Longzhong, Deng County, Nanyang County

An eighteen-nineteen-year-old elegant man stood under the heavenly firmament.

Look up at Hoshino.

Watch the heavens tonight and know the world’s major events.

In the days when there was no “News Network” and newspapers, Zhuge Liang often looked up at the stars like this.

Often seen late at night.

“Tonight, another day when nothing happens.”

After completing the astrological observation, Zhuge Liang exhaled a long breath.

In the small book that I carried, I wrote down a few strokes.

At this moment, a meteor flashed violently in the sky, as if to burn its own light and heat.

Then, a long trajectory is drawn and disappears into the sky.

Two slightly smaller meteors that glow a slightly dim luster.

Follow the direction of the previous meteor and cross the sky.

As if never abandoned.



Zhuge Liang: ???

He closed the small book and pinched his fingers.

His face slowly became solemn.

For a long time, he turned a few pages in his notebook.

“The royal family of Liu Yuzhou, the heroic talent, the admiration of all the people, if the water returns to the sea.”

“If things are not good, this is heaven, and An can restore it?”

Zhuge Liang sighed, crossed out these two lines, and marked out: “Heaven’s destiny is not good!” ”

At this moment, he and Liu Bei did not have any love for the prince.

There are only some regrets about this, not sadness.

“Liu Xuande has passed away, and the Jiangdong Sun clan has more than enough to keep and not be enterprising.”

“Yuan Benchu’s star is dim, and his life is not long in coming.”

“After a few years, won’t the Central Plains be in the hands of Cao Mengde?”

“Cao Mengde is a hero of the world, and he is indecisive, but in the end he is domineering, not me.”

“As for Lu Fengxian… There is no courage of a tiger, but no strategy, cunning and repetition, mercenary and despicable. ”

Zhuge Liang flipped through the small book and frowned again.

“When this is a good opportunity, you might as well apply what you have learned in your life to get rid of these two thieves.”

“Da Miao!”

Zhuge Liang’s heart suddenly moved, and he put away the small book smoothly, and his figure flickered, and he came hundreds of meters away.

It’s as if you’re teleporting.

After a few flashes, he came to a grass hut and knocked on the door.

“Sir, you’re back?”

A sleepy-looking book boy hurriedly got up and opened the door, bleary-eyed.

“It’s okay, you can continue to sleep in a while, bring my bags.”

Zhuge Liang usually prepared a bag in the room.

Once you plan to go out, you can just go.

“Huh? Sir, you’re going out? ”


“So late?”

The book boy took out a small package from the side room and handed it to Zhuge Liang.

“If it’s too late, it’s too late.”

Zhuge Liang smiled and carried the package.

“Huh? Is the matter heavy? Do you want me to go with my husband? You can also serve Mr. on the road. ”

“Important, but you’re useless.”

“You’re too slow, and when you get there, you’ll be fine.”

“Well, sir, be careful all the way.”

The book boy also knew that his husband had unpredictable abilities, and it was not too strange.

“It’s natural to be careful.”

Zhuge Liang thought for a while: “If I haven’t returned for a month, let my eldest brother help and return Miss Huang’s family affairs.” ”


The book boy was startled and hurriedly raised his head.

I found that the front was empty.


Early the next morning

Chen Yu approved the battle armor and walked out with the sable cicada.

Yesterday’s battle with Guan Yu Zhang Fei and others, although it did not last long, it was still quite exhausting.

In the end, the instant confrontation with Guo Jia and others made Chen Yu also have some pressure.

Now after a night of rest, the state has returned to the peak.

Suddenly, the fighting spirit was high again.

After washing, Chen Yu went to the back kitchen to cook a pot of porridge and slowly boiled.

In the courtyard of the mansion, there are side by side the Green Dragon and Moon Sword, the Zhangba Snake Spear and the female and male double-stranded swords.

This is the trophy of yesterday’s battle.

The trapped camp was transported back as soon as possible.

Then, Chen Yu discovered…

It doesn’t seem to be of much use either.

Indeed, the quality of the stuff is good.

It may be a bonus of history and legend.

These three things, like Fang Tian’s painting halberd, have some rudiments of legendary weapons.

However, it doesn’t come in handy.

Famous generals are a little harsh on their own equipment selection, and it is not easy to use high-quality weapons.

Moreover, the weapon of the Green Dragon Moon Saber is really a bit fierce, and it is extremely difficult to master…

Even Zhang Liao was a little suffocated.

Not as powerful as your own spear.

Although Chen Yu has unparalleled passive skills in the world, he can use the Green Dragon Moon Sword freely.

However, the knife qi that was cut out always felt worse than Guan Yu’s exertion, and it tasted worse.

It is not as good as the sword qi that he cut out with the Xuan Tie sword.

Chen Yu suspected that Xuan’s statement probably involved the recognition of the divine soldier.

If it is not a space coercion.

That can probably only be used and warmed for a long time to gain the approval of weapons.

Now Chen Yu obviously doesn’t have so much time.

I gave up.

Anyway, these few things can’t be taken away …

“Daddy, there is a young man outside the door asking to see you.”

At this moment, Lu Lingqi walked in, looking a little puzzled.

“Is there something going on with him?”

“I don’t know, he won’t say.”

“What’s his name?”

“Huh? I didn’t ask. ”

Lu Lingqi’s little face was slightly red, and she seemed to be a little embarrassed by her negligence.

“Forget it, no see.”

Although Chen Yu didn’t have anything to do during the day.

But it’s not so idle that you have to meet with each other.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have to do anything else.

It is enough to specially receive idlers who come to the door to fight the autumn breeze.

“Daddy, that person is very strange, a scholarly look, carrying a package, as if he came from outside the city.”

“But Cao Cao blocked the four realms, how could ordinary people come over so easily?”

Lu Lingqi hesitated, and boldly added.

“Find someone and ask him what’s his name.”

Chen Yu thought about it and said lightly.

The masters of this world are still quite strong.

No matter how tightly the Cao Jun blockade is, with a third-order cultivation, it can easily break through.

Of course, the third order was nothing in Chen Yu’s eyes.

It is estimated that Cao Jun can’t defeat any general with a name.

It can only be counted as miscellaneous fish.

However, since Lu Lingqi is a little curious.

If it’s a character who has a little impression of yourself, it doesn’t hurt to meet it.

If it’s a cat and a dog, or a dead trolls like You Heng, forget it.

Early in the morning, it doesn’t affect the mood.


Lu Lingqi ordered a maid and asked her to go to the gate to ask about the situation.

He carefully brought Chen Yu’s porridge over, served a bowl and handed it to Chen Yu.

Then, serve yourself another bowl.

A moment later, the maid returned.

“Great general, miss, that young man said that his surname is Zhuge , his name is Liang, and the character Kong Ming.”

“…… What did you say? ”

Chen Yu was stunned when he listened.

This name is really a little familiar, and there is no need to introduce it at all.

The maid hurriedly repeated it again.

“…… Bring him over. ”

Chen Yu exhaled a long breath and swallowed the hot porridge in the bowl.

Lay the bowl aside.

Since Zhuge Wuhou came in person, let’s meet him. There is no need to drink porridge in front of others.

Although the hot porridge is hot, his cultivation is deep, and it will not have any effect.

“Is this porridge cold?”

Lu Lingqi couldn’t help but be slightly stunned when she saw Chen Yu finish drinking it.

Subconsciously also swallowed a large mouthful of porridge.

Suddenly, the scalded eyes were full of tears.

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