In the Shaolin Temple, the shadow of the stick rolls and the palm wind surges.

Five hundred arhats have already been posed.

The monks were armed with knives, guns and sticks, one after another, attacking or defending, continuously.

This kind of town and temple array, thousands of hammers, basically has no possibility of being broken.

Although the martial arts of Jialuo Luojiang Tianxiong and others are high, they are also a little difficult to deal with.

“Sure enough, it is the old ministry of the Heavenly King, but for some reason Xuanjizi also came to make this excitement.”

“There is also a mask man, and the martial arts are also unfathomable, and it even seems to be above Carolus.”

“If you can’t leave them behind, I’m afraid that the rivers and lakes will not be peaceful again.”

“Will there be any remnants heading to the back mountain…”

“There are no junior brothers stationed in the back mountain, if it is one or two, it should be harmless.”

“Even if you see Li Cangtian, if you don’t have a divine weapon, what can you do?”

“Two junior brothers, Lao Gu is still a little relieved. We also made a move, first killing this group of demons, and then going to the back mountains to have a look. ”

“Amida Buddha, it is my generation’s responsibility to eliminate demons and defend the Dao, and it is incumbent upon me!”

Wu Zhi Wu Hui stood side by side, looking indifferent.

Although the martial arts of Ren Tianxiang and the mask man are high, they are at most between the colorless and unwise Bo Zhong.

The abbot is better than them.

Now that the five people on the other side are in the battle, if the three monks strike with all their might, they should be able to kill all these people.

At this point, the vein of the king of heaven has become a passing cloud.

It’s worth paying some price.


“No cause, no color, no wisdom, get out!”

At this moment, a long whistle sounded, and someone swept from far and near.

The momentum is like a wave ripping the shore, shaking the valley.

“Is he?”


“How is that possible?”

The three monks suddenly raised their heads, their expressions extremely angry.

Between the whiskers, a high wall in the northwest corner crashed down.

Two figures rushed over!

Dozens of Shaolin monks who came to intercept them, before they could hand over their long sticks, were flicked by the sleeves of Li Cangtian’s robe and thrown out far away.

The next moment, Li Cangtian exhaled and condensed a huge ball of light.

The ball of light exploded, and the wind overflowed, sweeping towards the surrounding Shaolin monks.

Suddenly flesh and blood flew.

As if a small grenade had been detonated.

“Heavenly King!”

“Sect Leader!”


Ling Xiang’er, Luo Na, and Ren Tianxiang looked at the mighty and awe-inspiring Li Cangtian, and tears filled their eyes.

Li Cangtian nodded to Ren Tianxiang and the others, then turned to face Chen Yu and knelt on one knee:

“Sect Leader, today my sect and Shaolin are inevitable, how to deal with it, and ask the Lord for instructions.”

No Cause, No Color, No Wisdom: ???

Ren Tianxiang, Ling Xiang’er, Luo Na: ???

Jiang Tianxiong, Xuan Shizi: (o words o)

Shaolin monk: …

“It’s the abbot of Shaolin for no reason, so leave it to me.” Colorless and unwise are up to you. ”

Chen Yu said lightly.

There were only three Shaolin masters, and Chen Yu didn’t pay attention to it.

Even if the three of them are on the same page, he is sure to beat easily.

But considering that Dao Li Cangtian’s depression could not be dissipated, it was better to leave two for him.

Anyway, space only stipulates to defeat no cause, and everyone else is irrelevant.


Li Cangtian laughed, straightened up, and his hair fluttered.

“Li Cangtian, what are you crazy about?”

Wuhui said suspiciously.

“You have been famous for decades, and the old man is still a character. Unexpectedly, in order to get out of trouble now, I also recognized a yellow-mouthed child who had not dried up as the owner, which really laughed out of my big teeth. ”

Shiki also laughed.

“Milk smells dry? Yellow-mouthed children? Laugh out your big teeth? ”

“Knock out the big teeth of the old bald man who just spoke.”

Chen Yu sighed.


Li Cangtian laughed, and as soon as the white robe flicked, he attacked Colorless.

“Be careful!”

Wuhui’s face changed, and she hurriedly greeted her.

The three Shaolin monks all participated in the battle to capture Li Cangtian in those years, and they knew that the other party’s martial arts were unfathomable.

Now even if the other party’s martial arts stand still, he is by no means his opponent.

“No presumptuousness!”

Eight Shaolin monks hurriedly waved their sticks to greet them, hitting all the key points in Li Cangtian.

Li Cangtian didn’t look at it, and his sleeve robe flicked casually.

Eight monks vomited blood and flew out.

“This is Li Cangtian, the former leader of the Demon Sect, except for the ‘Wu’ character monks, the rest of the monks all retreat!”

The abbot shouted sharply.

At the level of Li Cangtian, those who can barely fight him can only be first-class experts in the world.

No matter how many ordinary warrior monks there are, it doesn’t mean much.

It’s really not possible, people throw a few AOEs and run.

The warrior monks here are all in bad luck.

A large number of people were killed and injured, and then they could only watch others strategically turn in.

Can’t catch up at all.

Even if you catch up, you don’t dare to chase …


Li Cangtian laughed loudly and waved his hand.

In a few moves, Colorless and Wise had already been surrounded by the danger he had beaten.

There are not many wordless monks, and most of them are still fighting with Jiang Tianxiong and others.

Reluctantly, four more monks joined the battle.

Those who came from Li Cangtian did not refuse, and with one enemy and six, they still had the upper hand.

“This old man has a hand in abusing vegetables.”

Chen Yu glanced at it and knew that Li Cangtian had no victory.

But he seemed to be trying his luck and did not kill him.

A few monks can barely support it.

Of course, barely supporting it requires a master of “nothing” characters.

Replaced by an ordinary monk, it is estimated that even the aftermath of his palm power cannot be received.

“Amida Buddha, Lord Jing, I didn’t think that you had fallen into the evil path and mixed with the great devil, Li Cangtian.”

Without a reason, the abbot performed a light skill of crossing the river, and lightly fluttered through the Arhat Great Array and came to Chen Yu.

Although he didn’t know the reason, judging from Li Cangtian’s attitude, he understood that Chen Yu must be a crucial person.

Since Li Cangtian got out of trouble and made a move, Shaolin was defeated.

Capturing the boy in front of you for trading may be the only chance.

“It’s not considered to fall into the evil way, I just think that this jianghu is too dirty, fighting around all day, it’s not interesting, the pattern is too small.”


“So, I decided to fix the cult first. Then, deal with you decently. When I dominate the rivers and lakes, I can do something interesting. ”

“Don’t worry, everyone has a share.”

Chen Yu smiled.

“Amitabha! The benefactor is forceful and nonsense. ”

The abbot was stunned for a long time, and he didn’t understand what Chen Yu was going to say.

But I always felt offended.

It seems that the teenager in front of him did not put him in his eyes at all.

Just a second disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, why?

Even if the flawless son comes in person, he may not be able to win against himself.

Thinking of this, the abbot Wuyi felt a little annoyed in his heart.

“Forget it, it’s hard for people to understand each other, and they always have to fight. Old abbot, please. ”

Chen Yu glanced at Wu Zhi and felt that he still wouldn’t go down with this old monk.

Some cross-server chat.

“Amida Buddha, today’s great devil is freed, and the rivers and lakes will be in chaos in the coming day.”

“Since you broke through the catastrophe, Lao Gu can only take action to capture you and let your master come to deal with it.”

Finally returned to the category that the abbot of no cause could understand.

He was also relieved.

I think it’s good to talk about people.

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