Here is the real battlefield.

As long as Li Xuan blocks the invasion of the abyss army from here, the city behind will gradually become safer.

However, Li Xuan will be under huge pressure, because the abyss world is not simple, even if it is not the abyss of the 999th floor.

"Are two saints in the middle?"

In the sky, Li Xuan's eyes flashed solemnly.

He felt that there were two terrifying breaths coming from the Imperial Beast Sect, approaching him.

Obviously, his shot has attracted the attention of the abyss powerhouse, and the real battle is about to begin.


In just a few breaths, two terrifying figures suddenly stopped a hundred meters in front of Li Xuan, staring at Li Xuan.

Of the two figures, one is a lion-headed man with a human body and a pair of sharp claws.

The other is a strange eyeball, the size of a car, with a deadly light flashing in his eyes from time to time.

"Human powerhouse? How can there be two saint-level powerhouses in this world?

No, the power you use is dark power, does the dark world also want to encroach on our abyss? "

The lion man's eyes were cold, and the fierce aura rippled in all directions, causing the surrounding space to flash black lightning.

"My fingers? No, you are just a tool for me to test my strength."

Li Xuan smiled slightly, his long hair fluttered in the air, his white robe squeaked in the wind, and his aura soared into the sky.

"Humans are courting death!"

The two saint-level abyss powerhouses were furious when they heard this, and immediately mobilized their domain power to kill Li Xuan.


The space vibrated slightly, and the fine cracks filled the air, revealing the pitch-black world inside the cracks, which were space cracks caused by power.

The two saint-level mid-level powerhouses immediately bloomed their domain, mobilized their domain power, and madly strangled to Li Xuan.

The two sides fought a life-and-death battle in midair, in the empty Baiyun Prairie.

Green Bull Fortress.

Lei Wushuang leaned against the city gate, clutching her snow-white neck, blood dripped down her white hands, staining her silver armor red.

She ignored these, but looked at the giant hand in horror as it swept the Abyss Lion Legion.

"Such a giant hand in the sky is actually helping us! Who is it? What kind of high-level existence is saving mankind?"

Lei Wushuang looked at the giant hand shaking the sky, the whole person was in the rejoicing of the rest of his life.

The serious injury of the saint-level ancestor, the death of three generals, and the burial of many commanders.

She was the only one who persisted in the entire human army, leading the last army of the human race and guarding the Qingniu Fortress.

Just now, they have reached the brink of precariousness, and they may be destroyed by the Abyss Lion Legion at any time.

However, at such a desperate moment, the giant hand suddenly appeared, powerfully entered the abyss lion army, and swept all the abyss creatures.

In just a short period of time, the giant hand in the sky completely stabilized the precarious front.

Watching the abyss lion corps collapse and the number of lion corps dropping rapidly, Lei Wushuang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body slumped to the ground, panting for the rest of her life, recovering her strength.

Suddenly, she felt something, and suddenly looked in the direction of the Imperial Beast Sect.

There, three terrifying breaths are shaking the world, affecting the sky over a hundred thousand miles.

That scene, like the end of the world, is suffocating.

"Saint-level battle! This is definitely a holy-level battle, is it the ancestor?

No, the ancestor is recovering from the abyss fortress, and now he can't even exert his black iron strength, how could he be the ancestor.

But this fluctuation is stronger than the fluctuation caused by the ancestors fighting, who will be fighting? The master of the giant hand? "

Lei Wushuang's little face was full of shock and curiosity, not knowing who was protecting the human race.

"It's Li Xuan who is fighting with two abyss saints, and they're the middle of the saints." An old voice came from the Thunder Blade.

"It turned out to be Li Xuan! He actually has the power of a saint! Wait, the enemy is the middle of the two saints? Isn't Li Xuan very dangerous?"

Lei Wushuang immediately became worried, clutching his weapon and wanting to go to support.

"Don't worry, Li Xuan won't lose, he took down the enemy alone, and he seems to be able to handle it with ease." The old voice came from the Thunder Blade again.

"How could it be? Even if Li Xuan has reached the holy level, the most holy level is lower. How can he be able to handle the two middle levels with ease?!" Lei Wushuang said in surprise.

"His aura is indeed a holy subordinate, but his combat power is very strong... Wait, my God, look at the sky!"

There was shock in the old voice, and even the thunder knife was trembling.


Lei Wushuang raised his head and looked at the sky with big eyes.

In the blue sky, a strange eyeball the size of a car suddenly appeared from the crack in the space, and then looked back in horror.

At the moment, the strange eyeballs are full of bloodstains, and they look very miserable, and they are covered in injuries.

But it didn't dare to stay, and swiftly flew away into the distance.

Just this time.

At the moment when the eyeballs fly away quickly.

A white figure suddenly appeared in the sky, then clenched his fist and slammed into the strange eyeball!


The thunderous noise echoed in the sky, and the terrifying flames burned thousands of miles of void, making the whole world seem to be doomsday.

The escaping eyeball exploded on the spot and turned into a blood mist in the void, without even a single scream.

Such a scene, such a picture, shocked Lei Wushuang to open his mouth directly, as if he was dreaming.

"Unexpectedly, Li Xuan suddenly showed his terrifying strength, knocking out the holy level, too strong!"

The old voice came from the thunder knife, and the voice was trembling.

"Suddenly showed? The holy ancestor once said that the eyeball holy level is extremely difficult to deal with, several times more difficult than the lion holy level.

I didn't expect such a difficult eyeball to be blown up by Li Xuan! And for such a short time is amazing. . "

Lei Wushuang was horrified, and looked at Li Xuan with bright eyes, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

"Wushuang, look at Li Xuan's left hand, he is holding a person, wait, that's a lion man in the middle of the saint level!"


Lei Wushuang was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at Li Xuan's left hand in the sky. Sure enough, the abyss lion that once severely damaged the ancestors of mankind was being carried by Li Xuan.

The key point is that the abyss lion at this time was terrible, a blood hole was punched in his heart, and the rich blood filled the sky little by little, dyeing the sky red.

"He died like this. The two saint-level medians were killed by Li Xuan like this. He is too terrifying." The old voice was filled with awe.

"Yeah, he's actually so powerful, it's really admirable and fascinating."

Lei Wushuang looked at Li Xuan in the sky with admiration, admiring and respecting this handsome young man in his heart.


Li Xuan in the sky disappeared and left the sky.

Soon, a terrifying aura emerged from the direction of the Imperial Beast Sect.

"No, there is an abyss saint level in the space crack, this time it is more powerful, wait, Li Xuan actually rushed over and rushed into the space crack."

The old voice came out from the Thunder Blade immediately, making Lei Wushuang's heart tighten.

"Rush into the abyss? It's so dangerous there, how could he rush in?" Lei Wushuang said hurriedly.

"He is protecting the world, his power is too strong, if he fights for a long time, it will bring huge damage to the world,

So Li Xuan would rather risk his life and death than go into the abyss. ' the old voice continued to explain.

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