The competition behind was indeed extremely tragic.

Originally, there were still people who were not very satisfied with the single-defeat elimination system.

I don’t think it’s fair to the losers.

But after the first day of playing, this sound basically disappeared.

Basically, every game is either dead or injured.

The winners had many serious injuries and even disabilities.

The losers are basically dead.

Even if you survive by luck, there is basically no way to fight again.

Even the civil war of Danjin masters is often one death and one injury.

The exception is Wang Chao.

He also shot once in the middle, which was the Peacock King Fist that fought Wu Kongxuan.

Turning the sky in one style, he cleanly crushed Wu Kongxuan’s fist intent that had climbed to the peak.

By the way, a palm whisked him out of the field.

Then, drifting away.

Of course, this is also Wu Kongxuan’s good luck, did not break through on the spot, and was promoted to Cheng Jin.

Otherwise, Wang Chao could only beat him to serious injury or even death.

There is not much difference between Gang Jin and breaking the void, and he has his own fist intent.

Chen Aiyang is Fang Yuan, his demeanor is Zen Rang, and Yan Yuanyi is “rather for jade crushing, not for Wa Quan”!

This kind of fist intent, with a strong personal color, can easily defeat Danjin masters who have no fist intent.

Even if Wang Chao’s vision is not bad, it is impossible to show mercy to his subordinates easily.

By the sixth day, everyone had already made a tacit understanding.

Danjin masters only participate in battles of their own rank.

The rest are basically fought by the masters of chemical strength.

As long as it was the turn of the Danjin master, the rest of the people all avoided and abstained.

One or two hundred experts of chemical strength all plan to let Dan Jin fight between each other, so as to vacate the place.

In the duel between Danjin masters, no one abstained.

Everyone’s fame status is here.

When encountering non-humans like Wang Chao and Chen Yu, it is reasonable to give up.

If you meet Danjin of the same rank, you will give up, then there is no need to mix.

The martial arts conference shrank on such occasions.

The name of the first British was basically ruined.

It was also on this day that Yue Lanting encountered Wang Chao’s disciple Huo Linger.

Two people fight hundreds of moves.

After all, it was Yue Lanting who relied on the realm of Huo Dan to force a step and barely defeated Huo Linger.

The next day, Luo Xiaomeng fought three games and defeated three masters of chemical strength.

Even one of them is a graceful junior sister, the first talented girl in the Hongmen sword method, Qiu Cicada.

For a time, Luo Xiaomeng and Yue Lanting were called Shuangshu, known as the first echelon under Hudan.

It was the tenth day.

The demeanor also shows a hideous side.

Under the beating of the Three Emperors, the blocker was invincible.

Iga Gen, the first in the Eastern Dying Martial Arts, was hammered to death by her.

Liu Mubai also faced her dozens of hands and was blasted out of the field by her.

At this point, the style has climbed to the strength in one fell swoop.

Yan Yuanyi, on the other hand, easily defeated Chen Taiyi, Liu Apefei and other Danjin masters, and they had no power to fight back.

The list of the top ten has been released, in order of odds, in order:

Wang Chao, GOD, Yan Yuanyi, Fengcai, Wu Yunlong, Yue Peng, Yue Lanting, Luo Xiaomeng, Tan Wendong, Zhu Hongzhi.

The first was Tan Wendong vs. Zhu Hongzhi.

Zhu Hongzhi directly chose to abstain and exit.

He is a veteran of Hongmen, Master Liao Junhua, with rich experience and extremely superb playing style.

But the physical strength has been extremely degraded, and it is already a miracle to be able to get here.

Becoming the tenth in the martial arts conference has fulfilled his wish.

There are no further plans.

Tan Wendong shook his head and smiled bitterly, and also chose to abstain and exit.

He is actually satisfied to become the ninth, and has no plans to fight again.

Then there was the battle between Luo Xiaomeng and Yue Lanting.

It is naturally impossible for the junior sisters to fight for life and death.

Both of them are very familiar with each other’s moves, so they start to create their own moves at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaomeng won the final victory.

Yue Lanting met Chen Yu’s task of entering the top ten, and simply jumped out of the ring.

Then Luo Xiaomeng looked at the demeanor, then at Yan Yuanyi, and then at Wu Yunlong…

After thinking for a few seconds, he also decisively chose to abstain.

The back is all Dan Jin, and he is also abused when he goes up…

What a fart!

In the end, Luo Xiaomeng took the seventh, and Yue Lanting took the eighth.

“The reincarnation side quest has been completed, and a total of two disciples (under Dan Jin) have been taught and allowed to enter the top ten of the martial arts conference.”

Chen Yu is also very satisfied with this result.

Anyway, the side quest only requires one apprentice to enter the top ten.

He had two apprentices satisfied.

It’s basically the limit.

The top five is certainly impossible.

Dan Jin is invincible for the peak of chemical strength.

Chen Yu still can’t think about it like this.

However, speaking of which, Yue Lanting can naturally enter Danjin after two or three months.

And when Luo Xiaomeng defeated the autumn cicada, he also comprehended the way of Dan Jin, and is now at the level of Condensing Dan.

It probably takes the accumulation of 100 days of hudan pills.

In time, the future is limitless.

Then Yan Yuanyi vs. Yue Peng, and Style vs. Wu Yunlong.

Wu Yunlong and Yue Peng’s luck and strength were not bad.

Especially Wu Yunlong, Chen Yu remembers that the original work was eliminated by Ba Liming.

But now Ba Liming was killed by Chen Yu.

Without this big nemesis, Wu Yunlong was obviously much luckier.

There were thrills all the way to the top ten.

Only now have the dividends of good luck completely run out.

Yan Yuanyi fought against Yue Peng first.

Yue Peng struck with all his might, and was defeated by Yan Yuanyi in the twelfth move.

Break his wings apart.

Then, Yue Peng decisively jumped out of the circle to save his life…

Got sixth place.

Wu Yunlong was inspired by Chen Aiyang’s outbreak before his death, and in fact, his martial arts made great progress.

Even if it was demeanor, it took a lot of effort to knock him out.

Wu Yunlong exhaled, and was actually very satisfied with this result.


The front was all immortal fights, and he really couldn’t participate in it.

After a short break, Yan Yuanyi faced each other.

These two proud daughters of heaven, whether it is life experience or martial arts realm, are standing at the peak.

But now in order to pursue a higher realm, they will climb to the peak at the cost of their lives.

Regardless of life and death, regardless of success or failure, just ask for a pain!

The two people fought extremely quickly, created new moves at the same time, and were cracked by the other party.

Until the end, the two people unleashed a killing blow at the same time.

Finally, Yan Yuanyi used his hand as a knife to split out the Spring and Autumn Dao.

And the style responds with the “hand-thrashing” in the Three Emperors cannon pounding.

The two martial arts carry each other’s fist intent and martial will at the same time.

In the final collision, they communicated with each other’s minds and spirits, and at the same time converged on killing intentions.

In this fight, the two women stepped into each other’s peak state.

Finally peeked through the last barrier.

Peeked into a trace of breaking the void and seeing the mystery that God is not bad!

The two grinned and walked away holding hands.

The moment they collided, they both were defeated, and countless cracks appeared in their bones.

It’s just that these injuries, although serious, are not dangerous for the strong vitality of the two women.

After a while, you can recover as before.

After discussion by the organizing committee, they were given joint third place.

The LED screen flashed for another thirty seconds at the end, and the list of the last battle appeared.

Tangmen: Wang Chao!

Stateless: GOD!

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