“Ding, judge that the Heavenly King Li Cangtian has been defeated, challenge the evaluation to upgrade.”

“If you defeat or kill other peak powerhouses in the future, you can increase your evaluation.”

Chen Yu also didn’t know how the evaluation was upshifted.

In my impression, defeating Flawless and Grandpa Chen is just an improvement in the evaluation, not an upshift.

But after defeating Li Cangtian, the upshift was triggered.

Chen Yu estimates that everyone has hidden points.

Flawless and Chen Gonggong are weaker and do not have many hidden points.

After defeating Li Cangtian, he accumulated enough hidden points, which led to an upward increase.

According to the rank of strength, the Dragon King should have a higher score.

Of course, dealing with the Dragon King belongs to the main line, and there are no points to fight…

Walking out of the cave, Chen Yu found that the group of Shaolin monks were still lying on the ground, watching the mountain collapse in shock.

Then, Wuxi saw Li Cangtian in Chen Yu’s hand…

His face suddenly became wonderful.

“Sleep, I’ll go to your temple and sit down, and I’ll let someone pick you up by the way.”

Chen Yu waved to them very inattentively, then lifted Li Cangtian and hurried towards the Shaolin Temple.

“The devil’s head is out of trouble, the demon king is born, it is the calamity of my Buddhist sect…”

Wu sighed and closed his eyes.

Frankly speaking, Chen Yu is quite satisfied with the title of Demon King.

It’s a little bit in the middle two.

“Let me down.”

Although Li Cangtian did not faint, he still felt extremely embarrassed when he saw Wuxi and the others.

Keep your eyes closed and pretend to be dead.

Seeing Chen Yu leading him over a hill, it was impossible for several Shaolin monks to see him, so they hurriedly spoke.


Chen Yu also felt that the vitality in his body was recovering rapidly, so he smoothly put Li Cangtian on the ground.

“What did you just give the old man to eat?”

“One is a solipsistic pill, and the other is made by me… Eh, the life-sustaining divine pill can restore qi and blood and replenish physical strength. ”

Nougat was strange to say, so Chen Yu casually changed his words.

It’s tall when you hear it.


“Hehe, although this thing is powerful, with the old man’s cultivation, a year and a half is enough to dissolve. Just one piece, I’m afraid it’s not enough, right? ”

Li Cangtian sneered.

As for the Life Continuation God Pill, he did believe it too.

After all, as soon as the pill entered the abdomen, a warm current flowed through the body, constantly accelerating the recovery of internal strength.

Even some of the dark wounds he has suffered over the years show signs of recovery.

It is indeed a supreme divine pill!

Moreover, the taste is very good!

There is actually something indescribably delicious.

Freely? Or happiness?

Li Cangtian was locked up for so long, and finally got out of the cave.

Looking at the green mountains and green waters, and eating the god-eater-level delicacy, there were some mood fluctuations for a while.

“So you mean, want to eat more?”

Chen Yu was startled and glanced at him.

Some doubts, has this old man been locked up for a long time, and the people who are locked up are stupid?


Li Cangtian coughed and closed his mouth decisively.

“I don’t want to eat more, this thing is limited in quantity and cannot be wasted.”

Chen Yu smiled: “Just now you said, if I can take you three moves, I will be the lord.” ”

“As a result, you don’t seem to have received my third punch yet.”


“Lose and don’t admit it?”

“Subordinate Li Cangtian, meet the sect leader.”

Li Cangtian’s old face was dark again, and after thinking about it, he still bowed down and made a big gift.

He has always been arrogant, but his words are still counted.

Moreover, he didn’t leave anything to do in these few strokes, and he basically shot with all his might.

But he really couldn’t beat the mysterious teenager in front of him.

Infusion of the heart is oral.

I thought that I was out of trouble this time, like a dragon entering the sea, and a tiger returning to the mountains and forests.

There is nothing that can be done in the world.

As a result, he was beaten down by three punches from the teenager in front of him…

Suddenly, Li Cangtian’s full ambition faded a lot.

Only some thoughts of revenge remained.

“Vice Sect Leader Li please.”

Chen Yu smiled.

To tell the truth, Li Cangtian’s cultivation is still quite high.

At his peak, Chen Yu was not sure that three punches would get him.

At least four or five punches…

But after all, he has been locked up for too long now, and his spirit is a little insufficient, and his combat strength must be discounted.

Of course, the impact is not too great.

Otherwise, the space will not judge itself to complete the challenge.

“If you help me dominate the rivers and lakes and become the overlord of martial arts.”

“Then I can also let you take the original part and go to the Western Regions to establish your ideal country.”

Chen Yu thought about it and gave Li Cangtian a carrot.

“You… The sect leader actually knows this? ”

Li Cangtian was shocked.

In the hearts of many jianghu people, they are the embodiment of evil and the great devil of martial arts.

But few people know the grand goal in their hearts – to create an ideal country free of strife in the far West.

It was this idea that allowed him to gain the pledge of allegiance from many.

And, the hostility of many.

Unfortunately, the years have passed in a hurry, and there are not many people who still have this dream now.

“To know is to know, but I don’t think you can succeed.”

“But… After my Heavenly Dragon Sect dominates the rivers and lakes, if you want to try, try it. ”

“Brothers in the sect, whoever wants to go with you is okay.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

Frankly, he is not optimistic about this utopian utopian social structure at all.

Junior high school students understand that social structure is closely related to productivity.

With Li Cangtian, even the ability of all people in this era, is not enough to build such social relationships.

However, it is always good to have ideals.

Chen Yu is too lazy to splash cold water, if you want to try, try it.

Anyway, if I left, I couldn’t care about it.

“This… Is this true? ”

Li Cangtian trembled.

“Why should I lie to you, am I afraid that you will not succeed?”

“…… Thank you Sect Leader! ”

“The green mountains are still the same, but I have gray hair… It’s really unforgiving…”

“But man can grow old, his strength can decline, his heart cannot die, and his ideal cannot die!”

Li Cangtian took a long breath, his expression was excited, as if he was cheering himself up.

“Not forgetting your original intention, it’s a good habit, stick to it.”

Chen Yu nodded.

“Thank you…”

Li Cangtian reacted, and the old man blushed.

The young man in front of him seemed indifferent and seemed to see through everything.

Even, there are some moods and emotions.

Li Cangtian’s mood was a little complicated.

To his feeling, this is a character who is even more powerful than Li Canglong.

Maybe you’re really old.

On the rivers and lakes, there is no way to compete with such an unearthly top figure.

Returned to the Heavenly Dragon Sect, took revenge, became a second-in-command, and left with those who believed in him…

It seems to be good either.

Li Cangtian looked at the distant mountains and green waters, and exhaled a long breath.

The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times!

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