
Li Xuan sighed deeply, patted Qin Yue's back with his right hand, comforted her with a warm voice, and calmed her sadness.

The Emperor of God was really doing his duty, only because of his promise to his wife, the Emperor of God willingly gave everything.

The emperor may not like this world, but he absolutely loves his wife deeply, and even Li Xuan admires that kind of persistence.

"I don't know if I can do it to this extent?"

Li Xuanmen asked himself, but couldn't find the answer. He didn't encounter such a desperate situation. Li Xuan really didn't know what choice he would make.

Gently hugging Qin Yue, Li Xuan frowned and pondered the next task, first of all, to destroy the remaining forces of the evil energy organization and drive out the stronghold of the evil **** sect.

Although the Evil God Sect also helped this world, without the shock of the God Emperor, they would definitely make crazy moves.

It's just that few people know about this now, and the God Emperor beheaded a demigod before he died. During this time, the Church of the Stupid God was very honest.

"Then destroy the evil energy organization first, and the Strange God Sect will talk about it later. I will find a way to continue to improve my strength. After all, the abyss will officially come in three years."

Li Xuan's face was solemn, and Li Xuan was also very worried about the disappearance of the light film that sealed the crack in the space after three years.

At that time, there may be a demigod again, the existence that people look up to.

A demigod, that is a power beyond the holy level, a realm after the great perfection of the holy level, and a terrifying existence with the power to control the sky and the earth.

Although Li Xuan has become a saint, he is only a saint, and there are several realms away from a demigod.

Facing such an enemy, Li Xuan felt enormous pressure.

Because one is not good, the world will suffer disaster.

Qin Yue, Song Xiaomei and the others will also suffer a death crisis. Li Xuan doesn't want to see anything happen to Qin Yue.

"Three years is enough. Taking advantage of these three years, I will reach a demigod as soon as possible."

Li Xuan said secretly, and he couldn't help thinking of the horror of the world of God's Domain. Even if Li Xuan thought about it now, he was afraid.

"After becoming a saint, my soul has undergone a huge transformation, so I will continue to reincarnate in the world of summoned beasts and gain a lot of talents.

After reincarnating a thousand times and obtaining a thousand talents, I will go to the world of God's Domain. At that time, the strong me will definitely be able to survive better in the world of God's Domain. "

Li Xuan secretly said that the beautiful warrior on the stone tablet last time made Li Xuan more and more cautious.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Yue felt the change in Li Xuan's mood, and asked with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay, I just thought of something."

Li Xuan embraced Qin Yue in his arms and looked at the sky quietly, looking at the traces of black gas hidden in the blue sky and white clouds, which was the pollution of the abyss world.

"By the way, let me take a look at the small porcelain bottle. This small porcelain bottle is from the world of God's Domain. It is definitely not simple." Li Xuan looked at Qin Yue in his arms.

"Hmm, here it is."

Qin Yue raised her fair little hand and handed the small porcelain bottle to Li Xuan obediently.

"Strange, what material is this?"

After Li Xuan took the small porcelain bottle, he found that the small porcelain bottle was a little heavy, which was completely different from the real porcelain bottle, and the small porcelain bottle could even affect the space, which was very strange.

Gently opening the small porcelain bottle, Li Xuan looked at the inside of the porcelain bottle, but did not find any characteristics. He only felt that this thing was not an ordinary item even in the world of God's Domain.

"I don't know, what step did the emperor explore at that time, and where did he get this small porcelain bottle, the middle danger zone? The deep danger zone? Or the core danger zone?"

Li Xuan muttered secretly, and handed the small porcelain bottle to Qin Yue again, secretly guessing everything.

"Husband, I'm going to break through again." Qin Yue suddenly spoke, her voice soft and waxy.

"So fast?" Li Xuan was surprised.

You must know that Qin Yue's improvement is too fast, and breaking through again will reach the top gold position, which is ridiculously fast.

"It's those three drops of blood, I am absorbing the power in the blood all the time, and my husband's feedback complements each other, so the improvement is very fast,

I can feel that these three drops of blood contain terrifying power, and now I have not absorbed even one percent of the energy of a drop of blood, and this blood also contains golden threads. "Qin Yue said seriously.

"You mean the divine light of gold? No way, didn't these three drops of blood come from the world of God's Domain? Wait, is it the blood left by the Patronus family in the world of God's Domain?"

Li Xuan thought that the world of God's Domain was once the first God's Realm, and the family of the patron saints must have been here.

Later, when the cataclysm occurred, the gods fled, and many things may not be taken away.

In this case, it makes sense that the blood contains the divine light of gold.

"You absorb it well and improve your strength as soon as possible. You still need to face the abyss in three years. No one knows what kind of big crisis will be encountered by then." Li Xuan said solemnly.

"Well, I see."

Qin Yue nodded hurriedly, her little face full of seriousness.

In fact, she wanted to carry everything from her great grandfather and protect the world on her behalf, but she didn't dare to say it now.

Her strength is too weak, how dare she say it, so she decided to improve her strength as the next goal.

When she was strong enough, she dared to say this, and then dared to tell Li Xuan that she wanted to protect the world.

In this way~www.readwn.com~ The two arranged the next plan and prepared for the big crisis in the future.

the other side.

The ninety-ninth floor of the Palace of God.

After the lame mother-in-law finished telling everything, she looked at Ye Fan seriously.

"Ye Fan, I'm asking you a question now, whether to continue the witch giant plan, this question requires you to make a decision next.

If you implement it, you will have to bear the corresponding infamy, because the abyss invasion must not be announced, and that will only lead to chaos in the world. "


Ye Fan was a little panicked at the moment, not knowing what to choose.

To be honest, he really doesn't have the courage of a **** emperor, and he can't ignore all infamy like a **** emperor.

You must know that no matter which city in the outside world, there are people secretly scolding the Emperor, and most of the population of the city hates the Emperor.

If Ye Fan took over this infamy, he was really afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

"There are still three years left, you can think about it carefully, and let me know when you have decided. That's it."

The lame mother-in-law left a message, limped away, and walked towards the hut next to her.

This is actually her final test for Ye Fan. The real guardians don't care about infamy at all, they are willing to bear everything.

Time passed, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Inside the Fel Valley.

In a huge altar, dozens of members of the fel energy organization with round and fat bodies gathered together with a solemn expression, discussing the recent events.

"That fierce man appeared again, and destroyed twelve of our strongholds overnight. All the members were beheaded, and even the Gold Rank couldn't bear his finger."

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