Qin Huangcheng.

This is the most prosperous city in the Qin state. There are many royal nobles and children of high officials. If it weren't for the massacre many years ago, this place would be even more lively.

That slaughter was a slaughter of the children of the royal family. It was done by the emperor himself. The entire descendants of the imperial family were almost killed, and even Qin Buhui was severely injured and left by the emperor.

Soon after, Qin Bugui returned after destroying the mutant beast's lair, and died alone in front of the royal tombstone. The ending can be described as desolate to the extreme.

Later, the Qin state had no one in power for a long time, and the state of Qin was seen to be falling apart.

An old prince who had no descendants, did not want to see the Qin state falling apart, and he was under the enormous pressure that he might be beheaded by the emperor.

He took over the throne abruptly and became the new emperor of Qin, managing the country for more than ten years.

Qin State has not developed very well in these years, even a little backward, but at least Qin State is still alive, but this old prince is too old to support this country.

Under such circumstances, Li Xuan came to Qinhuangcheng, walked step by step on the street, checked the human geography, and learned about the culture here.

Occasionally he would go to the tavern to listen to people chatting, go to Baixiaolou to buy news, and sneak into the Qinhuangcheng Palace to check the news.

After Li Xuan learned of important news, he came to the Palace of God without hesitation, and found terrible news from a lame old woman.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

At this time, Li Xuan was no longer in the Qin country, but was standing in the desert filled with yellow sand. In the roaring wind, God's perspective scanned the dark desert area in the center of the desert.

The underground of this dark desert is a ninety-nine-story underground city. Its name is the City of Hope.

This city is extremely huge, and there is a huge amount of materials hoarded in the city. There are also underground plants like mushrooms that can be used for food.

There are also magical filtering fruit subtrees, water collection equipment, and many plants that can survive for a long time. Various facilities are prepared to the extreme.

Li Xuan looked at the city from the perspective of God, looking at a famous soldier in the palace of the gods in the city, Li Xuan's mood was agitated, and he could not calm down his emotions for a while.

"No wonder, no wonder Qin Yue always receives all kinds of care, even if she swallows those three drops of blood and her body is about to collapse, there is still a mysterious power to protect her,

It turned out that Fang Tiandi was taking care of her, and the reason was that Fang Tiandi was repaying her kindness. This kindness is really a big kindness. "

Li Xuan sighed, and continued to scan the huge City of Hope with complicated eyes. He saw the soldiers of the Palace of God in the city, and looked at their young faces.

These soldiers are all talented warriors, with very good training aptitude, and many resources are open for them to supply their crazy practice.

But Li Xuan found that deep despair was hidden in the eyes of these talented warriors.

"They see no hope!"

Li Xuan sighed, not knowing what to say, let alone how to explain this to Qin Yue.

"Go back and tell her, sooner or later!"

Li Xuan's body fled into the void and disappeared in the yellow desert, only the gradually disappearing footprints in the desert indicated that he had come.

God's Palace.

At this moment, the Palace of God has been in ruins, and the ruins are everywhere. The blood that had been surrounding the Palace of God all the year round disappeared, and tender grass and green leaves grew again on the ground.

beyond the ruins.

Ye Fan, the little black cat, and the bitter monk brought many soldiers and solemnly looked at the Palace of God, preparing to enter the passage of the Palace of God to investigate intelligence.

In the past seven days, they have detected a lot of information, and the exploration team has also penetrated into the ninety-eighth floor of the Palace of God.

Then on the ninety-eighth floor, I found a lame old woman. Except for this old woman, I never saw anyone from the 1st to the 98th floor of the Palace of God.

After encountering the lame old woman, the old woman showed a terrible strength, a power called domain, which was released by the old woman.

The expedition team was terrified and stopped on the spot, and then the expedition team was released in horror, but they also brought back a worrying news.

The news is that the old woman asked Ye Fan, the bitter monk, and Qin Yue to go to the Palace of God, otherwise the lame mother-in-law would come to visit in person.

Faced with such a terrifying lame mother-in-law, Ye Fan and the bitter monk considered again and again, but finally came.

There is no way, the powerhouses who own the domain are saint-level powerhouses, and they are truly peerless overhauls.

Seeing the lack of Qin Yue's team in the coming team, the bitter monk looked at Ye Fan and asked with a hint of inquiries.

"Qin Yue didn't reply to our message. I wonder if she would dare to come?"

"It should come. The lame mother-in-law is the strongest existence among the three generals of the emperor. The little black cat said that the lame mother-in-law has reached the holy level, angering her, and the consequences are very serious." Ye Fan said solemnly.

"Yeah! The consequences are really serious!"

The bitter monk sighed deeply, feeling the more he tried to improve, the more desperate he felt.

The power of the Divine Palace is too strong. The more they understand, the more they can feel the power of the Divine Palace. This kind of power is simply desperate to the extreme.

"Let's go, if the lame mother-in-law wants to kill us, there is no need to be so troublesome, all we can do is find a glimmer of hope."

Ye Fan smiled bitterly, hugged the little black cat, and walked into the basement floor of the Palace of God with five loyal subordinates.

"Yeah, if the saint wants to kill me, you just need to take a breath."

The bitter monk was helpless, and also took his subordinates into the palace of God, and walked to the ninety-eighth floor layer by layer.

The Palace of God is too big, like an underground fortress, with various war facilities everywhere, and almost every floor is like a battlefield, which is frightening to watch.

Everyone walked down the steps, sniffing the **** smell in the air, looking at the mottled dark red blood on the ground and the dense scratches on the walls.

Everyone always has a feeling of being on the battlefield, full of tension and slaughter atmosphere.

"Murderous, deadly, and the soldier's will to fight, it's an incredible place. What the **** happened here?"

The little black cat's mood was very solemn, and the cat's eyes glanced around, flashing light from time to time.

"That lame mother-in-law must know everything~www.readwn.com~ should have told us, otherwise we won't be allowed to come."

Ye Fan analyzed some of the details, and felt that the deeper he went, the closer he felt to the truth.

"There are so many traps here, many of which I can't see. Fortunately, it is closed, otherwise we would have died early."

The little black cat jumped to Ye Fan's shoulder, and carefully probed the surroundings, and found that there were many holes in the wall, and there were faintly sharp barbs hidden in the holes, which could strike out at any time to attack the enemy.

In addition to the holes on the walls, the little black cat also found that the roof of each floor, as well as the ground under his feet, also concealed various holes.

These holes are densely packed, and every place is frightening, and even the opened doors have all kinds of sharp spikes.

These spikes are more than a meter long and extremely sharp, and if they are not good, they may be pierced.

In addition to these, there are many war tools on the ground, and some tools are even poisoned.

Looking at such a palace of the gods, the little black cat felt that the entire palace of gods was a ferocious fighting machine.

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