The audience was in an uproar!

Although this game, in theory, is an all-follow mechanism.

But in the first match, the GOD and Taijiquan generation grandmaster, Danjin martial artist Chen Aiyang, was drawn enough to compete for the championship.

It’s still somewhat unexpected.

An elegant young man, after seeing his name, stood up directly, simply, decisively, neatly, and without dragging his feet at all.

There were whispers on the field.

“It’s a pity, Chen Aiyang is dead.”

“Chen Aiyang is extremely clever, of course he abstained.”

“Yes, the momentum of GOD is no different from Wang Invincible, and it is not chilling to give up to such a fierce man.”

“Although Chen Aiyang is a Danjin martial artist, the other party is not a person at all.”

“If this battle is fought, it will also look good. It’s a pity…”

Chen Aiyang looked at his wife Mo Yunyan.

The two just exchanged a look and nodded to each other.

Didn’t say a word. It seems to understand.

Chen Aiyang jumped up and down in two and came to the competition field, his expression indifferent.

“Did this one come so quickly?”

Chen Yu’s heart moved, stood up, and also came to the field.

I have the impression that at the competition conference, GOD and Wang Chao each made a shot.

Wang Chao hit Wu Kongxuan with one move.

GOD, on the other hand, kills Chen Aiyang.

After seeing them make a move.

At this point, no one challenged the two of them.

Although there is some butterfly effect, this one has not changed.

“Chen Aiyang, don’t you abstain?”

Chen Yu asked.

“Why should I abstain?”

Chen Aiyang smiled and said, “If you don’t fight someone like you, you won’t go further.” ”

“A master in the world, you can rank in the top ten. In time, it may not be impossible to break through. ”

“Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the water, if you don’t advance, you will retreat, and I don’t have much time to give me.”

“Good luck then.”

Chen Yu nodded and said no more.

As a warrior, I feel that this kind of thing is very passionate and enthusiastic, and it is also their choice.


Chen Aiyang took a deep breath, his clothes were windless and automatic, hunting and hunting.

This is the peak of his blood qi, and the clothes he drives vibrate endlessly.

A master of the Dragon and Snake National Technique, although he has no internal strength.

But the art of refining the body is still better than that of ordinary martial arts masters.

At least Chen Yu had never seen such a strong warrior in the Condor and Luding Ji planes.

“Let’s go.”

Chen Yu opened the explosion of blood qi, and the blood rushed like a great river rushing, the sea tide roared, and the momentum was boundless.

The next moment, he stomped the ground suddenly.

The floor is covered with a sturdy sports carpet. Underneath the carpet, there is thick concrete.

At this moment, the carpet cracked, and a piece of concrete “snapped” cracked, revealing the steel bars inside.

One or two of the steel bars were exposed, causing great safety risks.

But what caused all this was only Chen Yu’s burst of qi and blood.

The power that Chen Aiyang had caused before suddenly became insignificant compared to it.

The next moment, Chen Yu rushed out of a distance of more than twenty meters with the power of one step and appeared in front of Chen Aiyang.

The fists were crossed, like a flash of flame, and the lotus flowers bloomed.

Lotus in the fire!


Chen Aiyang’s vigorous acceptance, his soul entered a state of great tranquility.

When he touched Chen Yu’s strength on his arm, he knew that the other party’s strength was extremely rich, and he was simply not enough to resist.

However, his whole body was shaken, and his heart was activated, and his strength reached his arm.

The next moment, Chen Aiyang’s arm stretched out, and the originally boxy well-blocking arm suddenly became round.

The arms and elbows are like holding a big ball, and between the drums, they are full of incomparable elasticity.

As soon as he was touched by Chen Yu’s fist method, Chen Aiyang swept out five or six meters away.

Chen Aiyang’s whole person has become a big leather ball with great elasticity, and with a little strength, the person will play far away.

“Is Tai Chi round thrashing? Then I’ll blow you up.” ”

Chen Yu’s hands kept stopping, and red lotuses bloomed out of thin air.

Exploded on Chen Aiyang’s body, glowing with a little blood.

Although Chen Aiyang blocked Chen Yu’s attack, he could even dissolve most of it.

But there was still a little energy entering his body, breaking countless capillaries.

Of course, Chen Aiyang’s physical strength was extremely powerful, and he instantly forced the bruise out of his body and forcibly closed the broken blood vessel.

Chen Yu actually doesn’t care.

The original GOD was more pretentious, and he insisted on fighting with Chen Aiyang, which was thankless.

But Chen Yu doesn’t care if he fights or doesn’t crush.

Forcibly burst Chen Aiyang’s Taiji Round Punch, and he won.

Although the Tai Chi Round Thump has excellent defense, it also has a bearing limit.

This limit is the upper limit of Chen Aiyang’s physical strength and strength.

Chen Yu’s strength is stronger than Chen Aiyang, and his physical strength is better than Chen Aiyang, and it is only a matter of time to forcibly break the opponent’s defense.

This is a solid cultivation, strength and even the general trend to suppress people.

Don’t care about the details of the move at all.

“Fang Yuan!”

After more than ten hands, Chen Aiyang took a long breath and spewed out the blood qi between his chest and abdomen.

Taiji Yuan thrashed and collapsed if he resisted again.

Once the fist collapses, he will also disappear with it.

It’s better to make a last-ditch effort.

The next moment, his arm shook slightly, and the skin of his whole body shimmered slightly.

This is the strength of the whole body, a layer of extremely fine sweat.

Strength poured into your hands.

The hands shook and shook, and they punched out the four squares, like circles and squares.

Suddenly, it concentrated a little and slammed into Chen Yu’s abdomen!

Burst out the most fierce “five-star beating” in Tai Chi.

The blood qi was like a sea wave, and Chen Yu burst out of qi and blood for the second time.

Then the fist of the lotus planted in the fire turned into fingerprints and pointed at the center of Chen Aiyang’s eyebrows.

With a soft “snort”, Chen Aiyang suddenly stopped moving.

His Tai Chi hammer strength was already infinitely close to Chen Yu’s body.

But the whole person froze and could no longer move a little.

“Ai Yang…”

Wang Chao sighed softly and closed his eyes.

Acquaintance with Chen Aiyang, fighting side by side, teaching each other stunts until he helped Chen Aiyang break through Danjin…

All kinds of images flashed through his mind one by one.

A moment later, Wang Chao opened his eyes again, his gaze deep.

“In your hands, Taijiquan has already opened a sect and entered a new level.”

“Today you will leave a name in history.”

Chen Yu shook his head and turned to leave.

“Chen Aiyang won?”

“It’s also possible that his few hands of Tai Chi are too handsome, and they have caught up with Yang Luchan a hundred years ago, right?”

“I don’t understand!”

“Actually, I didn’t understand either…”

“GOD is all off, and those who leave the game early are considered to lose, right?”

While Hua Jin and Dark Jin were speaking freely, the Dan Jin masters were all expressionless and had complicated expressions.

“The first person in Tai Chi play, it’s a pity.”

For a long time, Wu Yunlong, the head of Wu Style Taiji, sighed, his eyes a little regretful.

“Once we heard the word, there is no pity, Chen Aiyang is walking ahead of us.”

Chen Taiyi smiled bitterly and hugged Chen Aiyang.

Although he is the first person of Chen’s Tai Chi, he also has to worship the first Tai Chi in the world.

Wu Yunlong was silent for a moment, and also arched his hand.

The famous Tai Chi master, inspired by Chen Aiyang, is indeed great.

“Fang is like a person, smooth as the sky, the road after the Dan Dao, finally saw…”

“It’s a pity that it’s in a hurry, it’s too hurried…”

Chen Aiyang smiled slightly, sat down slowly, crossed his legs, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, his breathing, heartbeat, pulse, blood circulation, all vitality, was cut off!

“GOD wins”

A moment later, the LED screen shows the results of this scene.

Although in the process of fighting, the first to play is to lose.

But the living win, and the dead lose.

This is the bigger rule.

The audience was silent.

Horror, fear, reverence, admiration…

Thousands of eyes converged on Chen Yu’s body.

Subsequently, they shifted their gaze.

It’s as if you’re looking straight at death.

This is also the only shot Chen Yu made before the final.

All subsequent people, when facing him, handed over abstention.

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