"The wormhole disappears, and the monsters will never appear in this world again. It's just a pity that I will never get fresh monster samples in the future."

  Dr. Newt, who wears black-rimmed glasses, is both happy and unfortunate, after all, he is an avid monster lover.

  "In addition, our drone also photographed that two days ago, a red mecha hunter went to the sea area where the wormhole is located."

  "This red mecha hunter flew out of the sea area where the wormhole was not long ago, and the time he appeared was very close to the time when the wormhole disappeared."

  Dr. Herman tapped his fingers on the console a few times, and several pictures appeared on the projection screen in front of him.

  The photo shows a red mech hunter with a pair of huge mechanical wings behind it.

  "It's him!"

  When Raleigh saw the picture on the screen, he instantly recognized that it was the mech hunter he had seen while working on the top of the wall.

  Could it be that the disappearance of monsters and wormholes was all his doing?

  Raleigh, who had seen Storm Crimson kill monsters in one fell swoop, couldn't help but think so. .

Chapter 61

  After Chen Mo came out of the wormhole, he left the seabed directly.

  Like in the Resident Evil dungeon world before, he found an uninhabited island and prepared to wait for the dungeon to end comfortably.

  Before, he had killed a full thirty monsters, far exceeding the requirements of the mission.

  In addition, he also went to the monster world, tamed the monsters and pioneers, and lifted the monster crisis in this world.

  Chen Mo believed that his final mission evaluation would definitely be SSSS again.

  There are also great possibilities for additional rewards.

  What he didn't know was that while he was waiting for the time limit for the dungeon quest to arrive, the other reincarnators in this dungeon world were already frantic.

  The reincarnators finally managed to grab a few mecha hunters, ready to hunt monsters to complete the mission.

  But he was surprised to find that there was no monster in this world.

  Even wormholes are gone.

  How does this allow them to accomplish their task?

  If they can't complete the task, then what awaits them is the fate of being obliterated by the reincarnation tower.

  The reincarnators began to frantically search for traces of monsters in this copy world.

  However, no matter how much they searched, even if the world was turned upside down, it was impossible to find any more monsters.

  "Because the reincarnator 'Moyang' has lifted the monster crisis, there are no monsters to kill in the Pacific Rim dungeon world. To ensure the participation and experience of the rest of the reincarnators, the Reincarnation Tower will open a special mission - Mecha Arena."

  "Mecha Arena: The reincarnators will be teleported to the arena space. Each group of two will control a mecha hunter to pk with the rest of the mecha hunters. The pk object is not limited and can be challenged multiple times. "

  "Mission requirements: At least win one PK with the rest of the mecha hunters, the loser will be obliterated by the Samsara Tower."

  Just when all the reincarnators fell into despair, the announcement of the reincarnation intelligent voice sounded in each of their ears.

  "Mo Yang has solved the monster crisis! Could it be that the boy who was in the preparation area is really Mo Yang?"

  "How did he make all the monsters disappear? It's been less than three days since this dungeon started!"

  "Fortunately, the Reincarnation Tower is more user-friendly and has opened a special mission, otherwise we would have to wait to die."

  "Mecha Arena? As long as you win one victory, you can survive, let's do our best!"

  For a time, new hope ignited in the hearts of the reincarnators.

  Somewhere in the sea, Li Yuan and his companions were driving the mecha hunters they had snatched, frantically searching for traces of monsters.

  When they heard the announcement of Samsara's intelligent voice, Li Yuan's expression instantly turned blue.

  He remembered yelling at the teenager a few days earlier in the prep area.

  And the young man just replied "I am Mo Yang" lightly.

  "It turns out that he is really Mo Yang."

  "It's over, I offended Mr. Mo Yang."

  Li Yuan fell into fear after knowing the truth and began to regret what he did before.

  And the companion next to him ignored him.

  Li Yuan's companion is a bald man with a hooked nose, codenamed Vulture.

  After hearing the broadcast of the intelligent voice of Samsara, the vulture narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

  He was silent, not knowing what to think.


  On an uninhabited island, Chen Mo also received a broadcast from Samsara's intelligent voice.

  However, his broadcast is not the same as the rest of the reincarnators.

  "Reincarnator 'Mo Yang', you killed [-] monsters in the Pacific Rim dungeon world, and successfully resolved the monster crisis."

  "Dungeon evaluation for you..."

  "Your final evaluation level is: sss level."

  "Because you lifted the monster crisis, the original missions of the rest of the reincarnators were automatically invalidated, and the special mission Mecha Arena was opened."

  "You now have the following two options."

  "One: Immediately leave the Pacific Rim dungeon world and receive the sss-level evaluation reward."

  "Two: Participate in the special tasks of the Mecha Arena and become the champion of the Mecha Arena. Any reincarnation can challenge you. In addition to the sss-level rewards, the reincarnation tower will grant you every time you win a game. Your chance to win a lucky spin."

  "One or two? Please make your choice."

  Chen Mo listened to the broadcast of Samsara's intelligent voice and thought for a while.

  The Reincarnation Tower gave him two choices, one is to quit the dungeon world now, and only get sss-level rewards.

  The other is to become the champion of the mecha arena, and it is possible to get additional lottery opportunities.

  The lottery of the reincarnation tower will definitely not be bad.

  Don't want good things delivered to your door, isn't that a fool?

  Chen Mo didn't hesitate, and answered neatly.

  "I choose two!"

  "Received, entering the mecha arena...".

Chapter 62

  In a huge arena, five mecha hunters appeared out of thin air.

  In the cabs of these five mecha hunters are the other ten reincarnators except Chen Mo.

  After the five mecha hunters appeared, they distanced themselves from each other.

  After all, they are now competitors, and as long as they defeat any opponent, they will be able to survive.

  "Reincarnators, please note that the reincarnator 'Mo Yang' is about to enter the mecha arena and play the role of the leader. Any player can challenge Mo Yang. If he defeats Mo Yang, he will directly receive an SSSS rating."

  A broadcast sound suddenly sounded in the mecha arena, instantly igniting all the reincarnators.

  "What? Mo Yang actually wants to enter the mecha arena!"

  "You can get an SSSS rating by defeating Mo Yang? This reward is too tempting!"

  "But can we really beat Mo Yang? He has already received four SSSS ratings in a row."

  "What are you afraid of? We have two people, and Mo Yang has only one person. No matter how strong he is, it will definitely be quite difficult for one person to control such a huge mecha hunter."

  "Yes, it's only the fifth floor of the Samsara Tower. No matter how strong Mo Yang is, he won't be too strong. We still have hope that we can defeat him!"

  Facing the temptation of sss-level rewards, the reincarnators began to be moved.

  Almost everyone had the idea of ​​challenging Mo Yang.

  "Reincarnators, please note that the reincarnator 'Mo Yang' has entered the mecha arena."

  Another announcement came.

  The reincarnators saw that on a high platform in the Mecha Arena, the figure of a young man appeared.

  "It really is him! So what he said before is true!"

  When Li Yuan saw Chen Mo's appearance, his heart was ashes.

  It was over, he really offended Mo Yang.

  If Mo Yang held a grudge against him, what would he do if he wanted to take revenge on him in the future?

  He couldn't help but start to get a little scared.

  "Hey, brother, you don't look very good."

  In the cab of the mecha hunter, the vulture beside Li Yuan said.

  Li Yuan forced a smile and replied, "It's okay, maybe I'm a little tired."

  Vulture saw Li Yuan's thoughts at a glance, and whispered to Li Yuan, "Did you have a holiday with that Mo Yang? I noticed it when I entered the preparation area."

  Hearing Vulture's question, Li Yuan nodded bitterly.

  The vulture suddenly showed a mysterious expression and asked in a low voice, "Brother, do you want to get an SSSS rating?"

  Li Yuan was stunned by the question, he looked at the vulture beside him, and said nervously: "You don't want to challenge Mo Yang, right? He has won the SSSS rating four times in a row, and his strength is definitely stronger than us. many."

  Vulture smiled slightly: "So what, your strength rating has reached d-? To be honest, my strength rating has reached d+. With the strength of the two of us, there is a complete chance to win."

  "Didn't you have a holiday with Mo Yang? Do you think that even if you don't take the initiative to challenge him, he will let you go in the future?"

  "It's better to take advantage of this opportunity now. If you win Mo Yang and get an SSSS rating, would you still be so afraid of him?"

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