“I am the weak side???”

“Am I a weakling?”

“How can it be! Who lined up this diagram? ”

“Little phoenix of the Xiao family? The Lin family’s unicorn? ”

“It’s impossible, the Lin family is half a year older than me, I deliberately slowed down the speed of pushing the tower in order to practice the sword, it is impossible to meet him.”

“The Xiao family? Nor can it be! How could she possibly come to the Force Side Copy? ”

“Ninth floor? Is it the college entrance examination champion? ”

“It’s not right, it took two years for the goods to clear the seventh layer, and it should be as stable as an old dog.” How is it possible to challenge the ninth layer in a few days? ”

“Wait, ninth floor, three days… Don’t…… Is it Zhenwu? ”

In Luoyang City, a young man in white suddenly froze, his face cloudy.

His name is Ye Ge, and he is the heir of the Ye family of the three hidden families.

The three hermit families each have their own strengths and have a powerful lineage.

The Ye family is proficient in kendo, practicing to the pinnacle, claiming to be able to destroy mountains and break mountains and break the army alone.

Originally, everyone was at the top of the strong in this world, laughing and watching the flowers of the earthly world blossom and fall, and the clouds were comfortable.

As a result, the tower of reincarnation appeared…

At this time, the heads of the three major families were still unimpressed.

After all, in the early days, power can be obtained though.

But for them, it is too small.

Therefore, it is okay to ask the juniors of the family to have fun and experience life.

But don’t lose your mind as a plaything.

Yourself, don’t study at all, just practice qi and meditate at ease.

As a result, not long ago, Daoist Amin was promoted to the eighth rank.

I went door-to-door with the three major families.

It seems to be looking for someone.

Although the person was not found in the end.

But the invincible power displayed scared the three major family masters.

How is this script different!

It is clear that the hidden family in the novel is disdainful of the world’s king’s hegemony, so it is hidden from the world.

A rage and fear of the princes, live in peace and the world is extinguished!

It’s very aggressive to think about!

As a result, we haven’t thought about it yet.

Honestly at home, eating hot pot and singing.

I was scared to pee by an ordinary Taoist priest.

Who to reason with?

The strong man who came out of the reincarnation tower…

Is…… How envious!

The heads of the three hermit families still have some brains.

After carefully evaluating the combat power of high-end reincarnations, he reluctantly announced that “times have really changed.”

Therefore, the heads of the three major families ordered at the same time to end the conservative attitude towards the reincarnation tower.

Go all out for the challenge.

Even, put it in the family exam.

Priority is more important than cultivating family inheritance!

After all, those family inheritances are powerful.

But practice to the apex, practice until the resurrection of the ancestor, it is estimated that he was also suspended by Armin …

Don’t say Amin, a reincarnation who can win a seventh-order peak can burn incense.

After the hidden family changed its thinking, it also gained a lot.

After all, their bodies are strong, the initial values are good, and there are still advantages in the early stage.

Even young people often have third-order strength.

Those copies in the early stage, even if you don’t know the full plot, as long as you follow the steps, you can’t fight steadily and don’t die.

A or even S grade evaluations are still quite easy to get.

Ye Ge, as the leader of this generation of platoons, also began to brush the information day and night, and went all out to impact the reincarnation tower.

Very easily, he reached the strength of the fourth order peak.

It is very likely that after playing this book, you can reach the fifth rank.

As a result, they were judged to be weak.

His mentality suddenly collapsed.

While thinking about it, Ye Ge’s mind moved, and he shook in the crowd.

Then walked through two alleys and knocked on the door of a large mansion.

Luoyang Tianjian Gate.

“Who are you?”

A disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect opened the door and asked.

“Hello senior brother, the younger brother’s name is Ye Ge, and he came to visit the teacher.”

Ye Ge quietly handed over one or two pieces of silver, showing a gentle smile.

This money was just passed by him on the road.

If you want to be a hero, you can’t do it without money.

“Hello, Master, come in. The head is inside. ”

The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect was slightly startled, took the silver, and immediately smiled.

“Since you are better than me, then don’t blame me for taking the lead.”

Ye Ge smiled slightly, and a hint of confidence flashed in his eyes: “8 SSS-level evaluations?” It’s up to me to finish. ”

Choose the main road line!


While Ye Ge was rubbing his fists, Chen Yu had already circled around the valley.

It may be a problem with the game’s setting, and this world does not appear that luck protagonist Dongfang Weiming.

Flawless also only accepted two apprentices.

Senior brother Gu Yuexuan seems to have something to go out, and only Lao Hu is playing with iron in the valley.

I didn’t see anything like a treasure chest either…

In his room, there was a set of swords.

The handle of the sword is engraved with the word “Taiyi”, and the handwriting is ugly.

No matter which weapons shop sells like this, it will smash its own signboard.

Chen Yu suspected that Thorn carved it himself.

It should be the Taiyi Dao and Taiyi Sword he is used to.

Instead of the Buddha Sword Magic Sword obtained later.

Of course, Chen Yu didn’t know if the thorns of this route had that set of things.

Chen Yu thought about it, smoothly opened a bag, and put the Taiyi sword in.

Let’s use this one first.

If it is broken, it will be replaced with a gentleman’s sword, and if it is broken again, it will be replaced with a Xuan Tie sword.

Anyway, what you can’t take away, you have to make the most of it.

Before leaving… Eh, the top Master Flawless Room hasn’t gone yet.

Or else, come and come.

By the way, try the martial arts of the flawless.

Chen Yu thought of one of the mission requirements to defeat the flawless, and his heart moved slightly.

When the martial arts group of heroes opened, Xu Ziyi also said to the protagonist Dongfang Weiming that Flawless’s martial arts ranked fifth in the world.

Consider that this NPC has an official background as a maker.

It should not be nonsense.

Fifth, where to put it can be regarded as an absolute master.

Then talk to this cheap master a few hands before leaving, and by the way, understand the force system of this world.

If you can’t use sword qi and can only fight with Flawless, it is very likely that you can only win the Heavenly King and the Sword Saint.

Then the stronger dragon king will have to consider tactics.

Chen Yu thought of doing it and came all the way to the room of the flawless.

“Thorns, why do you have time to come to Master?”

Flawless wrote a note in the room, looking indifferent.

“Bored, nothing to do, just come and see the old man.”

Anyway, thorns are this stinky problem of bad breath.

Chen Yu is also very cool to learn.

“Well, it’s rare, I actually took the initiative to see if I was dead or not.”

Flawless flawless flicked his beard, pulled his cheeks, and gave Chen Yu a white look.

“Well said, well said.”

Chen Yu leaned over to take a look and found that it was Su Shi’s “Niannujiao Chibi Huaigu”

“The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the merry people of the ages…”

The words are painted with silver hooks and iron, and the writing is impassioned.

“You don’t need to taste the words, can you understand this word?”

Flawless rolled his eyes and teased.

He is proficient in calligraphy, painting, flowers, wine, and tea.

Accepted two apprentices, the eldest disciple Gu Yuexuan is honest and kind, elegant and elegant, and loves to act chivalrous and righteous.

Qinqi calligraphy and painting flowers, wine and tea are still proficient!

And Thorns does not learn all day, only knows to bury his head and practice martial arts.

The martial arts are actually like that, a little worse than Gu Yuexuan.

Let Flawless be a little helpless.

In his heart, what does it matter if martial arts is such a thing, a little higher and lower?

It’s better to indulge in the landscape and play the world.

It is not a dream in vain.

“I understand, it’s well written.”

Chen Yu said casually.

Su Dongpo’s things, of course, are nothing to fault.

He is also not a scholar, and he can only say some clichés about this.

What majestic and desolate, majestic, vigorous pen, grand realm and so on…

Nothing new.

“You know a fart! How can it be so described? ”

Flawless blows his beard and glares at him.

“It’s a good write, can’t it be written?”

Chen Yu was stunned.

“If you don’t learn and have no skills, you will be angry with the old man!”

Flawless said angrily.

What does it mean to write well?

Su Dongpo wrote well?

It’s really good…

No, it’s not wrong at all!

This kind of ancient and modern swan song with full words borrowed from ancient lyrics, how can it be so understated.

“Is that so?”

Chen Yu thought about it, and a thought came to his mind, and he couldn’t help but laugh: “Old man, borrow the pen for me to use.” ”

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