Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 439: The Palace of the Gods May Be Split


Li Xuan found that the mark had the function of taking pictures, and there was a piece of video information sealed in it.

Li Xuan remembered the origin of this knife. It was the weapon of Qin Buhui, the guardian of the Qin Kingdom. She threw the weapon from the air at that time.

Li Xuan later investigated Qin Buhui's intelligence and learned some of her information, but only knew that she was the guardian of the Qin state, was severely injured by the emperor, and later knelt to death in front of the tombstone.

As for the image imprint left by such a person, Li Xuan naturally wants to check it to prevent leaving bad information. After all, if Qin Yue is to use this long knife again, Li Xuan must be careful.

Out of curiosity, Li Xuan's holy thoughts directly passed through the mark and began to investigate.

After the strength reached the holy level, Li Xuan saw the hidden picture in the mark at a glance, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

"It turned out to be like this, how could it be!"

Li Xuan was in shock and doubted the authenticity of the photographic imprint.

The information on the photo imprint is about Qin Yue's life experience. It says that Qin Yue's identity is very special. He is a descendant of the Qin Dynasty's royal family and has a very special bloodline.

Of course, there are other information, and Li Xuan has some doubts, mainly because it is too mysterious.

"It seems that we need to find a time to go to the Qin royal family to investigate the authenticity of the matter and see what happened."

Li Xuan muttered secretly, withdrew his holy thoughts and silently watched Qin Yue wake up.

After a long time.

The sleeping Qin Yue moved, her long eyelashes twitched, she slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the wooden roof in a dazed way.

As if feeling something, Qin Yue turned her head slightly, just in time to see Li Xuan's handsome face.

Feeling that her little hand was being held, Qin Yue felt warm in her heart and said softly. "Husband, you are back."

"Well, I'm back."

Li Xuan's cheek was next to Qin Yue's soft little hand, and he said with some blame and some distress: "I don't want to see you hurt again."


Qin Yue sat up slowly and looked at Li Xuan apologetically, not because she did something wrong, but because she felt sorry for causing Li Xuan to worry.


Li Xuan sighed deeply, hugged Qin Yue's body in his arms, and said softly.

"I will stay by your side to take care of you for a while until the power in your body is completely stabilized."


When Qin Yue heard that Li Xuan was going to stay for a while, she raised her head with joy, and looked at Li Xuan with surprise and big eyes.

"Of course, I'll cook something delicious for you." Li Xuan smiled softly.

"Hmm, I want to eat braised pork." Qin Yue looked like a greedy cat.

"Okay, I'll make braised pork for you."



The two chatted softly, talking about what happened in these days, and quietly enjoying the two-person world.

Qingyun City.

Ye Fan's City Lord's Mansion.

With a little black cat lying on his shoulders, Ye Fan sat solemnly on the main seat of the conference hall, holding two pieces of information and watching carefully, his brows became tighter and tighter.

"Liu, is the news of these two pieces of information confirmed? Is there really no one on the third basement floor of the Palace of God?"

"Yes, Lord City Lord, our people entered the Palace of God and explored the environment on the third underground floor. No one really saw it, only blood everywhere.

If we weren't worried about the danger behind, our people might go to the fourth underground floor of the Palace of God. "Little Sixty said with certainty.

"It turned out to be like this! Strange, what happened in the Palace of God?"

Ye Fan frowned, unable to figure out what was going on, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at his shoulder.

"Master Cat, can you use your probing ability to look at the Palace of God, there were so many witch giants last time, how come there are no more now?"

"I can't watch it now. The last time I was attacked by the emperor, my detection ability was backfired. It will take a while to recover." The little black cat shook his head.

"That's it, okay, I'll send someone to investigate again."

Ye Fan is still very afraid of the God's Palace, not to mention so many terrifying witch giants, just the three generals under the God Sovereign are very terrifying.

For example, squinting, that is the legendary semi-sage, who can destroy all the rebels by himself.

If it wasn't for squinting, both righteous and evil, and letting them go, Ye Fan felt that he would have been finished long ago.

In addition to squinting, there are two other generals who are stronger, which are all dreadful existences.

To be honest, Ye Fan felt that he and others could survive, most likely because of his squinting. If he squinted, he expressed his desire to destroy the resistance army.

Then all the rebels will be destroyed, and there will be no survivors.

"Master Cat, if you squint your eyes, will you be against the Emperor? Why do I think he seems to be protecting us?" Ye Fan suddenly asked a strange question.


The little black cat pondered slightly, and through the information investigated during this period of time, he also felt that the rebels were able to survive, and it was completely the generosity of the Palace of God.

After all, Ye Fan was the strongest in the rebel army, but Ye Fan was not even at the gold level.

Such a weak strength, compared with the Palace of God, is simply the gap between an ant and a giant dragon.

So the little black cat sighed and said, "I also have this feeling, maybe there is a division within the palace of God, and there are strong people who tend to help humans."

"If this is the case, then it makes sense, otherwise we would have been wiped out long ago. In this way, we will investigate and investigate the interior of the Palace of God,

See who is sheltering us, squinting, or other human powerhouses. ' Ye Fan suggested.

"Well, first send someone to slowly investigate the Palace of God, and see how many floors there are underground. Let them be careful." The little black cat thought for a while.


Ye Fan nodded and began to give instructions to Xiao Liu, arranging for people to go to the Palace of God to investigate.

the other side.

Monk Ku, the leader of the second largest resistance army, also received similar information, and began to arrange personnel to investigate the Palace of God.

Not only the rebels, but the major surviving countries are all in action to investigate the information of the Palace of God to see what happened in the Palace of God.

three days later.

Blackrock City.

Li Xuan hugged Qin Yue and leaned on the reclining chair. The two of them were on the swaying reclining chair, quietly looking at the blue sky, blowing a faint cool breeze, smelling the strong fragrance of flowers, and enjoying the two-person world.

Qin Yue's body is getting better and better, except for the occasional burst of power in the body, there is nothing else, the whole person can't be better.

Looking at Qin Yue who is cute and cute around him, Li Xuan's mood is getting better and better, UU reading www. is just curious about Qin Yue's life experience.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?" Qin Yue asked softly, her little head resting on Li Xuan's arms and motionless.

"It's about your life experience. I learned some information." Li Xuan said truthfully.

"Life experience? Is it Grandpa Tian?" Qin Yue asked in a daze.

"No, but I will also investigate this grandfather. This person must be very unusual. Those three drops of blood are too extraordinary." Li Xuan said seriously.

"Well, those three drops of blood are really scary." Qin Yue whispered and leaned into Li Xuan's arms.

"In this way, I will go to the Palace of God to investigate. You call me as soon as you have something. I can feel it." Li Xuan suggested.

"Well, you go, come back early." Qin Yue clenched Li Xuan's right hand and said reluctantly.

"Don't worry, your husband, I am a saint-level powerhouse, an ordinary half-sage, I can destroy it with a flick of my finger."

Li Xuan smiled gently, raised his hand and squeezed Qin Yue's smooth little face, his body was in an illusion, and disappeared into the void.

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