"Murdered the little girl? This...are you sure?" Ye Fan couldn't believe it.

"If you don't believe it, you can investigate it yourself. There are quite a few people in Baihe City. Just investigate it yourself and you'll know." The little black cat said solemnly.

"So, squinting is right? Then what's the purpose of capturing so many civilians and rebels? The Palace of God captures so many people every year, and what's the purpose?"

Ye Fan asked in a low voice, obviously thinking that squinting, the emperor is not a good person.

"Let me take a look and present the picture by the way."

The black eyes of the little black cat once again flashed a burst of colorful light, and then a picture appeared in the air.

This is the interior of the Palace of God, the first floor of the picture.

As can be seen from the picture, the Palace of God is really resplendent and huge, but the walls of this palace are too thick, a little too thick,

In addition, there are bloodstains in many places in the Palace of God, on the walls, on the pillars, on the stairs, on the roof, it is simply too weird.

Said the stairs to the second floor of the Palace of God, suddenly saw a lot of soldiers and humans, and in the middle of the second floor, there are many interconnected huge altars.

Inside these altars, there are people standing one after another. Some of them are shaking, some are howling, some are clenching their teeth, some are pale, and some are crying...

But these people did not step down from the altar, but looked at the central altar in despair.

The central location where these huge altars are connected is also an altar, a more mysterious central altar.

On the central altar, a lame old woman was walking slowly. She walked to the center of the central altar step by step, sat down slowly, and cut her fingers apart, revealing purple blood.

The next second, the lame mother-in-law slammed the stone pillar in front of her, blood and strange power were instantly injected onto the stone pillar.


With a huge bang, the altar burst into a brilliant light, and soon formed something like a protective film, covering all the altars.

Frightened howls came from the altar, and I saw the humans on the altar, covering their heads in pain, trembling violently, and blood spilling from their facial features.

Bang bang bang!

A series of crackling sounds sounded, and some humans on the altar burst directly in pain, turning into blood mist on the spot, completely dissipating between heaven and earth.

The remaining survivors are still in pain, and at the same time their bodies have changed, and they have begun to swell in severe pain.


They gradually transformed from ordinary human bodies into giants with huge bodies and terrifying breaths, and they exuded terrifying power fluctuations.

"It was the witch giant who made the altar, and this lame old woman actually made a human being into a witch giant!" The voice of the little black cat was full of disbelief.

"Witch giant? What a terrible method!"

Ye Fan looked at the **** scene in the picture, and his heart was filled with murderous intentions. He wanted to kill the lame mother-in-law in the picture immediately to save these humans.

"Listen, Ye Fan, this lame old woman is not from your world, she is from the Kadar world, and their world is very good at making witch giants,

Later, the strongest person in the Kadar world wanted to become a god, and used the magic of the witch giant to create a large number of witch giants based on one plane.

In the end, becoming a **** failed, the plane of Kadar collapsed, and the Kadar became history. Unexpectedly, there was still a Kadar in the Palace of God. "The little black cat said solemnly.

"Becoming a god? In order to become a god, you actually despise life so much. If I guess correctly, the **** emperor may want to become a god, so he madly scavenges human beings and makes witch giants.

Ye Fan clenched his fists tightly. Seeing that a human being was brought to the altar again, Ye Fan felt that the emperor was crazy.

"It is indeed possible, but if you want to become a god, you need to have a divine soul. Only creatures from the ancient gods like me can have a divine soul.

And the most orthodox way to become a **** is to pass through the world of the gods to have the opportunity to become a god.

Forcibly using the method of the witch giant, it is impossible to become a **** at all, and the result will only fall short, the level of the **** emperor is too low, and it is too superficial. "

The little black cat shook his head, looking down on the emperor, and even unwilling to watch the scene where the witch giant was made.

"We continue to look at the Palace of God and explore more secrets."

The little black cat's eyes flickered, and the screen changed rapidly. He watched the Palace of God layer by layer, and saw a large number of witch giants. At the same time, he also saw a sturdy and muscular giant in armor.

This giant is wearing armor, a helmet, and a giant axe. His aura is very violent, giving people a feeling of extreme danger.

"It's a mad giant! This guy is also a person from another world. It seems that the three generals under the emperor are all from another world." The little black cat said solemnly.

"This guy is so strong, he feels very violent." Ye Fan looked at the screen solemnly.

"It's really strong! The point is that the more he fights, the more courageous he is. He has a very strong self-healing ability. The heavier the injury, the stronger. You must be careful when you encounter him in the future." The little black cat couldn't help reminding.

"Okay, I'll be careful." Ye Fan nodded and said again.

"Can you see what the Emperor of God looks like? I really want to see what kind of face the Emperor has? It's so black-hearted, so insane."

"I will try it. My detection ability is very strong, and ordinary people can't find it at all. Even in the Ancient God Realm, there are not many people who can find me, unless the other party's racial level is higher than mine."

The little black cat said confidently, his eyes continued to shine, and he began to search along the Palace of God.

"The Palace of God is really huge. We have already checked down more than fifty floors. How many floors is this Palace of God?"

Ye Fan looked at the layers of supplies and the witch giants, he was shocked, he couldn't believe that there were so many layers in the Palace of God~www.readwn.com~Pfft!

The little black cat was stunned, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then slumped.

"Damn it, I was discovered by the Emperor." The little black cat said weakly, unable to stand still.

"Are you alright, I still have a lot of power, you can absorb it quickly, by the way, how did he find you? Will he lock us in the opposite direction?" Ye Fan hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, I got away in time, he didn't find me, but my probe was severely backfired, and I can't use it in the short term." The little black cat was depressed.

"It's okay, you absorb more of my power to recover, this **** emperor is really powerful, and he can find you!" Ye Fan said solemnly.

"The level of the emperor is estimated to be higher than mine. He is definitely not from your world. I am afraid he is from the ancient gods!"

"Ancient God Realm? He came from the same place as you? Wait, it's no wonder that the God Emperor despised the lives of ordinary people and arbitrarily arrested human beings. It turns out that he is not from our world."

Ye Fan gritted his teeth and finally understood why the Emperor God despised the world so much.

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