cat's soul into the space crack and let it go to reincarnation.

"Don't underestimate the black cat family. Although our strength is not strong, we have a variety of special abilities. Illusions can even affect half-sages. If you burn your soul..."

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