Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 427: city ​​of hope in the desert

"Over 900 years old? How is that possible?" Ye Fan couldn't believe it, his brain buzzed.

"This is normal. The world of sharks is like this. These people have special bloodlines and can live for a long time. Don't judge the world of sharks with the human world view."

The little black cat complained, and continued to extract Ye Fan's power to strengthen himself, while exploring the surrounding information.

"I'm ignorant. I always thought he was a human, but I didn't expect him to be a person from another world." Ye Fan explained.

"You can tell by looking at his teeth that he is not a human being, forget it, let's not talk about this problem, I gathered a few more illusions, dragged him, you run towards the valley,

When you get there, you stand directly in the middle of the valley and leave the rest to me. "The little black cat spoke again.


Ye Fan nodded, he can only trust the little black cat now, facing the semi-holy level powerhouse, his silver great perfection is like an ant.

If he wanted to survive, Ye Fan could only run towards the valley as soon as possible according to the little black cat's request.

Blue Moon Valley.

This valley is composed of blue moon stone veins. The whole valley is blue and very beautiful. If there are no mutant beasts, this is definitely the best tourist attraction.

Unfortunately, except for Ye Fan who hurried from the mouth of the valley, there is no human being here, and some are just mutant beasts.

"Quick, quick! That guy has broken another illusion and is chasing this way, quick."

The little black cat urged quickly, and the cat's eyes were full of anxiety.


Ye Fan gritted his teeth and ran even harder. All the strength in his body was mobilized, and even the secret technique was activated. The whole person suddenly rushed to the center of the Blue Moon Valley in an afterimage.

"Don't move, leave the rest to me."

The little black cat raised two small claws and slammed them together. The strange secret method was suddenly activated and enveloped Ye Fan and the others.

In an instant.

The figures of Ye Fan and the little black cat disappeared, as if they had never appeared, they disappeared out of thin air.

Three minutes later.

A figure flew quickly from afar, and finally stayed over the Blue Moon Valley, frowning and looking down at the earth.

"What's the matter? There are images of Ye Fan everywhere, even the smell is the same. This illusion is really amazing, it seems that it will take some effort."

Squinting, he raised the long knife in his hand and swiped lightly at the void.


The white blade light swept across the valley, and Ye Fan's image disappeared directly where it passed, shattering like a bubble.

"Huh? No?"

Squinting and continuing to scan the four directions, he suddenly looked at the forest behind, and he said coldly, "I found you!"


The squinting disappeared instantly, and soon there was a rumbling sound from the rear area.

After a while.

Squinting his eyes and returning to the sky above the valley, he frowned and continued to pay attention to the four directions, "Where is he hiding? This Ye Fan really has some tricks."

Squinting and continuing to search around, every piece of land in the radius of a hundred miles was not spared, and swept across it with a single knife.

But after searching for more than two hours, Ye Fan still did not see the figure, which made Squint return to the Blue Moon Valley.

"Except here, they have been searched for hundreds of miles, and they are very likely to be here."

Looking down at Blue Moon Valley with squinted eyes, the long knife in his hand waved again, sweeping across the entire valley in the extreme sword light.


With a blade of light, the entire valley cracked open, revealing a figure in the center of the valley.

"Found you!"


Squinting and flicking his fingers, the void vibrated slightly, and the figure exposed in the center of the Blue Moon Valley exploded directly.


The white aura was rippling, and Ye Fan's figure dissipated like a bubble, leaving only a piece of paper swaying and falling to the ground.

He narrowed his eyes and took the paper, looked closely, and frowned.

【you lose! 】

Looking at the three words on the paper, I squinted and looked up at the sky with some nostalgia, and a sinister smile reached to the roots of my ears.

"It seems that he is the Son of Destiny. I wonder how the Lord God Emperor will react when he finds out about this? After all, Lord God Emperor is the first generation of the Son of Destiny."

Squinting to think of the past, thinking of the scene where he was conquered by the Emperor God when he was weak, and fought in the Quartet, the smile on his face became more and more hideous.

"It's time to go back, I didn't find him for three hours, I lost."

Squinting his eyes, he picked up the long knife, turned decisively to leave, and disappeared into the distance gracefully in the wind.

A hundred miles away.

in a hollow tree.

Ye Fan and the little black cat hid for a while, then carefully walked out of the big tree.

"Sure enough, it's just three hours. The shark people are really dead brains." The little black cat couldn't help but complain.

"Are you dead brains? I think people who keep their promises are very good. Squinting eyes so heavy commitments, this person's character should not be too bad.

But he is still doing evil, thinking that it is because of the emperor, otherwise people with such heavy commitments will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. " Ye Fan shook his head.

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents? No, I didn't squinting my body, smelling that kind of sinful soul." The little black cat hesitated for a while, and said somewhat uncertainly.

"Did you hear it wrong? Squinting came all the way, and did a lot of evil things, first killed Baihe Chengba Wudi, then captured Xiao Bubai, and many humans in these two cities~www By the way, in the past, the Palace of God was arresting people everywhere, but after they were sent to the Palace of God, they disappeared.

In addition to these, the God's Palace is doing evil everywhere, condoning the slums of the slums in major cities, and too many people die because of the God-Emperor,

Such sins, such evil deeds, as one of the three generals of the Divine Palace, how could he not have the taste of sin? " Ye Fan said seriously.

"But... maybe I smelled it wrong, so let me give me some more strength, and I will conduct a large-scale scan ten days later,

By scanning, I can learn more about the world, and it is also the real information, which can help you better,

You'd better go to the city near the Palace of God, where I can find out more information. " said the little black cat.

"Okay, then let's go to Qinhuangcheng, which is the former residence of the emperor, maybe we can learn more information." Ye Fan thought for a while.

"The former residence of the emperor? Is the emperor related to the Qin Dynasty?" The little black cat asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the **** emperor used to be the emperor of the Qin country, and then he broke down with the Qin country for some unknown reason. The angry **** emperor,

The blood of the royal family that was killed was a river of blood, leaving only one guardian and some distant branches. After that, the emperor established the palace of the gods outside the city and completely separated from the Qin state. " Ye Fan continued to explain.

"So that's the case, then go to Qinhuangcheng to investigate, and you will tell me some things about the emperor. How do I feel that this guy seems to be accomplishing what purpose?"

The little black cat guessed and asked, and always felt that something was wrong with the emperor, like a lunatic.

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