The sound of “sigh” sounded, and someone slowly walked in with an umbrella.

“Four people, the martial arts are all okay…”

“So this is when GOD comes out.”

Chen Yu’s heart moved, his spiritual power spread, and he felt as if he had seen the actions of the four people with his own eyes.

Within a radius of 100 meters, all the wind and grass could not hide his perception.

Four people, three men and one woman, the female martial arts seem to be the highest.

But it is also a strong line, and the gap is not very large.

It should be Yan Yuanyi.

They are all fourth-order Dan Jin, which is roughly equal to the five supreme grades of the Condor plane.

But compared to myself at the time of the exam, it is far inferior.

After all, the fourth order is a very general concept.

For example, if the strength breaks 200, you can be promoted to the fourth rank, and the strength 499 is also the fourth rank.

But the latter can hang the former and fight.

In the later period, the gap in the same order is getting bigger and bigger.


Yan Yuanyi, Liu Mubai, Wu Yunlong, and Zhao Guangrong all walked in this ditch of corn stalks with umbrellas.

The ground was muddy, but these four were all top Danjin masters.

During the walk, the muddy water was crushed by death and could not splash.

“God’s headquarters are here?”

Wu Yunlong asked.

He is the Grandmaster of the Wu Clan Taiji and is known as the number one master of Ouchi.

“No, it’s just a meeting place, a place where we’re going to meet the leader of God.”

Yan Yuanyi said lightly.

She is the chief instructor of Changfeng, one of the three major special forces, and is good at Emei 36-way wind-chasing short and spring and autumn daggers.

In the future, in the martial arts conference, he defeated many strong people in Hudan all the way, and glimpsed a glimpse of the realm of “breaking the void and seeing that God is not bad”.

According to the strength of the calculation, she can be tied for fifth place with the style in the future.

He is also the only two powerful demigod-level masters.

Of course, she is still some distance away from that grade now.

“God has a close relationship with the American Blackwater Company, Yuan Yi, you brought us all, isn’t it a bit risky?”

Liu Mubai frowned.

As the chief instructor of the special forces sword, the Yin Rune Gun is matchless.

Masters of this level naturally have some of their own considerations.

We don’t blindly follow anyone’s opinion.

As for the rest of Zhao Guangrong, he has now been beaten by Wang Chao with amnesia.

The martial arts did not lose much, and it was still easy to kill dozens of special forces.

But it’s hard to expect him to speak.

“Mr. Liu doesn’t have to worry, the world is a group of monkey-like tribes in my eyes.”

“A powerful person like me, in ancient times, was a god. How could a god act for the benefit of a monkey? ”

“The funny thing is that the few of you have obviously achieved success in the Dan Dao, and in the end you still have to obey a bunch of monkeys.”

Chen Yu imitated GOD’s tone.

The voice was low and came from afar.

Originally, GOD pulled a bunch of things, and said that Yan Yuanyi and others were also immortals, and they belonged to the same category of people as him.

But Chen Yu introduced the guest, and he did not plan to build some “immortal” country.

All missions are about the Martial Arts Convention.

There is no need to sell the accounts of Yan Yuanyi and others.

Say so many second lines.

If the four of them were invincible, Chen Yu also considered currying favor and taking them as apprentices.

But all four are Danjin.

Even, Yan Yuanyi still has a bit of a half-step taste.

Chen Yu was suddenly bored.


Hearing Chen Yu’s words, the faces of several people changed abruptly.

Walking forward quickly, passing through the corn stalks hundreds of meters, he saw Chen Yu with his back to them.

Several people looked at each other, slightly wary.

After all, people who dare to turn their backs to a few Danjin strong.

If you are not a madman, you must be a peerless master.

“I have been practicing martial arts for many years, and I stepped into the Dan Dao at the age of thirty, and I have seen too many masters in my life.”

“But I think I am a fairy, and below Danjin are mortals, monkeys, but I haven’t seen one, and today I finally opened my eyes.”

Wu Yunlong snorted and said lightly.

“Mr. Wu, you misunderstood, the monkey I said, Dan Jin is also included.”

“There is the potential to become a strong person, but there is no heart of a strong person, and the shackles cannot be broken.”

“After all, the four of you are just older monkeys.”

Chen Yu smiled.

This pile of bullshit theory, of course, he does not agree.

But GOD himself, nine times out of ten, really thinks so.

Unfortunately, GOD was finally killed by Wang Chao.

If he can live to the time of the Star River Emperor.

Finding that he is not even as good as an ant in the eyes of the strong, I don’t know if it will explode in mentality.

Of course, it’s not easy to say.

If the upper plane limit is increased.

Perhaps, GOD, like Wang Chao and Ba Liming, has become the supreme powerhouse of the entire universe of King’s Landing.

The tone of Jin Yong’s novel is the one of ancient scholars.

Martial arts is just a small road, and being in the world is the avenue.

In the novel, there are also all kinds of life, old age, illness, death, resentment, love and separation, and can’t ask for it, which is more direct to people’s hearts.

When opening and hanging for the protagonist, it is all kinds of chance.

When the opportunity comes, all kinds of peerless martial arts, all kinds of martial arts cheats are lined up waiting for you to pick up.

The protagonist is also very angry, Versailles is very good, and he can’t move “I’m not interested in practicing martial arts.”

Guo Jing, Zhang Wuji, Ling Huchong, Duan Yu, Yu Zhu, Shi Potian and other protagonists did not take the initiative to pursue the improvement of martial arts.

Some not only do not pursue, but also desperately refuse.

But the tone of the novel is completely different.

The magic machine pays attention to forging ahead, the gentleman of Tianxingjian who keeps improving himself, and everyone is like a dragon.

Under this tone, the masters are all pursuing and motivated.

Practicing martial arts is naturally brave and persevering.

Even if you don’t practice martial arts, you are brave and persevering for other things.

In this regard, the spirit of these people fighting against heaven and earth is better than most traditional martial arts novel protagonists.

“Bigger monkeys? You know what you’re talking about? ”

Yan Yuanyi raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

She was only twenty-five or six years old in appearance, and her eyebrows were picturesque.

Even, it seems a little weak, and it looks delicate and has little strength.

For people like her, the boxing technique has been cultivated to the realm of holding Dan, and the qi and blood of the whole body are used at will.

Remove blood poison, kill nine insects, clean the whole body, and have a fluttering temperament.

But now he is slightly angry, the momentum has changed, the fist has unexpectedly appeared, and there is suddenly a Jinge iron horse artistic conception.

Just like the legendary Mu Guiying and Qin Liangyu.

“Some people have really practiced boxing to the extreme, but they don’t think they are gods. Some people have not cultivated to the top, but they consider themselves gods. ”

Wu Yunlong also continued with a sneer.

The few of them really couldn’t deal with Wang Chao, so they asked the leader of GOD to help.

And not the one who sent his face over to be ridiculed.

And although Wang Chao was an enemy of him, Wu Yunlong had besieged Wang Chao alone with the power of Liu Mubai and Imat’s three Dan masters. As a result, Wang Chao killed Imat with the technique of fighting with qi, and then calmly left.

Such skill, such martial arts, such strength…

Wu Yunlong was reluctant in his heart, but he also had to admit that Wang Chao was a existence worthy of being called a god.

“You should be talking about Wang Chao, right?”

Chen Yu smiled: “He is indeed not a monkey, he is the same existence as me.” But what does he have to do with you monkeys? ”

“No shame! Zhao Guangrong, you go and try him. ”

Yan Yuanyi snorted coldly and pointed at Chen Yu.


As if by conditioned reflex, a trace of hideousness appeared in Zhao Guangrong’s eyes, and he stepped on the shelf of Taizu’s long fist “sitting on Jinluan”.

Hands out, like the head of a big beast!

The ten fingers are also stretched side by side, slightly hooked inward, arranged together, like fangs in the mouth of a beast.

It is as if everything you touch can be torn to pieces.

Taizu Long Fist Beast Head!

The earthquake shook.

Muddy water explodes, splashes.

The ground under Zhao Guangrong’s feet instantly became dry and solid, like a concrete floor.

Although Zhao Guangrong is amnesiac, he usually does not speak.

But once shot, it still moves like thunder.

Not at all under Chen Yu’s sight, King Jinlun and others.

“It’s useless.”

Chen Yu sighed softly.

Turn on the “blood gas explosion”, and the blood in the whole body is agitated, bulging like a tsunami.

In the next moment, Chen Yu’s hands formed flame handprints behind him, and they bloomed rapidly.

Like a huge fire lotus.

Lotus in the fire!

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