
Li Xuan indifferently swept over the lava stone people and smiled at the dull stone people.

In the next second, a circle of water ripples swayed behind Li Xuan, spreading out regularly, and Li Xuan's entire body slowly merged into the water ripples and disappeared completely.

In situ, only a group of lava stone people were left behind.

They looked at the corpses of demons everywhere, looked at the giant hands that were slowly dissipating in the sky, and smelled the strong smell of blood. They were dumbfounded and shocked.

After a long while, they finally recovered, and there were many horrified discussions.

"I didn't expect that Old Fite actually hides such a terrifying power. It's incredible!" The man with the lava stone exclaimed in horror.

"We've lived together for so long, and we don't even know that Old Fite is so terrifying and strong!"

"Yeah, the 100,000 abyss demons were killed by Old Fite in a short period of time. The point is that the giant hand is so terrifying, it's like the arm of a god."

"There is also a domain. I remember that only the holy level has a domain. So old Feite is a holy level powerhouse?"

Everyone said in disbelief, talking about the scene just now in shock, feeling like they were dreaming.

Everyone was very curious about this clan named Old Feite and wanted to know more about it.

However, Old Fate was very withdrawn and liked to live alone in the woods, so everyone didn't know much about Old Fate, but everyone looked at the old patriarch invariably.

Because the relationship between the old patriarch and the old Feite is very good, this morning, he went to visit the old Feite.

"It's not Old Fate. Old Fate died early in the morning. Before I came to remember to bury him, the abyss demon invaded."

The patriarch of the lava stone man said solemnly, and there was a faint glimpse in his eyes, as if he had guessed something.

"Old Fett is dead? So who is this? Why is it so powerful?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"This saint-level powerhouse should be a powerful presence in areas 1-3 in the central area. Old Fite should have been parasitized by this saint-level powerhouse. By the way, he saved us and repaid the kindness of the parasitic."

The lava stone patriarch continued to explain, and the flames around him flickered slightly.

"Districts 1-3? It turned out to be like this!"

When everyone heard this sentence, their expressions changed dramatically, and they did not dare to continue speaking.

It is really the 1-3 area of ​​the Summoned Beast World. It is too dangerous, and there are many powerful and strange beings hidden in it.

Sometimes, when everyone mentions the names of the strong people in the 1-3 area, they may be watched by those strong people, causing unpredictable consequences.

This kind of thing happened before. A gold-level Cloud Destroyer Clan member mentioned the strange existence in District 1, which caused the Cloud Destruction Clan member to collapse on the spot.

Even this kind of collapse is still contagious. The entire Cloud Extinguishing Clan completely exterminated their clan within half a month and disappeared forever in the Summoning Beast World.

At that time, many races tried to help, but they couldn't stop the infection, and they could only watch the extinction of this race.

Such a terrible area 1-3, the lava stone people naturally dare not provoke.

Now that everyone heard the words of the patriarch, they did not dare to continue speaking, and they all chose to remain silent.

But they were rescued. They were grateful and looked at Li Xuan's departure direction with complicated eyes. They wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to say it. They could only hide their gratitude in their hearts.

Canglang Lord District.

Li Xuan returned to his own territory and returned to his own territory.

At this time, the Canglang Territory was already thriving, and more and more outstanding humans appeared. For example, there were already thirteen Silver Rank in the Territory.

These humans are incomparable to Li Xuan, but according to their growth time, they are not bad compared to ordinary humans in Qin Yue world.

Li Xuan inspected the territory, seeing more and more aliens in the territory taking refuge, and seeing the various materials in the auction house, he nodded with satisfaction.

"I have no shortage of low-level materials now. The materials provided by the territorial people are enough for everyone to consume, but the high-level materials are still a bit small.

There needs to be more powerful territorial citizens to join the territory, and then you won't have to worry about the material problem. "Li Xuan said and opened the data panel to check his properties.


Li Xuan: Lord of the Blue Wolf, 1.76 billion honor points

Master: Qin Yue, little fat man

Body: Golden Lava Stone Man

Soul: Holy lower rank

Domains: Dark Domain, Scarlet Domain, Poison Domain, Lightning Domain, Wind Domain...

Origin: Fire, water, wind, earth, thunder, wood, light, poison, ice, light, darkness, space and other origin control.

Talents: Hero Rule Talent, Reincarnation Pool, Psychic Power, God's View, Heroic Spiritualization, Mantis Puppet, Soul Hand, Treasure Hunt, Associated Saint Clothes, Void Wandering, Endless Life, Self-destruction, Seal....


"I'm getting stronger and stronger. Too many talents have led to quantitative changes and qualitative changes. Even if my level is lower than the holy level, I can still kill the same level with one blow.

As for the middle of the holy level, the upper level of the holy level, and the great perfection of the holy level, you need to fight to know. "

Li Xuan said quietly, his eyes swept across the attribute panel, looking at one tyrannical ability after another.

"There is still a gap between the field of light, the field of space, and other major fields. As long as I fill the field of light and space, I can integrate all fields~www.readwn.com~ Let the fields form a small world, toward the demigods. To move forward, of course, the soul needs to be elevated to a demigod." Li Xuan muttered to himself, with deep anticipation in his eyes.

At this stage, he can see the future very clearly, and already feels how to go next.

For example, a demigod is actually a super powerhouse with a small world.

It's just that the small world of demigods cannot exist in living beings, and it is a small world of dead silence.

If you want the dead little world of the demigods to accommodate living beings, you need to hold the throne high and achieve the kingdom of God, that is, the gods.

"My path is very smooth. The Canglang Territory can be used as the basis for becoming a **** and integrating into the kingdom of God. I still have space with me, which can play a vital role."

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with joy, after seeing the future road clearly, as long as he comprehends the field of light, the field of space, and the soul reaches the level.

You can use the portable space as the foundation, and the major fields as the prototype to condense the small dead world.

After waiting for the demigods, transforming the dead small world into a real small world, you can exalt the masterpiece and become a god.

But there is an important premise here, which is to understand time. The reason why the small dead world cannot become a real small world is because of the lack of time.

"Time talent, I haven't gotten one yet, where would this talent be?"

Li Xuan's heart was heavy, and he couldn't help looking at the center of the summoned beast world. He had some vague guesses about the existence of the center area.

"Perhaps, only districts 1-3 can have such a tyrannical talent. After I become a demigod, I will definitely explore districts 1-3, so be cautious now."

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