"No, in fact, I don't want to be the emperor. I am very happy now. If he can come back, I will be happier." Qin Yue thought of Li Xuan, and his heart suddenly warmed.

"That's it, that's fine."

Grandpa Tian nodded, and a small white porcelain bottle suddenly appeared in his hand.

The moment the small porcelain bottle appeared, the entire space was shaking, as if this space could not support the existence of the small porcelain bottle.

"There are three drops of blood in it. You take one drop every month. It is of great help to your strength. Don't give it to others. Only you can take blood."

Grandpa Tian's turbid eyes became clear, and he looked at Qin Yue with kind eyes reluctantly.

"Grandpa God."

Qin Yue was startled when she saw Grandpa Tian's condition. She felt that Grandpa Tian's condition was getting worse and worse, and her worries became stronger.

"Qin Yue, can you call me grandpa? I really want to hear it."

Grandpa Tian tried his best to open his eyes, handed the small porcelain bottle to Qin Yue, and said with deep expectation.

"Okay, great grandpa."

There was sadness in Qin Yue's heart, especially when she looked at Grandpa Tian's increasingly old face, her eyes were a little red.

"My dear boy, it's time for me to make my final promise. Farewell, my child."

Grandpa Tian gently modeled Qin Yue's little head, and the old face was full of kindness and reluctance.

But he still resolutely put away all his emotions, and slammed his right hand to his heart.


Grandpa Tian's body suddenly collapsed, turning into golden threads in an instant.

These golden threads did not disappear, but condensed into a terrifying golden long knife, a vast long knife that shook the world.

After the vast long knife condensed and appeared, it flew into the distance with a bang, and flew towards the Palace of God like lightning, leaving only a golden trace in the entire sky.


A terrifying shock resounded from the Divine Palace, which shocked the world for many years.

The splendid golden hall overturned directly, as if it had suffered a 12-magnitude earthquake, leaving only the ruins.

In the entire Divine Palace, there is only one passage leading to the underground, but there is a **** aura in that fellow.

The blood-colored aura continued to spread to the sky, and gradually, the blood-colored aura began to dissipate, becoming less and less.

The **** aura that once surrounded the Palace of God for many years has been reduced sharply, and the Palace of God that people feared has turned into ruins.

This incident caused an uproar in the world in an instant. Ye Fan, who was dealing with government affairs, was shocked when he got the news. Even the little black cat was shocked.

They hurriedly sent personnel to investigate, trying to figure out what happened to the Palace of God.

Inside Blackrock City.

Qin Yue's fair hands tightly held the small porcelain bottle, silently looking at the golden traces in the sky, her whole mind could not be calm.

The words that Grandpa Tian left before leaving made Qin Yue very moved because of the words 'my child'.

You must know that since her mother died, she is the only one left to live alone.

If it wasn't for good luck, often picking up money, often missing various dangers, and often getting help from others, she might have died long ago.

But now, Qin Yue, who has always thought that she has no relatives, thinks that Grandpa Tian is probably her relatives, but this relative passed away like this.

This had a great impact on Qin Yuelai's mood and made her feel uneasy.

"Sister Xiaomei, is he my great-grandfather?" Qin Yue turned to look at Song Xiaomei, wanting to confirm.

"People are about to die, and their words are also good. I think what Grandpa Tian said is true, and his strength is so terrible, there is no need to come here to lie and give us gifts."

Song Xiaomei took out the small sword jade pendant with a complicated expression, and faintly noticed the power contained in the small sword.

"Yeah, there's no need for him to lie to me."

Qin Yue took a deep breath, and for some reason, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, tick tock, and some could not be restrained.


Song Xiaomei lent her shoulder to Qin Yue, patted Qin Yue's back lightly, and silently looked at the golden traces gradually dissipating in the sky.

That trace is the last splendor that Grandpa Tian left in this world.

After a long time.

Seeing that Qin Yue's mood finally stabilized, Song Xiaomei couldn't help urging her to take the blood in the small porcelain bottle quickly.

"Yueyue, take it soon. It can cause space shocks. This must be a rare treasure. If you take it, you may be able to help Li Xuan in turn. After all, the place he is in is very dangerous."

"Well, I see."

Qin Yue took a deep breath and opened the small porcelain bottle with shaking hands. In an instant, three drops of blood floated into the air, emitting a strong brilliance, which is the brilliance of the gods.

At the moment when these three drops of blood appeared, a strong desire arose in the hearts of all the creatures in the entire city, a low-level craving for high-level energy.

Even Song Xiaomei yearned to the extreme, her eyes fixed on the three drops of blood.

"Yueyue, hurry... eat a drop of blood, hurry up and put away the rest, I can't control myself anymore." Song Xiaomei tried her best to suppress the desire in her heart and hurriedly urged.


The desire in Qin Yue's heart was stronger, several times stronger than Song Xiaomei's, just because the blood belonged to her.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Yue immediately put away the two large drops of blood and swallowed the smallest drop in her mouth.


Terrible energy transpired in the body, Qin Yue's soul skyrocketed violently, and a power belonging to the soul began to surge.

Qin Yue's whole body is shaking, her soul is changing drastically, her soul level has gone from half-step gold level to directly breaking through to lower gold level.

But this is just the beginning~www.readwn.com~ After the soul reached the gold lower position, it only took five breaths of effort, the soul broke through again and rose to the gold middle position.

But Qin Yue didn't feel the slightest joy, some were just sadness, a strong sadness, it was the sadness hidden in the blood.

Tears fell from the corners of Qin Yue's eyes, dripping like broken pearls, and the sadness gradually filled.

Seeing this scene, Song Xiaomei hurriedly asked, "Yueyue, what's the matter with you? Don't let anything happen."

"It's okay, it's sadness in the blood, is she crying? Who is she? This drop of blood contains a lot of fighting skills, and my head hurts."

Qin Yue's state was a little chaotic, and all kinds of fighting pictures and various fighting skills appeared in his mind.

The huge amount of memories made Qin Yue's brain freeze, and she fell into a situation where she couldn't think.

At this moment, she only felt a splitting headache and needed a good sleep to absorb the knowledge in her mind and the terrible power in her blood.

In this way, Qin Yue fell asleep and fell into a long sleep. Only after absorbing everything in her blood will she wake up.

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