In an instant.

The dense blood-red arms grabbed one after another abyss double-headed dog from the depths of the ground, and pulled them towards the field fiercely.

The Scarlet Realm seemed to have turned into a swamp. All the captured abyss double-headed dogs, after being entered into the Scarlet Realm, gradually sank into the Scarlet Realm and disappeared, dying in screams.

In a short period of time, nearly one-third of the abyss double-headed dogs were caught in the blood-colored realm, which finally stabilized the precarious city of Rhododendron.

"Who is it?! How dare you stop my abyss double-headed dog clan, I think you are looking for your own death!!"

The violent sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a huge abyss double-headed dog like a hill suddenly flew into the air, looking down at the earth and the people like a demon.

Its body was covered with golden armor, with golden wings emerging behind it, and its huge body enveloped the sky over Rhododendron City, making the depressing atmosphere even heavier.

This is not over, the abyss double-headed dog in the sky exudes a tyrannical killing breath, and the strange black mist fills the surroundings, making it even more terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the humans in Duju City were horrified and couldn't help but feel despair in their hearts.

"A little half-sage who doesn't even know the realm, dares to jump out and court death!"


The sky-shaking loud noise shook the sky, and the hill-like abyss double-headed dog exploded with a bang, shattered under the attention of hundreds of thousands of people, and turned into blood mist directly in the air.

Raindrops formed of blood fell from the sky, and blood rained down the entire Rhododendron City.

This rain of blood shrouded all the living beings in the city, and many people were wet, but they ignored it and looked at the sky in shock, looking at the slender figure in white.

Above the city, in the air.

The heroic Li Xuan stood quietly in the void, his white robe fluttering in the wind, and he looked down at the world like a god.

At this moment, the human beings in the city looked at the sky and the god-like Li Xuan in awe, as if they were dreaming.

Only the little fat man was dumbfounded, looking at the lava stone man on the ground, his mind seemed to be stuck in a circle.

above the sky.

Li Xuan didn't pay attention to the shocked human, but waved his hand, once again increasing the scope of the domain, covering all the abyss double-headed dogs inside and outside the city.

The slaughter was staged in the city of Rhododendron. For humans, the powerful abyss double-headed dog army.

In this way, in a short period of time, the blood-colored arms were pulled into the blood-colored enchantment and completely dissolved.

The fighting soon stopped.

Facing the saint-level Li Xuan, the abyss double-headed dog army was swept away, and no double-headed dog could survive.

All the two-headed dogs were swallowed by the blood-colored domain and became the energy of the domain.

This is the end of the catastrophe in Dujuan City. Only the dilapidated buildings clearly prove that there is a big crisis here.


Among the human race, a silver-level commander covered in blood quickly jumped to the city wall and saluted Li Xuan respectfully.

"Meet Mr. Li Xuan, thank you for helping me."

"you know me?"

Li Xuan fell from the sky, stood on the city wall, and glanced at each other.

"Sir, I used to serve in the abyss fortress, and I have seen you from a distance." The silver-level commander hurriedly explained.

"Well, tell me what happened recently? Why is there an abyss double-headed dog here?" Li Xuan asked.

The strength of these abyss double-headed dogs is not strong, they should be abyss creatures in the first 500 layers of the abyss, not comparable to the abyss giants in the 999th layer of the abyss.

But these abyss double-headed dogs are still not something this world can face.

Now that the abyss double-headed dog has invaded the human world, it will inevitably bring catastrophe to this world.

"My lord, it's like this, the space cracks in the Imperial Beast Sect burst, and the abyss army invaded our world in all directions.

The saint-level ancestor led the army to block it with all his strength, but it still failed.

Now only one tenth of the army is left, the saint-level ancestor was seriously injured and died, and many generals died in battle.

Now the remnant human army is led by Lei Wushuang, who is fighting against the abyss lion army in Qingniu Fortress.

We are only facing the weakest abyss double-headed dog army, and the wild lion army on the other side is the real disaster. "

The leader of the human race hurriedly told the story and reported the situation on the spot.

"I see, it's up to you to settle here."

Li Xuan left his words, and the whole person disappeared in the void, leaving only the place where everyone looked in shock at the place where Li Xuan disappeared.

Thousands of miles away.

Baiyun City.

It was also invaded by the Abyssal Double-Headed Dog Legion, and the battle was even more fierce. The double-headed dog had already occupied half of the city.

Many human warriors, knowing that they can't beat them, still try their best to block the front line and protect their families in desperation.


The dark big hand suddenly appeared in the sky, like an Optimus Prime descending from the sky, and slapped the Double-Headed Dog Legion outside the city, instantly causing the Double-Headed Dog Legion to collapse.

After doing all this, the **** hand did not stop, but waved wildly, attacking the abyss double-headed dog in the city.

However, the buildings in the city affect the play of the dark hands, and it is very likely that humans are hiding in these buildings.

The **** hand needs to pay attention to these humans, so it takes more time to This is a lot of consumption for the **** hand, but the **** hand still does not hurt the innocent, but is protecting the human race. At the same time, crush the abyss double-headed dog as much as possible.

civilian area.

The human beings who were guarding the last area looked horrified when they saw this vast scene, and couldn't believe what they saw.

No way, the **** hand that fell from the sky was so terrifying, it was like the hand of a god, suffocating.

" this God protecting us?" someone in the crowd said in shock.

"It must be a god, it must be a god, such a terrifying giant hand, human beings can never do it, it must be a god."

"Lord God, can you help me save my sister? She is trapped in the work area, please save my sister."

A little girl prayed with her hands folded, looking at the giant hand praying.

The Royal Beast Sect is ten miles away.

Li Xuan stepped on the void, his hands clasped together, and his extremely strong breath shot straight into the sky.

That terrifying power condensed hundreds of dark hands in the sky, within a radius of 100,000 miles, while saving all the cities that were attacked.

But this is not all of Li Xuan's power. Behind him is slowly condensing, a huge vortex of dark space.

This vortex of space rotates slowly, and each time it rotates, it expands by one point, and every time it expands, more and more powerful dark creatures will emerge.

At this moment, on the ground under Li Xuan's feet, a dense army of darkness like a tide has appeared. .

Under the increase of Li Xuan, they took a mechanical pace and killed the beast-controlling sect step by step, killing the abyss creatures gushing out of the abyss cracks.

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