Without the abbot’s words, his right palm was drawn diagonally and suddenly shot out.

In mid-air, a pale golden handprint appeared and shot towards Chen Yu.

This is the Donkey Kong palm that he has practiced to the pinnacle.

“Powerful, martial arts. Combat experience is indeed okay, no wonder Li Cangtian was also yin by you back then. ”

Chen Yu smiled, formed a lotus fist mark, and blasted out with a punch.

This old monk’s sense of battle is indeed good.

I actually know to attack first!

Under normal circumstances, as the abbot of Shaolin and the sixth master recognized by the system, he should often be extremely arrogant.

In the face of juniors, the regular operation is also to say “let you make three moves”, “you shoot”, “I stand still and fight with you” and so on.

As a result, once this old monk faced the enemy, he had no taboos and was ruthless in his hands.

At first glance, it has an advanced martial arts concept!

If it weren’t for the solipsism, the number of pills is really limited.

Chen Yu wanted to feed this old monk one.

The fists and palms collided, canceled each other out, and turned into invisible.

“Your internal strength… What is it? ”

Wu Yi’s face changed, revealing a look of shock.

With one move, he found that Chen Yu’s internal strength was by no means below him.

The internal strength is also profound.

What’s even more weird is that how does the other party exert it resemble Shaolin’s treasure of Zhenshan “The Book of Easy Tendons”?

There is only one volume of the Book of Yi Tendon and it has not been stolen, how can it be learned?

Just nm outrageous.

“Don’t you recognize it?”

Chen Yu smiled.

“Amitabha! The donor actually secretly learned my Shaolin Yi Tendon Sutra Divine Skill, please come up with an explanation today. ”

The abbot of Wuyin slapped Chen Yu again, and both of them shook and took two steps back.

“Do you think I’ve practiced your Yi Tendon Sutra Divine Skill for several years?”

“At least… Belch? ”

The abbot was stunned.

The other party’s Yi Tendon Skill is by no means below himself.

But I have been cultivating for forty years.

But the other party is only in his early twenties.

Even if you steal the Yi Tendon Sutra, you can’t practice for a few years.

This kind of practice that has been passed down for hundreds of years, is there a quick way?

Thinking of this, the mentality of the abbot without cause is a little broken.

“I’ll not talk about the Yi Sutra, let’s take a look at this trick, right?”

The two people have great internal strength, and they are both cultivators of the Yi Sutra.

Chen Yu was too lazy to fight with Wu Cause.

Although I can definitely win, I can’t see where to win.

Nothing interesting.

“The benefactor has Yaxing, and the old man is self-serving… Well? ”

Without a shock in his ears, he seemed to hear the sound of a tsunami.

“This is… What exercises? Blood? How can it be so exuberant? ”

“The Xiaoyao Sect is a Taoist, not a soldier, how can there be a method of practicing qi and blood?”

For a reason, his eyelids jumped, and he knew that the other party must be a big move.

Hurriedly silently used the internal force and shot a big Donkey Kong palm power.

The other party’s martial arts are indeed extremely strange and unreasonable.

But he can’t stop fighting because the other party’s martial arts are weird…

The power of the Vajra palm broke through the air, and at the same time, a huge fire lotus phantom bloomed in the void.

“Punch accident? What the hell are you…? ”

Shocked for no reason, he subconsciously shouted.

The power of Vajra’s palm dissipated, and the fire lotus ran over with an unstoppable momentum.


The abbot’s face sank, and his palms shot out one after another.

The wind overflowed and suddenly exploded.

“Good things come in pairs.”

Chen Yu smoothly blasted out another fire lotus…


The abbot forcibly raised his breath and slapped another palm, and then was hit by the aftermath of the fire lotus and flew out several meters.

He pointed at Chen Yu a little weakly, then spat out a mouthful of blood, and sat down on the ground with a pale face.

His strength is too far worse than Li Cangtianke.

After receiving Chen Yu’s first punch, he received some internal injuries.

The second punch was injured and almost lost his combat power.

“Ding, judge that the abbot has been defeated without cause.”

“If you defeat or kill other peak powerhouses in the future, you can increase your evaluation.”

Space prompted.

“Let’s make a quick decision.”

Chen Yu was a little bored and ordered.


Li Cangtian nodded, waved his right hand, and struck out several large balls of light.

The ball of light burst, and the other four monks besieging Li Cangtian slowly fell to the ground, motionless.

Colorless and Wuhui were shocked and hurriedly retreated.

Li Cangtian let out a long laugh, his figure flashed, and he printed a palm on each of the two.

The two monks snorted and fell down with blood spurting.

Li Cangtian thought about it, strode up, and smashed a punch at the colorless face door.

Colorless screamed, and the big tooth fell down.

The whole person fainted.

Chen Yu had just ordered that the front teeth of this colorless old bald man be blown away.

Li Cangtian said everything, since he promised to come down, he would do it.

“Heavenly King, do you want to kill?”

Chen Yu waved his hand and asked casually.

“No need, I’m trapped in the back mountains, it’s good that this group of bald people in Shaolin didn’t harm me, and I don’t worry about eating and drinking every day.”

After Li Cangtian vented, looking at the group of monks in Shaolin, he was a little bored.

It feels like bullying the weak.

“Fortunately, the Heavenly King is out of trouble, it is a big day, and it is indeed not suitable to kill.”

Seeing that the abbot was seriously injured, the life and death of the two first seats were unknown.

The Arhat Great Array also stopped, and many monks slowly dispersed, looking apprehensive.

Ren Tianxiang and the others took a few breaths, and then gathered around Chen Yu, their expressions a little complicated.

Xuanzhizi crossed his waist and looked proud.

“You’ve worked so hard.”

Chen Yu glanced at Ren Tianxiang and was a little speechless.

Originally saved Li Cangtian and could leave.

As a result, he insisted on fighting the Luohan Great Formation.

However, there is something wrong.

It can also be regarded as building momentum and brushing a wave of prestige.

Thinking of this, he shifted his gaze to Wuyin and smiled: “Master Wuji, how are you Shaolin today?” ”

“Amida Buddha, my Shaolin is a complete failure. After today, I closed the mountain and closed the temple in Shaolin for three years and withdrew from the Righteous Way Alliance. ”

The abbot of Wuyi turned pale and said with a trembling voice.

Although his internal strength is deep, he is old, and after being injured, he seems a little weak.

“Okay, in a word!”

Chen Yu thought about it and felt that this condition was okay.

After all, there are only a few people now, and Shaolin is a full one or two thousand.

Annexing forces must still be closely related to their own strength.

Even if he has the dragon qi of the Son of Heaven, it is impossible for the tiger body to shake and make the whole temple of Shaolin fall down.

Even if the Shaolin Temple is at its disposal.

It is impossible to take the Shaolin Temple with you to fight the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

It feels weird, and it’s not justified…

It didn’t look like what the Heavenly Dragon Sect Leader should do at all.

It’s not that you can’t fight, there is no need to lose this person.

“One word.”

Chen Yu thought for a while and added: “Your family Wuxi and a few bald people from the Dharma Academy are at the mouth of the back cave, and their hands and feet are all broken, so go and pick it up.” ”

“…… Thank you for telling us. ”

“Let’s go.”

Chen Yu waved his hand and turned to leave.


No cause is what the abbot says, whether dead or alive, it counts.

Now Shaolin can also confirm one of his ideas.

There are some values, and it is good to exist.

Of course, if there is no reason to really dare to backtrack.

After becoming the leader of the Tianlong Sect, the army went out and destroyed Shaolin by the way, that is.

Seeing Chen Yu and everyone leaving the mountain gate.

The abbot also breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat down.

The robe behind it was soaked in cold sweat.

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