At this time, Ye Fan suddenly thought of something, thinking of what the little black cat said just now.

The little black cat just said that only by possessing a divine soul can one pass through the witch giant and become a god.

If the **** emperor is from the ancient **** realm, then he definitely has a divine soul, and he can also become a **** through the witch giant.

After this, everything makes sense, and it is possible to explain why the Emperor Tongshen created the witch giant.

"Master Cat, since the God Emperor may come from the ancient gods, then the God Emperor has a divine soul, doesn't this mean that he created the witch giant to become a god?" Ye Fan hurriedly said.

"Yes, if he came from the ancient gods like me, it is indeed possible to become a **** through the witch giant, but it is too difficult to become a god, and the success rate may be less than 10%.

Of course, low probability does not mean unsuccessful. If Shouyuan is approaching, you can really take the risk and try it out. "The little black cat replied in a low voice.

Obviously it also thought of the purpose of the emperor, thinking that he might rely on the witch giant to become a god, but this crazy practice, even in the world, is a sinful practice.

"Lord Cat, we won't go to the Qinhuangcheng anymore, go back to practice hard, strengthen my resistance army, and strive for the hope of survival for mankind." Ye Fan said, clenching his fists tightly.

"Okay, anyway, I have speculated about the general situation of the emperor, there is no need to go again, and I will teach you an army formation method, so that you can cooperate with the soldiers and condense into the phantom of the **** of war.

At that time, your army will have stronger strength, and you don't have to worry about being wiped out. " said the little black cat.

"Okay, thank you, Master Cat."

"You're welcome, let's go, go back."


Ye Fan left, and took the little black cat back to his city in the warm sunshine to develop his city with all his strength.

the other side.

After squinting and leaving Black Rock City, he returned to the base of the God's Palace, but he never appeared again. The entire God's Palace was still the same as before, as if nothing had happened.

Only the conflict between the False God Sect and the Evil Energy Organization became more tragic. The two sides fought each other, attacked each other, and killed each other.

in addition.

After the incident of squinting, Ye Fan, the bitter monk, and the name of Qin Yue resounded throughout the world.

The bitter monk insisted to the death, Ye Fan narrowly escaped the pursuit, Qin Yue blocked the sword, which became their most dazzling honor.

Many people with lofty ideals chose to defect to these three people, especially Ye Fan. He escaped the pursuit, and his highlights were even more extraordinary, which also made his power expand rapidly.

Originally owning only three cities, he took 18 cities in half a year and became the strongest resistance leader.

At the same time, Ye Fan took out the God of War formation, condensed the phantom of God of War, and showed the terrifying power of the battle formation, making Ye Fan's power stronger and stronger.

The bitter monk on the other side also performed well. He originally controlled many cities, and he also expanded to fifteen cities, but was gradually replaced by Ye Fan's light.

Only Qin Yue did not develop power, and still followed Li Xuan's words at the beginning, guarding in Black Rock City, silently waiting for Li Xuan's return.

Even if more and more people defected, Qin Yue still did not expand, but developed Black Rock City better and better, and the people's life became more and more happy.

This morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds and flowers were fragrant.

Qin Yue, carrying a long knife, walked down the street with Song Xiaomei, inspecting the development of the city.

Seeing that the people were living very well and the children were full of vigor, Qin Yue couldn't help showing a smile.

"Xiaomei, our Black Rock City is getting better and better. I'm really happy to see everyone's life getting better and better."

Qin Yue looked at the houses built in the slum, and she smiled.

The slum was originally the site of the Sect of Gods, but now that there is no Sect of Gods in the city, the entire slum has been re-planned and built, and it has become the third special area.

Here, there are citizens, grain cultivation bases, small factories, vegetable markets, and hunting teams that go out to the city to hunt mutant beasts.

This has also led to earth-shaking changes in the slums, and all aspects are in a thriving stage.

"Yeah, the reduction of mutant beasts has made the outside of the city safer. Now many fertile fields outside the city have been reclaimed.

In the long run, the food problem in our Black Rock City will be completely solved. "

Song Xiaomei also smiled. In the process of managing Black Rock City, she also learned a lot. She felt that managing a city was really not an easy task.

"Yeah, Black Rock City is getting better and better. I really hope that Li Xuan can come back soon and take a look at our Black Rock City." Qin Yue looked up at the sky expectantly.

"Well, it's been a long time since I saw him."

Song Xiaomei nodded and turned to look at the door of a grain store in front of her. There was a white-haired grandfather standing there.

This old grandfather has a kind and kind face, leaning on a wooden cane, and looks very old, and feels like he is over a hundred years old.

The old man is very weak, like a candle in the wind, it feels like it can fall down when it blows.

Such an old grandfather is rare in Black Rock City, Song Xiaomei said involuntarily.

"More and more people have come to our Black Rock City recently, even such an old grandfather has come."

"Yeah, strange, is there no one to take care of this old grandpa?"

Qin Yue's observation ability is very strong. He didn't see anyone taking care of the old grandpa nearby. Instead, the old grandpa stood quietly, lonely and desolate.

The kind-hearted Qin Yue decided to go and see. After all, such an old grandfather could easily have an accident if he was not taken care of. She didn't want to see such a thing.

"Come on, let's go take a look."


The two walked to the old man together. On the way, passers-by saw Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei, and immediately bowed and saluted from a to express their respect for the two.

Some people from outside took the opportunity to inquire about Qin Yue's identity. When they learned that these were the two city lords of Black Rock City, they quickly bowed and saluted.

Amid everyone's attention, Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei came to the grandfather and asked warmly.

"Grandpa, do you need help?"

"Thank you, if you can, can you take me home? My home is residence No. 99." The old man said kindly, looking at Qin Yue with very gentle eyes.

"Well, grandpa, we'll take you back."

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei nodded hurriedly, they are powerful, they can feel the vitality of the old man, and they are on the verge of running out of fuel.

According to the passage of vitality, the old grandfather is estimated to live for only a month, and the current time is probably the last time of the old grandfather.

The kind-hearted Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei helped the grandfather to the No. 99 residential area and saw the reclining chairs in the small courtyard, as well as the wooden tables and chairs beside them.

In addition to these, there are very few things in the house, which can be described as rudimentary to the extreme.

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