Li Xuan retracted his thoughts and began to buy various materials from the auction house to improve his various talents.

Such as sealing talent.

This is the only talent that Li Xuan has found that can seal space cracks. It cannot permanently eliminate space cracks, but there is no problem with sealing it for a few years.

In the past few years, it can bring more opportunities to Li Xuan and give him the opportunity to become stronger.

With deep anticipation, Li Xuan began to absorb the promotion materials and improve his sealing talent.

【Ding! Your sealing talent has been successfully upgraded to the intermediate level. 】

"Intermediate, continue to absorb, continue to improve!"

Li Xuan did not hesitate, and continued to eat materials to improve his sealing talent.

He already has 1.7 billion honor points, and he can buy countless materials, and he doesn't care about consumption at all.

So Li Xuan absorbed it all at once, and soon heard the prompt again.

【Ding! Your sealing talent has been successfully upgraded to a high level. 】

【Ding! Your sealing talent has been successfully upgraded to Dzogchen. 】

"The Great Perfection is complete, but unfortunately, there is no way to upgrade to the extraordinary because of the lack of a sealed heart."

Li Xuan sighed, thinking about where the heart of the seal was, and wanted to raise the sealing talent to the extraordinary as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Li Xuan didn't think of where there was a Sealed Heart, so he could only release the quest of the Sealed Heart and offer a high reward to attract the people to look for it.

Canglang Territory, the quest hall in the auction house.

In the lively hall, a figure with a weapon on his back is looking for a task, ready to complete the task and get honor points.

These figures are not only human, but also the beast ear clan with their tails swaying, the angel clan with wings, the simple and honest black bear clan, the beautiful spirit clan, there are almost a dozen races.

They are all races that have taken refuge in the Blue Wolf Territory, because Li Xuan does not discriminate against foreigners. These races have a strong sense of belonging to the Blue Wolf Territory and want to stay here forever.

The last time Li Xuan went to God's Domain, the Canglang Territory was attacked by the Three-Eyed Clan. Facing the tide of the Three-Eyed Clan, the human reincarnators couldn't stop the enemy at all. In the end, it was these aliens who took action.

These alien races are powerful, especially the angel race, they directly swept away the three-eyed race in the form of crushing, protecting the territory of the blue wolf, and also protecting the human race.

This battle made more and more aliens see the power of the Blue Wolf's territory, and they began to come to join them, forming the current lively scene.


At the door of the mission hall, a figure walked in in a low-key manner, with a small black cat lying on his shoulders.

After this figure came in, silently watched the role of honor points, as well as various good things in the auction house, as well as various tasks and rewards.

"I didn't expect that there is such a huge city in the Summoning Beast World, which really surprised me."

The silhouette whispered sound transmission, and looked at the powerhouse in the mission hall with complicated eyes.

"That's why I let you see more, don't stick to your world, the world outside is too big, such as the world of summoned beasts,

This world is one of the super worlds. It is quite an amazing world to be ranked ninth on the list of billions of worlds. "

The little black cat also transmitted sound, telling the huge world of summoned beasts.

"The ninth place is so strong!" The silhouette continued to transmit in shock.

"Of course, that's why I spent a lot of money to send you to the world of summoned beasts to make you grow faster,

Ye Fan, you have to work hard. "The little black cat warned.

"Don't worry, Lord Cat, I still have to protect my world. I must grow up as soon as possible, improve my strength, and then go back to protect my world." Ye Fan had a determined look on his face.

"Work hard, be as powerful as the owner of this territory, to have such a huge territory here, the wolf lord here is absolutely extraordinary." The little black cat said sternly.

"Master Cat, how strong do you think the lords here can be?" Ye Fan asked curiously.

"I don't know either, but you look at the angels who arranged the tasks over there. It is a golden perfection powerhouse, and the angels here are all gold-level.

I heard that there are still half saints in the angel race, so that such a strong angel race can manage this territory willingly,

The blue wolf lord must at least have the strength of a saint, and maybe he has the strength of a demigod. ' explained the little black cat.

"A demigod? It's an admirable level. I don't know when I will reach it." Ye Fan sighed.

"It's not too late, your talent and personality are extraordinary, with my help, you can definitely become a demigod in the future,

According to my calculations, you only need 500 years to become a demigod. " said the little black cat.

"500 years? Will it be too long?" Ye Fan smiled bitterly.

"It's already very fast, okay? It's only with my assistance and your status as the Son of Destiny that you can become a demigod in 500 years.

Otherwise, you are afraid that you will die of old age, and you will not be able to become a demigod. "The little black cat despised.

"I have left my world, is the identity of the Son of Destiny still useful?" Ye Fan wondered.

"Of course it works. The Son of Destiny is equivalent to you being blessed. As long as you don't leave your world too far, your luck will be very good and you can grow faster.

The Summoned Beast World is a world connected to all worlds, closely linked with your world, and your luck will be very good here. "The little black cat continued.

"It turned out to be like this, I understand, I will continue to work hard and become a demigod within five hundred years."

Ye Fan clenched his fists with determination, then looked at the task panel above the task hall, ready to do some to earn honor points.

Also at this time.

A red light suddenly flashed on the task panel, and a large red special task appeared above the panel, flashing a faint red light.

Exchange quest: A sealed heart can be exchanged for 10 million honor points.

Big red fonts appeared in front of everyone, and everyone stared at the task of 10 million honor points.

"My God, 10 million honor points. It's the first time I've seen a mission with so many honor points. It's really too rich." Someone exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm afraid this is a task issued by the Lord. Only this Lord can issue such a rich task."

"What is the Sealed Heart? Why haven't I heard of it?" Someone wondered.

"I don't know, it seems to be some kind of material or something."

Everyone looked at the task above in amazement, and they were very curious about what a sealed heart was, and it was so valuable.

in the corner.

Ye Fan looked at the exchange task eagerly, and really wanted to complete this task and get honor points, but he didn't know what a sealed heart was.

At this moment.

Ye Fan noticed that the little black cat's eyes were shining brightly, and he seemed to know where it was.

"Master Cat, do you know where there is a sealed heart?" Ye Fan hurriedly transmitted his voice.

"I know, but that thing is on the 1000th floor of the abyss. It is very, very dangerous to get this thing on the 1000th floor of the abyss.

Because the 1000th floor of the abyss starts, there are already gods, and the holy level will be locked when entering, and then shot to death,

With your strength, you can't come back if you go in. "The little black cat shook his head.

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