According to his previous reincarnation process, his thoughts can occasionally affect the reincarnation.

So every time he was reincarnated, he thought hard about repairing space cracks, or sealing space cracks.

【Ding! You are dead, and you are now resurrected. 】

【Ding! You are dead, and you are now resurrected. 】


The crazy resurrection and reincarnation began. With the powerful holy soul, Li Xuan ignored it and reincarnated a thousand times.

Basically, after being resurrected, he left his body and continued to reincarnate. It took a full ten days before he was completely reincarnated.

Summoned Beast World Heartland, Area 10!

Li Xuan stood quietly in the woods, the body of lava burning with flames, exuding scorching temperature.

This time, he reincarnated as a lava stone man.

It is also a guardian race living in District 10, and its goal is to protect the world of summoned beasts.

The strength of this race is tyrannical, and the adult lava giants already have gold-level strength.

It can be said that the lava clan should be the guardian clan.

Yet now.

Li Xuan looked at the scene of the continuous screaming and fighting on the steeple mountain outside the woods, he was surprised.

Because a group of winged, demon-like bull-hoof creatures are frantically fighting the lava clan.

The two sides fought very fiercely. No one retreated, but fought frantically, fighting and fighting in blood and flames.

Li Xuan could clearly see that a three-meter lava giant was waving a big fist crazily, hammering a demon with one head and two feet, carrying the demon and smashing the ground frantically, and the demon screamed.

But there are too many demons, and from time to time there are demons falling from the sky to join the battle.

Looking up, above the sky, a space vortex of flashing electric light continued to rotate in the air, exuding an inexplicable aura.

This is a temporary space vortex, which is forcibly opened up by the super strong. The strongest can only pass through the gold-level strong, and it will be closed after a period of time.

After these demons rushed in from the space vortex, some went to fight, and some carried strange things.

Tools, materials, black rune stones, space stones, these things are obviously prepared to create permanent space cracks.

"Do these abyss demons want to build permanent space cracks? It's really annoying. Even the summoned beast world has been invaded by the abyss, but they can't be successful.

If they kill all the creatures in the Summoned Beast World, I want to reincarnate, but I can't even find a corpse. "

Li Xuan twisted his neck and walked out of the forest step by step, towards Jianta Mountain, where the battle was taking place.


"The difficult lava stone people, you are just looking for your own way of death. You only have more than 1,000 people, and we have 100,000. You will surely die, hahaha!"

An unpleasant voice came from mid-air, a majestic abyss demon holding a skull, his voice twisted and roared, exuding a tyrannical aura.

This voice is very strange, like a thousand people talking at the same time, it is strange and harsh.

This abyss demon is the vanguard of this invasion, the leader of the skeleton demon.

"Kill all these stone men, kill!"

With the strange sound of the compound, a large number of demons rushed out of the space vortex, and they roared at the lava stone man one by one.

"Damn, everyone unite, hurry!"

The patriarch of the lava stone hurriedly urged, waved his big fist anxiously, and fought with a dozen demons, killing it in darkness.

In the face of an enemy a hundred times larger than one's own, the lava stone man suffered more and more casualties, and gradually became unsupported, and the signs of failure became more and more obvious.

The lava stone people have all seen this scene, fighting more frantically, trying to find hope of victory.

It's a pity that there are too many enemies. Facing the gold-level abyss demon of the same level, the lava stone man can't fight one hundred enemies at all. He can only fight and retreat in despair.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the Summoned Beast World to be so weak. Previously, the Lord Lord was concerned about the terribleness of the Summoned Beast World. Now it seems that it is just a garbage world, hahaha."

The skeleton demon commander laughed wildly, inciting his bat wings to look down at the earth and all the lava stone people in the air.

Also at this time.

A steel mantis suddenly appeared in midair, in front of the space crack, and then a white light appeared.


A huge explosion suddenly appeared, and a strong shock wave reverberated between the heavens and the earth, shaking large areas.

Everyone in the battle couldn't help but look in the direction of the space vortex and towards the explosion site.

Above the sky, the rich explosion gradually dissipated, and the space vortex in the thunder and lightning began to crack and collapse little by little in the terrifying big explosion.

The skeleton demon commander saw this scene, his pupils shrank sharply, and he shouted: "Damn, the space vortex is about to collapse, **** it!"


There was another loud noise.

The space vortex finally collapsed, and in the incredible eyes of the demons, it turned into nothing.

"Who is it? Who is it?!"

The skeleton demon commander roared in anger, his tyrannical eyes scanned the four directions, and soon saw Li Xuan walking slowly in the distance in the forest.

"It's you! It must be you! Kill him!"

Although he was not sure what was going on, the Skull Abyss commander still ordered the demons without hesitation to kill Li Sure enough, the gap between the gold level and the holy level cannot be made up by quantity. . "

Li Xuan said lightly, and his right hand suddenly hit the ground.

Corrosive Field!

The miserable green aperture suddenly spread, spreading to the feet of all the abyss demons in an instant, covering them.

In the next second, big green hands stretched out from the green halo, wrapped around and imprisoned the demons and pulled them downward.


Terrible corrosive power rippling.

The demons in the realm were quickly corroded, struggling frantically in fear and screams. In the end, in desperation, the demons were corroded little by little and turned into nothingness.

above the sky.

The skeleton demon's pupils saw this scene, the pupils shrank, the wings flashed rapidly, and they flew decisively into the distance.

Its speed is too fast, it seems to burn some kind of secret method, and it flies away directly.

Such a speed, if it is an ordinary lava stone man, it can't catch up at all.

But Li Xuan didn't care at all, but after killing all the demons on the scene, he snapped his fingers in the distance.


The lava rock people looked at Li Xuan gratefully, and did not understand why this companion was so powerful and why he snapped his fingers.

In the doubts of the stone man, an incredible scene appeared.

Just above the sky, among the thick clouds.

A huge black giant hand descended from the sky, like a pillar, with a terrifying power like the might of the sky.


With the loud noise of the sky, the black giant hand like a natural disaster shot the demon commander in flight to death on the spot, and smashed it to pieces in his despair and fear.

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