Cao Ying big tent

“Damn! Having said that you should not expose the wolf’s body, now Xun Yu has expressed his disgust, and Xun You, Liu Ye and others are also a little dissatisfied. ”

“Fortunately, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xiahou brothers and others didn’t take it seriously, otherwise it would be more difficult for us to act in the future.”

Three o’clock in the middle of the night, after the temporary military meeting.

Fujiwara Gen angrily returned to the tent and complained.

“If you don’t change your body, you can’t kill that kid.”

Neo also seemed to feel a little unreasonable, and while explaining, he gulped down bloodshot roast beef.

Energy does not disappear out of thin air, nor does it arise out of thin air.

will only transform from one form to another…

Every transformation and condensation of bone claws is also a huge consumption for him, and he needs to constantly replenish nutrients.

“Then you can kill him when you transform?”

Fujiwara Gen said angrily.

“After the transformation, I acted on instinct, not quite sure what happened.”

“It must have been this woman’s improper tactics that allowed him to escape.”

Neo’s face turned slightly red and he said slyly.

“Vulgar savage.”

The ice girl glanced at him, revealing an undisguised look of disgust.

It’s like looking at garbage.

Neo is also used to this.

Leng snorted and didn’t take it seriously.

Even within the Dark Council, the mage had some inexplicable sense of superiority.

Often look down on low-ranking and even same-rank warriors.

Of course, high-ranking warriors are still very comfortable.

After all, if you look down on high-ranking warriors on the surface, you will be beaten one by one.

Wise mages would not do such humble behavior…

“No, we’ve seen the battle video, and you still have to say that you don’t know what happened?”

Fujiwara Gen’s face froze, and he also showed a trace of anger.

A little food from teammates, barely usable.

But teammates are pigs and don’t obey commands, then hell.

“We could have kept him. It’s just that Cao Cao came to help again, scaring him into the wilderness and fleeing, so he didn’t kill him. ”

Neo thought about it and defended from a different angle.

After all, if it is determined that it is his pot, then he will also have to pay the responsibility.

Affects the distribution and command behind the copy.

“…… Okay, let’s not talk about that. ”

Fujiwara Gen gritted his teeth and replayed the video.

After all, it’s not over yet.

Even, the situation has become worse.

At such times, it is necessary to try to prevent infighting.

“Ice girl, what do you think of his strength?”

Fujiwara Gen finished watching the video, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and asked.

“Very… So so. ”

If Zhenwu was a mage, the ice woman might appreciate a few words.

But he was clearly a fighter.

The Ice Lady has never had a fondness for vulgar warriors.

In her heart, only noble mages and wizards are worthy of her respect.

Of course, the strong on the sci-fi side also have strong knowledge.

Reluctantly can also get her approval.

Takeo will always be at the bottom in her heart.

Even Murong Xueyue is the same.

“Very average?”

Fujiwara Gen was stunned, feeling that something was wrong.

“The strength is indeed average, but his horse is very strong. The momentum of the horse’s charge makes it difficult for us to compete in terms of strength. ”

The ice girl thought about it and patched it a little unnaturally.

“That horse… Yes, if you guessed correctly, the horse should be the red rabbit horse. ”

“Indeed, it is one of the best famous horses in the Three Kingdoms, and it is not possible to have any strange special effects.”

Fujiwara Gen thought about it and felt that it made sense.

In the video, the impact of werewolves seems to be able to crush a tank.

But it was solved by someone else with one hand.

Even, werewolves are the weaker side of power.

Surely, what kind of powerful passive skills this horse has.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the other party have nearly eight hundred points of strength?

How can there be such a existence on the tenth layer?

Krypton can’t do it!

“But also strange! Isn’t this red rabbit horse Lü Bu’s thing? Why did you lend him? ”

“It seems that Fang Tian painted halberd was also lent to him. Is it such a treatment for your own son? ”

“Moreover, why would he attack Liu Beijun at night with Lü Bu’s army tonight? The timing is so good! ”

“He can command Lü Bu’s army? How could Lv Bu trust him so much? ”

“Mo Fei, he and Lu Bu actually…”

Fujiwara Gen frowned and pondered.

Many clues are intertwined, and the truth behind the scenes is looming.

Be vividly portrayed.

“What’s so strange? It’s easy to understand. ”

The ice woman was surprised.


Fujiwara Gen was startled, and his thinking was suddenly interrupted.

“Liu Guanzhang is dead, according to you, they are all masters, and their strength is not much weaker than Lü Bu.”

“That’s very simple, Lv Bu found that ‘Zhenwu’ to disguise himself and fight head-on with Guan Yu Zhang Fei, and then Lv Bu sneaked attack behind his back.”

“It is estimated that there is still a little gap between the looks of Zhenwu and Lü Bu, so I deliberately brought a bronze mask.”

“Late at night, Guan Yu Zhang Fei may not be able to find out something wrong at the first time.”

“Then, when Zhenwu was working with them, Lv Bu suddenly appeared and caught the three people off guard.”

“It’s not convenient to change clothes on the battlefield, because he is Lü Bu’s costume, so he is responsible for breaking off and encountering us.”

“The real Lü Bu, can’t lead that trapped camp early, and go directly back to the city.”

“Isn’t that a very basic and simple tactic?”

“As a military master, you can’t even think of this?”

The ice girl snorted, her eyes a little disdainful.

Something so simple still needs to be said by her.

What a stupidity!

“Yes, Lü Bu borrowed his horse and weapons, what’s so great? It’s not to lend him the sable cicada again. ”

Neo was just questioned by Fujiwara Genichi and was a little unhappy, and said sarcastically.

“…… What you’ve learned is that it makes sense, and I think it’s complicated. ”

Fujiwara Gen bowed, apologized, and then deduced.

“Although this tactic is simple, the requirements for counterfeiters are quite high.”

“True martial arts is powerful, and it is likely to have the combat power of Guan Yu Zhang Fei.”

“If you pretend to be Lü Bu, it will indeed not be easy to be discovered for a while.”

“But this strategy, can Lu Bu come up with it?”

“…… Oh, yes, Lü Bu’s military master Chen Gong is also said to be a high-ranking person, and it is normal to think of this strategy. ”

Fujiwara no Gen breathed a sigh of relief and felt that everything was under control.

“Just figure it out, little military division, what to do now.”

Seeing Fujiwara Gen take the initiative to apologize, Neo was a little proud, and he stopped barking.

“The current situation is actually not a bad thing.”

“It can even make it easier for us to win.”

Fujiwara Gen said confidently.


“Our decisive battle is in Xia Pi, but Xia Pi City is not small.”

“We go into town tomorrow night and choose a residential area with narrow roads. Then wait for the rabbit to come and send him to death. ”

“As long as he can’t play the advantage of the impact of the Red Rabbit Horse and Fang Tian’s Painting Halberd, he will definitely not be our opponent.”

“Oh, if he brings too many soldiers, we will avoid it for the time being, this is not a passive slack.”

“It’s impossible, he can really order the group of people like Sable Cicada and Zhang Liao to sneak up on us, right?”

“Besides, I have seen the portraits of these people in the barracks.”

Fujiwara Gen smiled slightly: “So, everyone rest for the time being, recuperate, and swear to kill Zhenwu tomorrow!” ”


“That’s it!”

The ice girl and Neo thought about it, and nodded at the same time, showing a smile.

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