Li Xuan followed the perspective of the beautiful warrior and looked diagonally downward. At this time, Li Xuan suddenly found that the beautiful warrior in the portrait moved.

Yes, the beautiful warrior turned her head to Li Xuan strangely and glanced at Li Xuan.


A strange sense of horror came to Li Xuan's heart, and the cold air rose from behind, from the tailbone to the top of his head.


A more intense purification power shines, and circles of holy light power wrap Li Xuan, protecting Li Xuan in the holy light like a sphere.

Li Xuan, who was in the holy light, was not at ease, and was still madly releasing his various abilities, trying to eliminate this strange sense of horror.

With the release of each talent ability, the sense of horror has not been eliminated in the slightest, but it has become more and more bizarre.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the heartbeat sounded, Li Xuan's eyes were fixed on the beautiful soldier in the portrait, his footsteps slowly moved back, and he stepped back a little, trying to stay away from the portrait and the stone tablet.


The beautiful warrior in the portrait turned her head, her dark eyes met Li Xuan's.

The red blood flowed down from the eyes of the beautiful warrior at some point, and flowed down the cheeks little by little. The places where it flowed were blood-colored traces, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

A faint smell of blood lingered in the air, Li Xuan and the beautiful warrior looked at each other, looking at the beautiful warrior's dark eyes and the increasingly scarlet blood on her cheeks.

Li Xuan only felt that his scalp was numb and terrifying. He wanted to look away, but he couldn't.


The dull sound of the explosion reverberated, and Li Xuan felt that he was in the warmth, but the warmth was too strong, he felt as if he was burned by fire, and his skin was aching.

In such pain and burning sensation, the picture in front of Li Xuan moved slightly. After he blinked his eyes, he suddenly found himself in flames, and his skin was burned red.

"What's the matter? How am I in the flames?"

Li Xuan's consciousness recovered, a little dazed, and a little dull murmured.

"Li Xuan, you finally woke up, what's wrong with you? Standing here for so long without moving, I called you for a long time to no avail.

Later, your facial features were all covered with blood. I burned you with flames, and you finally woke up. "

A familiar voice came. It was the voice of the little hedgehog. Li Xuan shook his foggy head and looked to the side. Sure enough, he saw the little hedgehog standing there nervously.

Li Xuan shook his head, observed himself from the perspective of God, and found that blood was flowing from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. He had no idea when it came out.

Raising his hand to wipe off the blood flowing from his facial features, Li Xuan swept his gaze towards the position of the stone tablet, and suddenly found that the stone tablet was gone.

Li Xuan's heart tightened, and he looked carefully at the ground below the stele, and found that there were lush weeds growing on the ground, and there was no trace of being pressed, as if the stele had never appeared.

Such a scene made Li Xuan take a deep breath and couldn't help but ask, "Little hedgehog, how long have I been standing?"

"It's been a long time. You said you wanted to go back and change jobs, but you didn't leave. It's strange that you've been standing there." The little hedgehog looked at Li Xuan suspiciously.

"Don't go? I didn't go out just now? Didn't I go to the mouth of the valley?" Li Xuan was shocked, and even stopped wiping off the blood.

"No, you have been standing here all the time, your expression is very strange, and then blood flowed out of your facial features, and your body was full of death.

I was worried about your accident, so I hurriedly burned you with a big fireball, which woke you up. "The little hedgehog said solemnly.

"It turned out to be so!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but be shocked. He had to go out before and saw a beautiful warrior in the Bluewood Forest, but now the little hedgehog actually said that he had never left the valley.

The point is that when he was affected by the stone monument portrait, he released the holy light and released a lot of self-help abilities.

But now it seems that he has never released it at all, which is a bit scary, and the more Li Xuan thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes.

He checked himself carefully and found that apart from bleeding from his facial features, there was nothing unusual about him, but his complexion soon changed.

Because he saw age spots on his hands, age spots that usually only appear in the elderly.

"How can there be age spots? I haven't even been a hero for a year. According to my calculations, this body has at least a hundred years of life. How can age spots appear?"

Li Xuan felt that things were getting more and more difficult, the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, and he faintly felt that the strange portrait would appear again.

"Little Hedgehog help me, protect me from here, and go to Nancy's territory. If I encounter an abnormal situation again, I must find a way to wake me up, understand?" Li Xuan said solemnly.

"Okay, what happened? It's the first time I've seen you like this." The little hedgehog couldn't help asking.

"Let's not talk about it, in short, it's not safe here. Get out of here first. You don't have to worry about it after I change jobs. It's fine even if I die."

Li Xuan spoke solemnly, not wanting to mention what happened just now, because he was worried that mentioning what happened just now would cause trouble again.

According to his previous life's knowledge, there are some strange existences, and mentioning them may attract the attention of strange existences.

"Okay, then let's go."


One person and one hedgehog left in a hurry, and in worry and solemnity, they quickly ran towards the mouth of the valley.

But while running, Li Xuan suddenly found that he was running into the valley, and Li Xuan even saw the stone tablet standing on the grass again.

The point is that the portrait of the woman on the stele has become larger, occupying more of the stele, about one-third, and the woman in the portrait has become clearly visible.

Li Xuan was far away from the stele, but on the stele, he could clearly see those strange dark eyes staring at him.

Boom boom boom!

The billowing flames were steaming, and a strong burning sensation came to Li Xuan's heart. He found that his skin was being burned, burning towards dryness.

The picture in front of him changed again, and Li Xuan woke up again and found himself in flames again, and the strong flames had burned his body.

Li Xuan turned his head and looked to the side, and found that the little hedgehog was looking at him worriedly, and they were still two-thirds away from the mouth of the valley.

Li Xuan didn't mean to blame the little hedgehog, but said gratefully: "Go! Let's run out of the I have a hunch that it will be safe to run out of the valley."

Li Xuan said, and continued to run with the little hedgehog, but the more they ran, the slower they went, as if they were being dragged behind them.

Suddenly, Li Xuan found that he couldn't move, his legs were directly imprisoned by something, unable to move at all.

Out of the corner of Li Xuan's eyes, he found that his legs were being held tightly by two slender hands, pulling them back.

The sense of horror became stronger and stronger, Li Xuan felt that his shoulder was patted, and the faint breath of heat brushed on his neck.

As the heat passed by, Li Xuan had more and more age spots on his body, and the smell of decay became stronger and stronger, and even all his abilities could not be used.

"Take me away, fast!"

Li Xuan felt that the situation was getting worse and worse, and hurriedly shouted and looked at the little hedgehog next to him, urging it to take him away.


The size of the little hedgehog suddenly became larger, and it expanded to the size of an armored vehicle. Then the little hedgehog hugged Li Xuan's body and rushed towards the valley entrance with all his strength.

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