Chen Mo looked at the pioneers kneeling on the ground and asked coldly.

  One of the pioneers immediately replied: "There are only [-] monsters of level [-] left in the monster house, but we have also sent many monsters to invade other planets, and there are still [-] monsters left outside. "

  "Call them all back."

  Chen Mo ordered.

  "Yes, Master!"

  The pioneers responded quickly.

  Afterwards, the five pioneers knelt on the ground, holding hands, and a wonderful energy fluctuation appeared around their bodies.

  A wormhole slowly appeared in the open space in the distance.

  Huge monsters came out of the wormhole.

  "Master, it will take about two hours to summon all the monsters outside. Please wait patiently."

  A pioneer spoke respectfully.

  Chen Mo nodded, indicating that he knew.

  He began to wait quietly for his army of monsters to gather.

  But after a while, he got a little bored.

  The environment of this planet is inherently poor, and there is nothing to watch.

  In addition, there are all big and ugly monsters in front of him, Chen Mo is really a little tired of aesthetics.

  He turned to look at the five pioneers who were still kneeling on the ground.

  "You five, what are your names, and introduce yourself."

  "Back to the master, we all evolved directly from cells. Without parents, we have no names."

  "I don't even have a name, so it's going to be a lot harder to say it later. Let's go from left to right, from left to right, we'll be called Weird One, Weird Two, Weird Three, Weird Four, and Weird Five. Do you understand?"

  "Understood, strange one thanks the master for his name."

  "The strange two thanks the master for his name."


  The five pioneers all had their own names, and Chen Mo was satisfied.


  In the human world, Li Yuan and his companions just grabbed a mecha hunter. Although the model is not particularly new, it is enough.

  At this time, they found a third-level monster above the sea and were preparing to fight.

  But the monster suddenly turned to run away and dived into the bottom of the sea.

  Li Yuan was stunned for a moment.

  what happened?

  Why did the monster run away before the fight started?

  Li Yuan was very upset when a monster he had finally found ran away like this.

  He had no choice but to drive the mech hunter away with his companions, trying to find the next target.

  But in the time that followed, he was completely desperate.

  Not only him, but all the reincarnators have discovered a very serious problem.

  In the entire dungeon world, not even a single monster could be found!

  what happened?

  Is there a bug in the reincarnation tower?

  For a time, all the reincarnators were lost in confusion and at a loss. .

Chapter 60

  After almost two hours, the pioneers finally called back all the monsters outside.

  Including the sixteen level six monsters that were originally in the monster house, there were a total of one hundred and thirty-six monsters.

  Among them, there are sixteen level six monsters, twenty-five level five monsters, forty level four monsters, and fifty-five level three monsters.

  Chen Mo looked at the monster army crawling in front of him and was very satisfied.

  In this way, he is equivalent to having more than a hundred bodyguards with strength above C-level.

  With such a luxurious lineup, no one else could even dream of it.

  Pull out the baseball-sized insect nest, and the insect nest shoots out a green light, wrapping all the monsters and heralds in it.

  Immediately afterwards, all the monsters and heralds were included in the nest.

  Chen Mo probed his psychic power into the worm's nest, and saw that in the world within it, five pioneers looked around the surrounding environment and were ecstatic.

  "Thank you master for the miracle!"

  The five pioneers knelt down and shouted loudly.

  Their planets will soon be completely destroyed, and if no other inhabited planets can be found before then, their demise is waiting for them.

  Now Chen Mo has included them in the world inside the worm nest.

  There is no planet better for them to live on than the Hive.

  The pioneers who were [-]% loyal to Chen Mo at this moment are even more grateful to Chen Mo.

  For them, Chen Mo is their god!

  Withdrawing the psychic power from the worm's nest, Chen Mo entered the red cab of the storm again.

  After taming all the monsters and heralds, Chen Mo no longer needs to stay on this monster home planet.

  He looked up at the wormhole above the sky.

  That wormhole connects this place with the human world.

  The crimson storm soared into the sky and flew into the wormhole.

  Originally, this wormhole could only allow creatures with the same genes as the monster to pass through.

  But now, Chen Modu has tamed the pioneer who created the wormhole, and there is no problem if he wants to pass.

  Entering the wormhole, bizarre scenes and light and shadows reappeared around, and the space was continuously compressed and folded.

  In the wormhole, Chen Mo has no concept of time.

  After an unknown amount of time, he finally saw the exit of the wormhole.

  Eleven thousand meters under the sea, in the crack with hot rays of light, a red mecha with mechanical wings on its back flew out.

  As the crimson storm flew out, the huge crack slowly healed and disappeared.


  Inside a military base on the coast.

  Raleigh Beckett had been here for two days with Negro General Stark Pantercost.

  General Stark called Raleigh back because he had a plan that might end the monster crisis once and for all.

  The General plans to have the mech hunters drop a 2400-pound thermonuclear warhead into the wormhole, blowing up the tunnel that connects the human and monster worlds.

  This action will definitely be blocked by many monsters, so General Stark needs more power.

  On a training ground at the military base, Raleigh was fighting a number of candidate pilots.

  He needs to select a suitable person from these people to be his co-pilot and co-pilot the dangerous wanderer mech hunter.

  After taking down another opponent with one stick, Rowley felt a little disappointed.

  None of these candidates met his requirements.

  He looked at the general, a look that said everything.

  The general's expression is also very serious. This time the plan is very important and it must not be allowed to fail.

  Just when the general was about to say something, a soldier under his command came to him and whispered a few words.

  The general's expression became a little subtle, and he turned and left the training ground.

  Seeing this, Raleigh followed suit.

  General Stark and Rowley came to the command room.

  Dr. Newt, who studies monsters, and Dr. Herman, who is skilled in computing, are also in the command room.

  In front of them, there is a projected model, like a long pipe.


  The two doctors greeted the general when they saw the general's arrival.

  "Is what you just reported true?"

  The general came to them and asked eagerly.

  Dr. Herman, a small and thin man with a walking stick, nodded and said excitedly.

  "Since yesterday, all the monsters around the world have suddenly disappeared."

  "And just now, the wormhole energy response we detected disappeared."

  Herman said, his hand pointed to the channel model in front of him.

  That virtual wormhole channel is slowly dissipating.

  "Could it be that the monster crisis is solved like this?"

  The general looked at the simulated wormhole slowly dissipating in front of him, and said incredulously.

  "Perhaps so, General."

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