The little hedgehog is very fast, rushing to the valley near the mouth like a galloping sports car, but as it runs, more things pull the little hedgehog.

This pulling feeling is getting stronger and stronger, more and more terrifying, like a spring that is getting tighter and tighter.

When the little hedgehog rushed to the mouth of the valley, it couldn't move anymore. No matter how hard it rushed out, it couldn't move any further.

It could only lean forward, stop in place, and try not to be pulled back.

The little hedgehog also had a premonition of the trouble. It felt that something was grabbing it on the thorns on its back, and there was something grabbing on almost every thorn between the thorns.

Even its feet were grabbed, and it was pulling back frantically.

The fog did not know when it began to permeate the valley. In addition to blocking the line of sight, it also blocked all detection capabilities.

Li Xuan and the little hedgehog, who were at the mouth of the valley, were in a very bad state, their vitality was passing by rapidly, and the smell of decay was getting stronger and stronger.

Especially Li Xuan.

His condition is very bad, with age spots all over his body, his breathing has become inaudible, and his eyes have become cloudy.

His consciousness gradually subsided, his soul trembled slightly, and there was a faint pale hand grasping his soul, trying to pull his soul away.

The two sides were temporarily stalemate at the mouth of the valley, unable to take a step forward, and did not want to take a step back.

With the passing of vitality, the situation of Li Xuan and the little hedgehog is getting worse and worse.

"My strength and vitality are rapidly diminishing and we are in big trouble."

The little hedgehog's voice was hoarse, and the rapid decrease in vitality made it, like Li Xuan, march toward old age.

It can feel that death is coming soon, and it wants to take Li Xuan away as soon as possible, but unfortunately it can't do it, and the terrifying pulling feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

The little hedgehog could faintly see that there were countless arms grabbing it and pulling it into the valley.

"Are you going to die?"

Despair rose in the little hedgehog's heart. Looking at the dense hands, the little hedgehog realized that he couldn't leave. If he continued, he and Li Xuan would die here.

Taking a deep breath, the little hedgehog felt decisive, its two small claws grasped Li Xuan's body tightly.


It suddenly threw Li Xuan out of the valley, and with all its strength, it threw Li Xuan out of the valley.

The little hedgehog was so powerful that he threw Li Xuan out a dozen meters away in an instant, left the valley, and fell outside the valley.

Bang bang bang!

Pale hands stretched out from the fog, like long snakes, grabbing Li Xuan outside the valley, trying to grab Li Xuan back.

But the moment those hands left the valley, they suddenly collapsed. It seemed that some shackles affected those hands, preventing them from leaving the valley.


Those hands didn't stick out of the valley anymore, but like ordinary dense snakes, they gradually enveloped the little hedgehog, wrapped the little hedgehog, and grabbed the mist in the valley.

"Li Xuan, help me kill the ruler of the middle-level danger zone and avenge my parents! Please."

The little hedgehog, whose whole body was wrapped in pale hands, only had time to shout the last sentence, and was caught by the densely packed hands into the depths of the valley.

outside the valley.

Li Xuan lay motionless on the ground, his cloudy eyes watching the little hedgehog entangled in dense hands, dragged into the valley little by little, into the mist.

Li Xuan's mood was very heavy, and decadence rose in his heart for the first time, just because he couldn't mobilize a bit of strength now, and he couldn't even move a bit.

He could only watch the little hedgehog helplessly, and in desperation he was pulled into the fog, "Why is this happening, why is this happening!"

Li Xuan looked at the little hedgehog who was getting farther and farther, and looked at the desperate little hedgehog, Li Xuan was silent, and the confidence in his heart was shattered at this moment.

Qin Yue's world.

Blackrock City, the City Lord's Mansion.

The sleeping Qin Yue suddenly opened her eyes and sat up abruptly, her dark eyes turned golden.

"I heard brother Li Xuan's cry in his heart, he needs help, but then my strength can't help him in that world unless..."

Qin Yue took out the small porcelain bottle and looked at the remaining two drops of blood in the small porcelain bottle, thinking of Grandpa Tian's advice and the requirement to only take one drop a month.

Qin Yue knew that after taking three drops of blood in a short time, she would suffer a strong backlash, but she couldn't care about the backlash, because Li Xuan, who she didn't want to watch, cried.

Without hesitation, Qin Yue swallowed two drops of blood in one gulp, and in an instant, terrifying power surged from Qin Yue's body and spread violently towards the outside world.

The power in the blood is too powerful, it is the unknown blood, the mysterious blood that can even affect the space.

How could the delicate little Qin Yue endure this terrifying force, and soon cracks appeared on her skin, which were densely innumerable.

At this moment, she was like a broken porcelain doll, with terrifying power spreading from the cracks, but she was desperate, and the whole person disappeared suddenly in the vast power.

God's Domain.

Valley mouth.

In front of Li Xuan, who fell to the ground, Qin Yue's figure suddenly appeared. She was still so petite and cute.

But there were more and more cracks on her skin, and more and more terrifying power escaped along the gaps in the skin.

A knife suddenly appeared in Qin Yuexiao's hands. It was a long energy knife, composed of unknown pure energy.

I saw that she slashed at the valley with a knife, and the world-destroying sword light slashed the sky, slashed the darkness, slashed everything, fell from the sky, and slashed into the valley.


Earthquakes trembled, trees flew, and endless light enveloped the valley, dispelling all fog and darkness in the valley.

With the loud noise, the strange stone tablet in the valley collapsed directly, and it vanished into nothing in the scream.

next moment.

Qin Yue disappeared, disappeared into the world of God's Domain.


A sigh came from the depths of the Divine Realm world.

That is the most dangerous and terrifying place in the world of God's Domain. It is an area that even the ancient gods fear, and it is also a terrifying existence that retreats into the abyss.

After sighing, a sentence followed, "That is my blood, she is my descendant! Silly child!"

Valley mouth.

The little hedgehog came out of the valley, dirty all over, with a dazed look in the small eyes of his brain, obviously a little confused.

It walked quickly to Li Xuan's side, hurriedly picked up Li Xuan and left, asking while walking.

"Li Xuan, what happened just now? What's the light? My level has risen to 10 levels in a row. What's going on?"

The little hedgehog didn't understand what was going on at all, just like a silly hedgehog.

But Li Xuan didn't answer it, just kept silent, staring blankly at the place where Qin Yue disappeared.

Soon after.

The little hedgehog rushed to Nancy's territory with Li Xuan, and shocked Nancy in the territory.

"Quick, help Li Xuan change jobs, he's dying!"

The little hedgehog's armored car-like body rushed into Nancy's territory, directly smashing the protective light door.


Lord Nancy nodded immediately, fearing the strength of the little hedgehog in her heart, but after seeing Li Xuan, she felt relieved, and immediately took out the quaint token to help Li Xuan change jobs.


Colorful brilliance Li Xuan's whole body is bathed in the colorful ocean, and the whole person begins to transform from the inside out.

Ka Ka Ka!

Li Xuan's body began to collapse, and the endless colorful brilliance reshaped his soul, reshaped his body, and completely transformed him.

[Hint: The transfer is successful and you will be promoted to become a hero. 】

"Congratulations Li Xuan, congratulations on becoming a hero." Lord Nancy congratulated Li Xuan, who was standing quietly.


Li Xuan didn't check his status, but opened his personal space and dumped a lot of supplies on the ground.

"I'm leaving. I don't know if I can come back in the future. Little Hedgehog, take care of Nancy's territory."

Li Xuan was in a hurry to go back to see Qin Yue. After the job transfer was completed and the soul reached the holy level, Li Xuan took out the supplies as soon as possible, which was regarded as repayment of Nancy's kindness.

As for the little hedgehog's kindness, Li Xuan can only report it later, he must leave, and he must see Qin Yue's situation as soon as possible.

"Goodbye everyone!"

Li Xuan waved goodbye, and the soul broke away from the body and began to return to the world of summoned beasts.

Global Reincarnation: Becoming a God from Infinite Resurrection https://

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