"Yeah, Commander Gao practiced the evil god's hegemony body, and his strength reached the top of gold, but he was kicked to death by that fierce man, hateful!"

"The strength of this fierce man is likely to be holy. We must ask for help, or if we continue, all our efforts will be in vain."

"It's all to blame for the Strange God Cult. They all told them that the Emperor of God was dead. As a result, they didn't believe it, and even killed our saint-level masters outside the realm."

"We must find a way to stop the Strange God Cult, otherwise, our holy level will not be able to infiltrate at all."

"Would you like to invite the phantom of the evil **** to come? With the phantom of the evil god, it can definitely kill that fierce man."

"It's useless, this fierce man has extraordinary strength. Last time, the evil spirit phantom made a move, but it didn't work."

Everyone talked a lot, and the more they said, the more ugly their faces were, and they couldn't think of a solution.

in the corner.

A slightly thin bald head said suspiciously.

"Who is the fierce man you are talking about? I just came back from Lanshan Continent, and I don't know the information here."

"The fierce Li Xuan, you don't even know this?" Everyone looked at the thin and bald head with contempt.

"The fierce Li Xuan?" The thin and bald head wondered.

"Yes, this guy is super terrifying. Whether it is spells or melee combat, he is too strong. The point is that he can summon dark creatures. Every time he swept past, it was extremely difficult to deal with."

A fat man in the crowd said depressedly, obviously suffering a big loss.

"Is even the dark world involved? Isn't the above agreement that the dark world will not interfere with the invasion of the abyss world?" The thin bald head asked puzzled.

"It's an agreement, but the summons are not counted, and now the major worlds are expanding, there is a chance to absorb the power of the world, who wants to stop?

That big terror is getting more and more greedy, and a bad world will collapse. If it wasn't for the big terror, how could our Heretic God world turn to the abyss world? "

"That is, more and more worlds are collapsing now, and even the weird world has been eaten by great terror,

What we can do is that the big fish eat the small fish, and then give the extra meat to the big terror,

That's how we can keep our world alive, alas, it's so hard. "

Everyone's faces were ugly, and they were talking about the secrets of the outside world, which also caused a slender figure in the corner to slowly narrow their eyes.

"What is it that is so terrifying? Don't you dare to provoke the abyss world?" The slender figure said lightly.

"I don't know, we only know that the Great Terror has a subordinate organization called Destroying the Clan. They have destroyed more than 9,360 worlds.

The abyss was also beaten by the extermination clan and dared not take the lead. If the extermination of the clan did not involve too much energy in the abyss, this world would have been flattened long ago. "A black-faced fat man said coldly.

"Destroy the family? A special race? The abyss that can be beaten dare not emerge," said the slender figure in the corner again.

"The extermination clan is super strong, they are not limited by race, anyone can become the extermination clan,

By the way, they like to turn themselves into stone tablets, and they like to leave portraits on stone tablets,

If you encounter a family that destroys the world, you must be careful, the older the other party, the more dangerous it is.

If we encounter a baby, we can only escape the catastrophe. Those old people are said to have destroyed even the gods. "

The black-faced fat man gave a solemn exhortation, and suddenly he felt something was wrong, and suddenly turned his head to look at the corner, towards the slender figure.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?" The black-faced fat man said hurriedly.

"The portrait of the stone tablet, it turns out that it is the extermination of the family."

The slender figure suddenly realized, his body slowly transformed, and finally he turned into a handsome, handsome young man.

"Hello everyone, Li Xuan, I am here to send you to death."

Li Xuan said lightly, and snapped his fingers lightly with his right hand.


A circle of strange blood-colored fields suddenly expanded, instantly covering the entire valley, covering everyone, and turning the environment of the scene into a blood-colored purgatory.

"It's the fierce man Li Xuan, run, run!!" The black-faced fat man hurriedly shouted, and rushed into the distance for the first time.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, big blood-colored hands suddenly stretched out from the underground blood-colored field, grabbed a fat man like a hungry ghost, and pulled them into the blood-colored field, melting them little by little.

"Scorching sun!"

The black-faced fat man who flew into the air raised his hands high, and a scorching hot sun formed on his hands, bursting out a rolling heat wave that swept the four directions.

"Demon, die!"

The black-faced fat man slammed his hands down sharply, smashing hard at Li Xuan in the center of the field. .


Li Xuan raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "The followers of the evil gods call me a demon, ridiculous!"

"Cthulhu believers? Fart, we believe in the sun god, the patron saint who guards our entire world,

You have a **** emperor to protect the world, and we have to use our own strength to protect our own world. What qualifications do you have to call the gods we fear as evil gods? "

The black-faced fat man said loudly, and the scorching sun swept down, like the top of Mount Tai, slamming towards Li Xuan.

boom! !

The terrifying scorching sun shook the heaven and the earth, and it slammed on Li Xuan with a mighty power like the sky.


A hand flicked the terrifying scorching sun lightly, and the scorching sun suddenly dissipated, turning into nothingness like a bubble.

"It's too weak, but I have some interest in your sun god, let's talk about it."

Li Xuan said lightly, the dense blood-colored big hands grabbed the black-faced fat man, and gradually pulled him over~www.readwn.com~ The abominable demon, who wants to snoop on our information, I will never say it, burst! "


Cracks appeared in the black-faced fat man's body, which quickly began to expand, become round, and then burst open with a bang.

"Pretty sturdy!"

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, and his **** big hands grabbed one fat man after another, trying to get more news through them.

To Li Xuan's surprise, all of these people chose to self-destruct and refused to reveal a word.

Finally, in the corner, Li Xuan brought a crocodile man and asked in a cold voice, "You want to blow yourself up too?"

"No... I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, I'm just a mercenary, I'm from the crocodile world, I'm not from the sun **** world." The crocodile man hurriedly explained.

"Mercenaries? Then tell me about these fat guys, they have aroused my curiosity." Li Xuan said lightly.

"Okay, they are the sun tribe, they believe in the sun god, after the great disaster, they united the moon god, the star god, the galaxy god, the universe god, the Mora god...

Formed an organization of gods and began to invade other worlds and absorb the power of the world. This behavior is naturally the behavior of the evil gods in your opinion, but they themselves do not think so,

Of course, their behavior is too vicious, and absorbing other people's talents is really abhorrent, so the name of the evil **** is not wrong. "

The crocodile hurriedly explained, afraid that Li Xuan would kill it.

"Hehe, it's just self-beautification. To put it bluntly, it's hypocrisy."

Li Xuan sneered, and suddenly lost interest in understanding the world of the sun god, and instead asked about the big terror.

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