Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 426: handsome boy over 900 years old

As the space crack closed, the black cat's soul transmission dissipated, and Li Xuan didn't care, but continued to move forward, opening the road to leveling.

Two days later.

Qin Yue world.

Ye Fan slumped his sword and walked down the street with an ugly face. He was very afraid of the recent squinting.

"According to the distance, after squinting to find the bitter monk, he will come to me,

With the strength of my Silver Great Perfection, how should I fight against a half-holy squinting? "

Thinking of the powerful semi-sage, deep fear flashed in Ye Fan's eyes.

"Meow meow meow!"

Weak cat meowing came from the nearby alley.

Ye Fan, who was walking, turned his head for the first time and looked into the alley.

I saw the dim alley, full of rubbish, faint smell and **** smell, coming from the alley.

In the deepest part of the alley, Ye Fan also saw a weedy nest, and the sound came from the nest.

Hearing the weak kitten's meow, Ye Fan still walked into the dirty alley and came to the small nest. In the small nest, there was a new born black cat that had not opened its eyes.

This little black cat was wet, very small, and the sound it made was equally weak. In addition, the weather was cold now, and the little black cat was shivering in the nest.

It may be starving and too cold, looking for a warm place to stay close to its mother, a larger cat.

However, when Ye Fan saw this scene, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Because the big female cat that the little black cat was relying on was dead, her body was cold, and the big cat's neck was a sharp stick, which was obviously killed by humans.

Looking at this scene, looking at the weak and lonely kitten in the nest, Ye Fan felt pity and gently picked up the kitten.

He himself has to face a strong enemy, he may encounter squinting, and he will be very dangerous around him.

So Ye Fan was going to find a family and give the kitten to someone else for adoption. He didn't want to see the kitten die.


The weak voice entered Ye Fan's ears, Ye Fan, who had just picked up the kitten, was shocked and looked at the kitten in disbelief.

"Are you a mutant beast? No, at least Bronze-level mutant beasts can speak. You were just born, and you can speak."

Ye Fan was startled and looked at the little black cat in disbelief, feeling like he was looking at a monster.

"Give me...some food."

The weak voice came again, and after Ye Fan heard it, he hurriedly hugged the little black cat, dodged back to the city lord's mansion, and arranged for servants to get hot goat milk.


Ye Fan put the goat milk in front of the kitten and found that it was too weak to eat at all, so he could only feed it carefully and little by little.

With the feeding of food, the little black cat gradually regained some strength and tried to open his eyes.

Weak, it took half an hour before he opened his eyes and saw Ye Fan in front of him.

At the moment of seeing Ye Fan, the little black cat saw Ye Fan's essence directly, and saw the colorful brilliance lingering around Ye Fan, but there was a bloodstain on it.

"Man of destiny, no wonder he picked me up." The little black cat said in his heart, and suddenly said to Ye Fan.

"Sign a contract with me, and I can help you through this difficult time."

"Get over it? You know I'm in trouble?" Ye Fan said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes, you will encounter the greatest danger in this life, the great crisis of your life!" The little black cat looked at Ye Fan and said seriously.

"Nine-death crisis?" Ye Fan was startled and looked at the little black cat in disbelief.

"Yes, make a contract with me first, I need to use your power to probe the intelligence, and even probe the world." The little black cat said seriously.


Ye Fan is also a decisive person. After realizing the extraordinaryness of the little black cat, he immediately signed a contract with the little black cat.


As the power of the contract surged, the weak little black cat gradually became rounder and slightly bigger.

"Your strength is really good, I'll borrow it first."

The little black cat felt Ye Fan's power and was very surprised, but it closed its eyes for the first time.

"No, here comes your big trouble, long knife, blue hair, serrated teeth, squinting eyes, damn, get out of this city."

The little black cat said anxiously, and quickly waved its small paws to signal.


Ye Fan's complexion changed slightly when he heard this, he immediately hugged the little black cat, and hurriedly ran out of the city gate at a very fast speed.

"Go west, there are mountains and forests in the west, that is the only place that contains vitality, hurry up!"

The little black cat hurriedly urged, looking to the east in panic, the whole cat was extremely nervous.

"What the **** is going on? The person you said is coming to me now? Shouldn't I find someone else?"

Ye Fan asked while running, his face full of doubts.


The white sword light appeared on the sky, with invincible terrifying power, it instantly fell from the sky, and smashed where Ye Fan had just stood with a bang.


The earth cracked, dense cracks appeared on the earth, and the whole earth directly turned into a gulf.

Ye Fan escaped this terrifying blow in a thrilling way, and saw a blue-haired boy holding a long knife in the distance, tilting his head and showing a hideous smile.


Ye Fan ran fast, his heart was full of fear and disbelief, he couldn't figure out why he was squinting and didn't go looking for the bitter tsk tsk tsk, he ran very fast, and he found me in advance, since So, let's play a game, as long as you survive from me within three hours, I will spare your life. "

An indifferent voice came from a distance, and the squinting handsome boy walked forward step by step, walking in front of Li Xuan, revealing ferocious serrated teeth.

Just the next second.

Ye Fan's figure suddenly disappeared, the squinting handsome boy was stunned, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

"Interesting, really interesting, it turned out to be an illusion, well, this time I can really have a good time."

Squinting and looking around, he quickly rushed to the forest in the west, and charged into the forest with a cold murderous aura.

in the forest.

in the lush grass.

Ye Fan ran fast, his face was covered in cold sweat, and his whole body was extremely anxious.

"Damn, the illusion has dissipated. As expected of a strong man in the world of sharks, the aura he exudes shattered my illusion so quickly." The little black cat said solemnly.

"Shark Man World? What do you mean?" Ye Fan was surprised, he remembered that Squint was one of the three generals of the Palace of God.

"This person is not from your world, but from the world of sharks. Like me, he was suppressed in this world. Otherwise, how could the real semi-holy let you escape." The little black cat explained.

"It's not from this world! No wonder he is so powerful, so young, he has terrible strength." Ye Fan suddenly realized.

"What are you thinking? His talent is just like that. The real age of this guy is definitely over 900 years old, but he looks like a teenager, like a big boy next door." The little black cat complained.

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