"What is the big terror you just said? Tell me about it." Li Xuan said coldly.

"I'm not sure what it is, rumors say that the great terror is formed by two super powers, the strongest guardian deity in the world of Gods and the strongest demon in the abyss.

Later, for unknown reasons, the two powerhouses merged into a big terror, and swallowed the strange world, gaining strange characteristics.

The great terror also occupied the center of the God's Domain world, spawning a bunch of annihilation clans, which is very terrifying. ' explained the Crocodile Man hastily.

"It is rumored that two super-powerhouses fought and destroyed many worlds. Is that the big horror you just said?" Li Xuan couldn't help asking when he thought of the rumors of the summoned beast world.

"Yes, it's the great horror you said, the two strong men fought and destroyed too many worlds, which caused all the disasters." The crocodile continued to explain.

"Oh? Why do I think the timing is wrong? Are you deceiving me?" Li Xuan's eyes were cold.

It was only a few years before they reincarnated in the Summoned Beast World, but Qin Yue World has been suffering from disasters for many years, and the timing is simply not right, so Li Xuan thinks this guy is lying.

"My lord, I was wronged. I didn't deceive. Although the information I know is not sure whether it is true or false, the rumors are caused by the battle between these two strong men."

The crocodile hurriedly explained, looking at Li Xuan in fear.

"Then tell me, why the time doesn't match!" Li Xuan asked again coldly.

"Sir, it should be like this, this world is a super universe, and there are countless worlds in the big universe.

For example, the world of the gods, the strange world, the abyss world, the sun **** world, the strange **** world, the summoned beast world, and many more worlds.

The battle position of the two super powerhouses is in the world of God's Domain. The aftermath of their battle spreads around, but it takes time to spread.

Some worlds experience the aftermath within 5 days, such as the strange world, some worlds take fifty years to experience the aftermath, and the further world may take hundreds of years.

In short, the aftermath of the battle is still spreading, and many worlds that have not been affected will also usher in a crisis.

Some super-distant worlds may not be affected until tens of thousands of years later, which is the reason for the asymmetry of time. "

The crocodile man explained in cold sweat, worried that he would be slapped to death by Li Xuan.

"So it is!"

Li Xuan suddenly realized that he probably understood the root of everything, and at the same time, he was a little more afraid of the world of God's Domain.

Originally, because of the strange stone tablet, he was very afraid of the world of God's Domain. Now that he knows that the stone tablet is an extermination of the world, and there is still great terror in the world of God's Domain, he is even more afraid of the world of God's Domain.

"God's Domain World."

Li Xuan sighed and said again: "Tell me about destroying the family, I need to know more information."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The crocodile man hurriedly explained, not daring to have any concealed explanation, and told all the information he knew.

It even told the information of the major forces in the universe one by one.

In short, Li Xuan listened to the whole day and night, and then listened to the general information.

"Yes, your performance is not bad. Next, I will give you a task to kill all the high-level mutant beasts in this world, and none of the mutant beasts above the black iron level can be left."

Li Xuan stared at the crocodile man coldly, raised his hand to condense a curse mark, and pressed it on the crocodile man's head.

"Yes! Yes! Your lord."

The crocodile's heart is desperate, it can feel the terrible mark on its forehead, but it does not dare to refuse, because refusal will immediately die.

It may take hundreds of years to kill the mutant beasts and complete the task given by Li Xuan, but at least he is still alive, so the crocodile man dared to refuse, and immediately agreed.

"Go away, it's best not to play tricks, otherwise the mark will activate and you will be burned together with your soul." Li Xuan warned again.

"Yes, yes, my lord, I will never play tricks, absolutely."

The crocodile man scrambling and crawling ran, panicked and ran all the way, and suffocated to kill the mutant beast jungle.

Also from this day.

This world has an extra tool person who kills mutant beasts. This killing will take hundreds of years. Of course, this is another story.

After Li Xuan dealt with the senior management of the evil energy organization, he continued to act, looking for their strongholds, killing them quickly, not letting them go.

After three full months of work, I finally pulled out the last stronghold of the fel organization, and finally solved the tumor of the fel organization perfectly.


Three days later, the evil energy organization infiltrated one saint, three half saints, and dozens of gold.

Such a lineup is very luxurious, but they encountered Li Xuan, who turned into a **** emperor.

Li Xuan, as a **** emperor, killed the infiltrators of these evil energy organizations, and only allowed them to escape two seriously injured Gold Rank.

From this day on, the fel energy organization has never sent anyone to infiltrate.

On the contrary, the sect of the gods is in the outer domain, attacking the evil energy organization more frantically, and the world is finally stable.

"Phew! I've finally stabilized for the time being."

Above the snow-capped snow-capped mountain, Li Xuan stood on the top of the mountain, stepping on the thick snow, looking into the distance in the icy cold wind.

He didn't want to be involved in this world, which would seriously hinder his improvement.

Now temporarily frighten the evil energy organization and the delusional religion~www.readwn.com~ Li Xuan can also develop a good wave.

"It's time to go, go to the summoned beast world as soon as possible, get more talents, and then go to the world of the gods and work hard towards the demigods."

Li Xuan made a decision, and the whole person dissipated like blue smoke. When he reappeared, he had come to Qin Yue's mansion and saw Qin Yue who was practicing.

The enemies of the three worlds have brought great pressure to Qin Yue. As soon as she has time, she will work hard to cultivate, and she will go all out to improve her strength. Fortunately, she will be able to support this world in the future.

In order to practice, she even handed over the Black Rock City to Song Xiaomei, and practiced hard all day. Only after Li Xuan came back, she would stop and silently accompany Li Xuan.


Li Xuan teleported to Qin Yue's side, hugged her slender waist, and said softly:

"I'm going to leave for a while. If something happens, contact me through a contract. As a saint, I can feel it."

"Well, you have to be careful and protect yourself."

Qin Yue slowly opened her eyes, leaned her little head on Li Xuan's shoulder, and looked at him reluctantly.

"You too, improve your strength."



The two stayed for a while, and Li Xuan finally left, and in the ripples of the void, he returned to the world of summoned beasts.

【Ding! You are dead, and you are now resurrected. 】

With the sound of the machine, Li Xuan's world turned from darkness to light, and he saw the desert that filled the sky.

"Desert spider? The talent is burrowing? What kind of garbage talent, if there is a talent for repairing space cracks, it would be great."

Li Xuan muttered secretly, very much wanted to obtain the talent to repair the cracks in space, and in this urgent thought, reincarnated again.

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