“Oh, just your dog crawling words, it’s good to use a pen?”

In addition to being surprised, Flawless seemed to have a bit of a good attitude, and immediately handed the pen over, but his mouth was not idle.

“Huh? The posture of holding the pen this time is okay, a little improved. ”

“This word… You actually practice writing secretly? The sun is coming out of the west? ”

“The writing is really good, and I have the ability to be a teacher.”

“Linjiang Immortal? Do you still know the word brand name? There is growth! ”

“Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water? It seems like something. ”

Flawless flawed his beard and pondered.

“Splash out of heroes? Success or failure turns the head! The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times??? ”

“Ah this…”

“On the white-haired fishing tree on the river, used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze, a pot of cloudy wine happy to meet, how many things in ancient and modern times, all paid for laughter and discussion?”

“Wonderful, meow, good words!”

Flawless looked at Chen Yu dumbfounded, and his old face turned red.

It seems to be excited.

How to say this song, whether it can be compared to Lao Su’s “Nian Nu Jiao”, Chen Yu is not very clear.

But it is certainly possible to blast the flawless’s own poetry into slag.

Heaven and earth are eternal, rivers are endless, green mountains are everlasting, but generations of heroes are all fleeting.

Generations rise and fall, the wind is surging, but the jokes on the wine table.

There is reality in fiction, without any specific historical events and characters, but it is all-encompassing and extremely capable.

The idea of indifference and freedom also coincides with the Taoist concept of leisure.

An old man in his seventies like Flawless has a lot of resonance with the artistic conception inside.

“This word… You wrote this word? ”

Flawless took off the wine gourd hanging in the house, drank half a gourd wine in one goe, and couldn’t let go of it.

“I copied it.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

Chen Yu remembers that the worldview of the game’s background is opposed to the east and the west.

The West Factory was historically a short-lived institution.

It was only opened at the beginning of Chenghua and Zhengde, and there were two factory flowers.

And when Yang Shen wrote “Linjiang Immortal” at the age of thirty-six, the ashes of the West Factory were all raised.

Theoretically, it is impossible to crash.

When it hits, it will be bumped.

He doesn’t care either.

Anyway, he said it was copied.


The flawless old man’s face turned red, and he put away the poems that Chen Yu had copied.

“It’s because the teacher blames you, I didn’t expect you to be ashamed and brave, and you have improved to such a level in a short period of time.”

“It’s beyond the reach of the master.”

“I copied it.”

“…… Let’s not mention this, shall we? ”


“Talk about what you want to learn here, Qinqi calligraphy and painting, flowers, wine and tea can be a teacher can give you some guidance or two.”

“I want to talk to you.”

“Good! Have courage, what do you want to compare to? ”

Flawless was overjoyed and rubbed his hands.

“Competition of martial arts.”

“Your martial arts are actually enough, there should still be more than twenty people in the rivers and lakes, and some small masters can’t beat you.”

“Can you defeat Li Canglong?”

“…… Almost. ”

Flawless was startled and said indifferently.

“Just a little?”

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

Thorns, this spiritual guy, is he actually so fierce?

“Almost means that if someone clicks it, you will die.”

Flawless sighed: “I know that you look at your senior brother’s fame, and you are a little unconvinced, and you also want to make a name for yourself.” ”

“But if you pick a good target, can Li Canglong’s idea also be hit?” Teachers did not dare to use him as a stepping stone. ”

“The leader of the Heavenly Dragon Sect, if he was good at killing, he would have been killed long ago.”

Flawless said disdainfully.

“I really can’t figure out his strength, so I plan to discuss with you old man and have a comparison.”

I didn’t think that the old man of Flawless would also play with terriers.

Chen Yu didn’t pay attention for a while, and was actually tricked.

I couldn’t help but cry and laugh.

“Although your sword moves are good, they still lack internal strength.”

“If you want to improve later, it is a water mill that accumulates over time, and you can’t be so impetuous.”

“Well, seeing that you still have some future in dancing and inking, it’s better to feel at ease to get poetry articles.”

“Martial arts is just a small path, this is the right way to stay in history.”

Flawless rolled his eyes and encouraged.

“Well, it makes sense. But I have recently practiced hard and have reached the stage of putting down the sword. ”

“Now that there are small results, martial arts have made great progress, I especially want to try a few hands with you.”

“Okay then.”

Flawless thought about it, nodded, and walked out.

Although he doesn’t like martial arts very much.

But it’s not a bad thing for your apprentice to learn martial arts diligently.

In the past, he could also accuse Thorns of not learning and not knowing.

But now it’s suddenly a little unspeakable.

Then convinced, your own momentum comes up, let’s talk about it.

“If you don’t use a sword, you can do it at will, and if the master doesn’t move, just stand in place and fight with you.”

“Hurry up and hurry, after the fight, the teacher will talk to you about calligraphy and painting.”

The flawless came to the yard and stood lazily.

Running the north without power, the energy surged, blowing his robe up.

It is said that this is the product of the fusion of the Northern Underworld Divine Skill and the Little Wuxiang Gong, and its power is boundless.

But Chen Yu deeply suspected that these two exercises were incomplete, so he had to piece them together.

Meng Yi is very intimidating to hear, but it actually gives people a feeling of copycat.

If it really wanted to be so well integrated, the former Xiaoyao ancestor Xiaoyaozi would have already integrated this set of exercises together.

You can’t be flawless than at least a sixth-order Xiaoyaozi, right?

If this is the case, then Chen Yu has nothing to think about.

Just obediently go and be the little brother of the Dragon King.

“Then I shot.”

Chen Yu shook his head and let go of those unrealistic thoughts.

The “blood gas burst” opened, and the blood in the whole body stirred, bulging like a tsunami.

After cultivating to see that God is not bad, now the impact of blood qi outbreaks on the body is very small.

With a little internal injury, the blood flow can heal on its own.

It’s nothing to use it more than ten times in a row.

It’s basically just a physical exertion.

When the blood qi is running, the Yi tendon true qi is bulging at the same time.

The qi surged, pouring into the palm of the palm without reservation.

The next moment, Chen Yu’s hands formed a flame handprint, which bloomed rapidly.

In mid-air, a fire lotus energy condensed and bombarded towards the flawless.

The middle of the fire lotus is faintly visible, and the edges are blurred.

The fire lotus is constantly agitating, as if there is life.

If it is virtual, it gives people a feeling of palpitations.

A hundred steps of qi, condensing the truth, qi can be turned into a tangible qi soldier, which is the mark of the sixth order.

But Chen Yu is familiar with the blood qi and innate qi of the national arts, and has also practiced the legendary Tianzi Dragon Qi.

Several things fused together, resulting in a tendency to condense in the fifth order.

This trick was also slowly tried by Chen Yu in the Summer Palace in the later time.

It is a reincarnation self-creation, not a spatial skill.

Although it does not add attributes, it does work well.

Originally, Chen Yu planned for the martial arts conference Wang Chao to refuse to use his weapon, and then he lost the lottery himself, so he tried this trick.

The result has no chance to be used.

Then try your hand with flawless.

The opponent’s internal strength is so strong, it should be quite resistant to beating.

It will not be directly killed.

“This blood is really strong, it is good to be young, and it was like this before being a teacher.”

“Well, the teacher should be worse than you.”

“This handprint is good, it has the essence of my Daomen.”

“This lotus? Well? ”


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