"Just help me to the reclining chair. The sun is very warm today. I haven't been in the sun for a long time."

The old grandfather said in a hoarse voice, speaking very slowly and lightly, and more of a weakness.

"Okay, slow down."

Qin Yue helped the old grandpa to sit down. For some reason, she always felt that the old grandfather was very kind and wanted to take more care of the old grandfather.

"Grandpa, is there no one else in your family?"

Qin Yue did not see anyone in the house, nor did he see anyone in the house, or even food.

This made Qin Yue's heart sink, feeling that the old grandpa might be alone.

"I'm the only one at home, my wife has long since died, and my son and grandson are also dead." The old man sighed, his voice full of vicissitudes and a hint of helplessness.


Qin Yue became more and more worried when she heard this. She was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see such a scene. Especially when she thought that the old grandpa might not live for a month, she decided to take good care of the old grandpa.

At this time, she thought that there was no food in the house, so she couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, have you had breakfast yet?"


The old grandfather's eyes were a little cloudy, and he was inexplicably nostalgic. He paused for a while and said, "I haven't eaten yet, can you make me a bowl of lotus seed porridge?"

"Of course you can, Grandpa, wait a moment."

Qin Yue told Song Xiaomei to take good care of the old grandfather, she hurriedly left and went to the City Lord's Mansion to get food and cooking tools.

After Qin Yue left.

The old grandpa looked at Song Xiaomei and said with a little gratitude, "Your name is Song Xiaomei, right?"

"Yes old man."

Song Xiaomei nodded. Most people in the city knew her name. After all, she was also a celebrity, so it was normal for others to know.

"thank you."

The old grandfather suddenly expressed his gratitude. With his right hand covered with age spots, he took out a small sword jade pendant from his pocket and handed it to Song Xiaomei, "This is my thanks to you, please accept it."

"No, no, just help you back, no need to give me a gift."

Song Xiaomei hurriedly shook her head and refused, she didn't want to accept it, and besides, she really wasn't short of money.

"Take it, this is an old man's thanks." The old grandfather's voice revealed a trace of unquestionable.


Song Xiaomei hesitated a little, and finally couldn't bear to reject the old grandfather, so she accepted it, "Thank you old grandfather."

"You're welcome, call me Grandpa Tian, ​​my name has the word "Tian" in it." The old grandfather's voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes gradually became cloudy.

"Well, okay, Grandpa God."

Song Xiaomei didn't care about the name, she just felt that this old grandfather might have many stories, and she always felt that this old grandfather was a bit extraordinary.


Qin Yue's figure flew over, two small fair hands carrying a pile of things, dodged to the small courtyard, and then said warmly.

"I brought back the food and cooking tools, grandpa, wait a moment."


When Grandpa Tian heard Qin Yue's words, his cloudy eyes gradually became clearer, even with a hint of expectation.

Soon, the cooking started.

Qin Yue's cooking skills are quite good, and a bowl of lotus seed porridge is a piece of cake, so the lotus seed porridge is naturally made quickly, and Qin Yue even made some side dishes.

During the cooking process, Song Xiaomei also told Qin Yue about the name, and Qin Yue changed her name along with Song Xiaomei.

"Grandpa Tian, ​​breakfast is ready, can you taste it?"

Qin Yue brought the lotus seed porridge and handed it to Grandpa Tian, ​​saying with a hint of anticipation.

"Good good, really good boy."

Grandpa Tian was very happy and tasted it gently with the lotus seed porridge. Just eating and eating, Grandpa Tian couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Grandpa Tian suddenly burst into tears, Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei panicked and hurriedly asked with concern.

"It's okay, I just think of my wife who passed away. At that time, every time I went out to fight, she would make me a bowl of lotus seed porridge, day after day, year after year,

Later, we encountered a difficult battle. I went to kill the enemy, but the base camp was attacked. When I rushed back, only one tenth of the base camp was destroyed.

My son and daughter-in-law were all dead, and my wife was seriously injured, only one breath left,

On the verge of death, she begged me to protect her only grandson, and begged me to stop those monsters and protect this world...cough cough cough. "

Grandpa Tian coughed violently, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

"Grandpa God!"

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei were shocked when they saw this scene, and hurriedly took the blood beads for Grandpa Tian to take.

It's a pity that the effect of these blood beads is almost useless, which also shocked them.

You must know that the blood bead has an extraordinary effect, contains a terrible vitality, and can quickly improve a person's strength.

But after this grandfather ate it, there was no effect, which made Qin Yue very puzzled and inconceivable.

"Don't worry, this is an old problem. It will pass slowly. Is there still lotus seed porridge? Another bowl."

Grandpa Tian waved his hand indifferently, his mind was very relaxed, but instead comforted Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei.

"There is... there is."

Qin Yue hurriedly went to fill the lotus seed porridge, but she and Song Xiaomei both noticed the abnormality, and noticed that the old man was unusual.

"Grandpa Tian, ​​here it is for you."

After Qin Yue had finished the meal, he hurriedly handed over the lotus seed porridge, while secretly observing the old man.

"Thank you child."

Grandpa Tian took the lotus seed porridge and continued to eat, quietly tasting the delicious lotus seed porridge, but his breath became weaker and his eyes became more cloudy.

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei looked at each other and noticed that the old man's vitality was getting weaker and weaker, just like the candle in the wind, which could go out at any time.

The kind two people didn't know what to say, but they just made up their minds to take care of the old man in the next time.

Time passed, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

During this month, Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei visited Grandpa Tian a lot, and they also sent a nanny to take care of the old man~www.readwn.com~ As they got along, they felt more and more that the old man was extraordinary and that he Powerful, but the identity of the old man is always a mystery.

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei didn't investigate either, they just chose to accompany the old man to the last moment, because Grandpa Tian's breath dropped to freezing point.

This morning.

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei came to the 99 courtyard as usual and saw Grandpa Tian who was basking in the sun.

At this time, Grandpa Tian was getting older and older, his body was full of dead energy, and his breathing became invisible.

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei felt a little sad. They sighed deeply and walked into the kitchen to make lotus seed porridge for Grandpa Tian.

After the busy work, Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei brought lotus seed porridge to Grandpa Tian, ​​and after waiting for a long time, the old man finally opened his eyes.

"Grandpa Tian, ​​you wake up, drink some lotus seed porridge." Qin Yue said warmly.

"Don't drink today, Qin Yue, do you have any wish to fulfill? For example, to become an emperor, or to control the world." Grandpa Tian asked suddenly uncharacteristically.

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