Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 441: Abyssal Giants in the Palace of the Gods

This also made the little black cat more and more dignified, and felt more and more that the Palace of God was hiding a big secret.

"The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger. I smell the abyss. Could it be that the emperor has something to do with the abyss?" The little black cat's expression finally changed.

"No... no?" Ye Fan was shocked.

You must know that the abyss is the source of evil. If the emperor is really related to the abyss, he is definitely a great traitor to mankind, and it will also bring endless despair to mankind.

"I don't know, but I smell the smell of the abyss, and it's getting stronger and stronger. I will never forget that sinful smell." The little black cat explained seriously.


Ye Fan, Venerable Ku and the others looked more and more solemn. They walked forward step by step with their whole body on guard. They finally came to the fiftieth floor and saw a scene that made them stunned.

I saw that in the center of the God's Palace on the 50th floor was a huge laboratory, which was filled with various experimental devices, and various instruments were placed everywhere.

The key is that in many research tools, many creatures are sealed. These creatures look distorted, weird, and ugly, and the aura they emit is all abyss.

One of them, a five-meter-tall giant, attracted everyone's attention. The giant was strong and strong, his muscles were knotted, and his face was full of flesh.

Just standing there, it gives people a feeling of trepidation, and the weak will feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"It was actually used for research, this is a gold-level abyss giant!" The little black cat said solemnly.

"Abyss giant? Isn't it a witch giant?"

Ye Fan was puzzled. He had seen a picture of transforming a human into a witch giant in the picture before.

The size of the witch giant is similar to that of the abyss giant, and the same muscles and knots look very similar.

"However, the breath of the witch giant is the breath of life, and the strength is mostly silver-level, half-step gold-level, and there are very few gold-level powerhouses.

The breath of this giant is a disgusting abyss breath. It is the most orthodox abyss giant. As long as these abyss giants are adults, they have gold-level strength.

Therefore, the abyss giant is much stronger than the witch giant, and it is not a race at all. "The little black cat solemnly explained.

"So that's the case, why are there abyss giants here? Is it because the abyss giants were recruited to conduct experiments in order to study the witch giants?" Ye Fan made a bold guess.

"I don't know, but the witch giant and the abyss giant do have something in common. The God Emperor may cooperate with the abyss in order to become a god, get the abyss giant, and then create the witch giant..."

The little black cat felt more and more that the emperor was doing things to become gods, but he always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't be sure what was going on for a while.

"Let's move on, there must be more information on the next floor," suggested Monk Ku.


Everyone continued to move forward, and walked quickly along the 50th floor.

Because the aura emanating from this abyss giant is too strong, all the people present, except for the little black cat, feel heavy and sluggish.

Some people were even under terrifying pressure, walking with difficulty and looking pale. Even Ye Fan and Venerable Ku felt like they were being pressed by a big mountain and felt very heavy.

"The aura emanating from the gold level is too terrifying. Under such aura, our walking is affected." The bitter monk sighed helplessly.

"This is for sure, the gold level and the silver level are a huge watershed, and there is already a difference in the level of life, which is equivalent to the difference between a higher life form and a lower life form.

Therefore, in the face of the gold level, the crowd tactics have no effect at all, and can only be faced with the gold level, alas! Your strength is too weak. "

The little black cat glanced at Ye Fan and the bitter monk, and sighed helplessly when he thought of the strength of all countries in the world.

Since the death of Qin Buhui, the guardian of the Qin Kingdom, the world has hardly seen the gold rank. Even if there is a gold rank, they are organized by the Palace of Gods, the Sect of Gods and the Evil Energy.

In the face of these three powerful organizations, the combined strength of human beings cannot beat a gold level, which is the most desperate little black cat.

Fortunately, the Sect of the Gods and the Evil Energy Organization fought to the death.

Now that there is a problem in the Palace of God, the little black cat feels that the human beings in this world are really lucky to have survived until now.

"do not move!"

The little black cat suddenly reminded everyone, and released a mysterious power to wrap everyone, and instantly everyone fell into a state of invisibility.

"What's the matter, Master Cat!"

Ye Fan asked in a low voice, not knowing what happened.

"Look at the abyss giant, it's awake!" The little black cat reminded faintly.


Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and hurriedly looked up at the abyss giant, found that its eyes moved slightly, and then opened them.

In an instant, the tyrannical aura suddenly rippled, and a palpitating power enveloped the entire fifty-story floor, and the entire space seemed to be tensed, looking solemn and depressing.

Ye Fan and the others were terrified when they saw this scene, and a sense of terrifying crisis enveloped them, making them extremely terrified.

But they tightly covered their mouths and did not dare to move at all. They stood there nervous and worried, hiding in the strange energy that shrouded them.

quite a while.

The abyss giant closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep, and the terrible pressure began to weaken.


Seeing this scene, everyone took a deep breath. At this time, everyone realized that they and others had been so scared that their backs were sweating.

"This pressure is too terrifying, is this the strength of gold level? Too strong." The bitter monk envied.

"Yeah, it can destroy you all by If it goes out, it can easily destroy more than a dozen countries. Now I understand how terrible the gold level is." The little black cat said.

"Understood, since the abyss giant is so dangerous, why did the Divine Palace bring such a terrifying existence? The key giant is left here, and not even one person can see it. This is too much." Someone couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, although I don't know what happened in the Palace of God, but if the abyss giant is not taken care of, something big will happen sooner or later." Monk Ku was equally solemn.

"Indeed, what should we do?" Ye Fan looked at the little black cat.

"What should I do? Of course, I'm going to the next floor. You can't even break a gold-level skin with your strength. How can you solve this giant?

If you want me to say, instead of thinking wildly here, you might as well find the lame grandmother and ask her to take action, and she can destroy this abyss giant with one finger. " said the little black cat.

"So strong?!" Someone exclaimed in horror.

You must know that they can't even break the gold-level skin, and as a result, such a terrible gold-level abyss giant, the lame mother-in-law can be killed with one finger.

Such a gap made them deeply feel the horror of the Palace of God.

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