The fist flashed and appeared directly in Zhao Guangrong’s abdomen, as if it had crossed the space.

“Not good!”

“Lotus in the fire?!”


Yan Yuanyi’s eyes froze at the same time, and a vast coercion erupted.

This is when they are extremely nervous, their qi and blood are rushing, and they unconsciously climb their momentum to the peak.


After the explosion of qi and blood, although Chen Yu shot from behind, his fist was a little faster than Zhao Guangrong’s Taizu Long Fist.

Zhao Guangrong’s beast head was less than a centimeter away from Chen Yu’s head.

Chen Yu’s fire planted lotus had already hit him in the abdomen.

Zhao Guangrong’s original hideous expression suddenly froze.

The next moment, his body suddenly rose to the ground and landed several meters away.

Step deep into the dirt.

“Do you remember?”

Chen Yu asked lightly.

The lotus planted in the fire is connected with the “fetal fist” and “rulai fist” in the yoga Mahamudra.

Force shocks can also affect the other party’s sanity.

There is even a drunken empowerment effect.

Rumors can recall past and present lives.

Of course, the price is also relatively high…

“It turns out… It turns out that I am Zhao Guangrong. ”

Zhao Guangrong’s eyes lit up slightly, and he laughed a little hoarsely.

“Go in peace.”

“Much… Thanks a lot. ”

Zhao Guangrong smiled reluctantly again and closed his eyes.

Life is cut off and it dies.

Chen Yu had just punched him in the stomach, which had already broken his intestines.

By the way, all the internal organs were shattered.

This is also the price of curing amnesia.

If Zhao Guangrong regains his sanity, or is familiar with the moves of planting lotuses in the fire.

It’s not that you will be killed by one blow.

But he lost his memory and instinctively listened to Yan Yuanyi’s command.

In addition, I have never seen a lotus planted in the fire at all, and I forcibly attacked against it.

In front of Chen Yu, a fourth-order martial artist, both in terms of sensitivity and strength, was weakened by him.

The weak step is the difference between life and death in one move.

The only way, seeing Chen Yu’s move, retreated at all costs.

Waiting for others to rescue you will have a glimmer of life.

When you meet Chen Yu alone, you can’t run away.

Compared with the fifth-order Yungang , Danjin is the difference between life forms.

And Wang Chao’s “break the void and see that God is not bad”, or Tang Zichen’s “most sincere heart”,

It is another five-order route.

It is possible to fight with Chen Yu.

“Would you three like to try it too?”

Chen Yu said lightly.


Yan Yuanyi’s face was solemn, and he took a step back inexplicably.

Wu Yunlong and Liu Mubai also fell silent, their faces a little ugly.

Zhao Guangrong is a senior Danjin strongman, and his strength is not below them.

Just now, whether it is sitting on the golden luan, or the head of the beast, it is perfect.

There is a general trend, as if the Son of Heaven is sitting in the town and guarding the eight wildernesses.

Wu Yunlong and Liu Mubai are one proficient in martial Tai Chi, and the other is a supreme master of Yin Rune Spear.

But they thought to themselves that they were only five or five apart from Zhao Guangrong.

If you really want to fight for life and death, you have to have hundreds of moves to distinguish the winner and loser.

It had to be one dead and one seriously injured.

But now Chen Yu made a move to kill the enemy, making them have a sense of absurdity.

It was as if so many years of faith had collapsed.

“Not good! This is spiritual coercion that wants to leave a shadow in our hearts! ”

The three of them reacted suddenly.

At the same time, the spirit is condensed, and the momentum continues to rise.

The three of them worked together to dissolve the invisible coercion.

“Ding, the challenge mission to kill the Dan Jin warrior has been completed. Subsequent defeats or kills of Gang Jin and God-level warriors can increase the evaluation. ”

Space hint to.

If the main line is completed, there should be an S at the bottom.

After all, the S-Class is still quite simple.

Of course, Chen Yu is not much interested in S-level evaluation.

“Any more questions? Three little monkeys. ”

Chen Yu said indifferently.

The dripping rain hit Chen Yu’s bucket, making a thumping sound.

A trace of qi surged from the cave, silently shaking the rain away.

All the rain that fell on him was bounced out in the first place.

And on his cloak, his clothes have been clean, and there is not a trace of rain!

The raindrops fall and bounce up, with a hint of charm.

Freehand and quiet.

The pupils of the three suddenly contracted again.

In this world, there is no internal force.

Venturing the qi into the outside also relies on extremely powerful strength and physical strength.

But they don’t understand internal forces, but they feel that Chen Yu’s hand is even more incredible.

Awe comes from ignorance.

“I believe you have the strength to fight against Wang Chao,”

After a long silence, Yan Yuanyi spoke.

She was also scared by Wang Chao.

She joined forces with Liu Mubai and Wu Yunlong, although she could force Wang Chao away.

It is likely that Wang Chao will kill one or two people with all his strength, and then retreat with his whole body.

Now Chen Yu also gives her the feeling that she can’t see through it at all.

So that she couldn’t tell the man in front of her and Wang Chao, who was stronger.

“Your belief makes no sense.”


Yan Yuanyi’s eyes froze, and anger appeared slightly on his face.

Originally, they thought that the stronger this God’s leader, the better for her.

After all, no matter how powerful it is, it is in her grasp.

The forces she wooed were too strong.

Four Dan Jin masters, united, relying on the power behind them, are enough to run amok.

Under the joint efforts, even Wang Chao has to retreat.

But after being blown up by Chen Yu’s move, she had some doubts about her judgment.

After all, she hadn’t reached that realm and couldn’t really understand the strength of a god-level master.

“Not convinced? Then let me ask you, how is my martial art compared to Wang Chao? ”

“Wang Chao’s martial arts are supreme, holding iron into mud, dripping water through stones, to a realm that we can hardly guess. Even if it’s you, you may not be able to defeat him. If you want to kill him, it is absolutely impossible. ”

Yan Yuanyi’s eyes lit up when he said this: “Are you going to find trouble with Wang Chao?” ”

“After all, I took a $200 million order to kill him. And he killed a lot of my people in France. ”

Chen Yu thought about the plot and said lightly.

“We can work with you.”

Yan Yuanyi’s mouth was slightly upturned: “If we join forces, it must be stable.” However, we also want half of the $200 million that Rockefeller Wiley issued to Wang Chao’s bounty order! ”

Yan Yuanyi was now wise not to care about Chen Yu calling them “monkeys” before.

They faced Tang Zichen and Wang Chao, two god-level martial artists, and they were actually very stressed.

If for this matter, add another god-level opponent.

Then Yan Yuanyi felt that he could buy a coffin directly.

As for the $100 million, Yan Yuanyi actually didn’t care very much.

But at this time, if you don’t want money, it seems to have ulterior motives.

“Wang Chao, I plan to meet him, but I won’t kill him this time.”


“Liao Junhua, isn’t it planning to hold a martial arts conference? It seems that Wang Chao’s Tangmen is also the biggest sponsor. ”

“I’m not interested in 200 million dollars, but I’m a little interested in this game.”

“The matter with Wang Chao will be solved in the competition.”

Chen Yu stood up and walked forward as if slowly.

“Martial Arts Competition? You…… You will also go? ”

Yan Yuanyi’s heart moved slightly.

“Well, your energy is also very large, if you can ensure that the martial arts conference is held as scheduled.”

“Then when I meet Wang Chao, I can kill him.”

Chen Yu’s voice came from afar, and it was heard in all directions.

This is the righteous Yangmou Avenue.

I don’t care about being eavesdropped.

“Martial arts conference, isn’t this a commercial competition launched by Japan and South Korea to revive the decadent martial arts industry?”

“What is the gold content of this kind of competition?”

When Chen Yu was far away, Liu Mubai frowned.

“The gold content of the game depends on who goes.”

Yan Yuanyi was silent for a moment, and said quietly.

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