A moment later, a young man walked in smiling.

The man is eight feet long, with a face like crown jade, wearing a scarf on his head, holding a white feather fan, and wearing a crane.

Chen Yu subconsciously looked outside the house.

Snowflakes fluttering.

Okay, and no one rules that you can’t use a fan on snowy days.

This suit is very game-specific.

I have the impression that every time Zhuge Liang appears, the equipment is this set.

Well, this thing is not only worn by Taoists at this time, but it is also quite popular among scholars.

When it came to the Wei and Jin dynasties, it was even more manpower.

After all, at that time, the people were good at talking about Xuan, so beautiful, and they also liked to snort five stones.

After snorting five stones, the head is steaming, and the five are burning, and you need to keep moving to dissipate the internal heat.

The large crane is not only elegant, but also helps to dissipate heat.

“In Xiazhuge Kongming, his ancestral home is Langya, and I will meet Marquis Wen.”

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and saluted.

The Langya Zhuge clan was a famous family based on the Langya Yangdu during the Han Dynasty.

At this time, Zhuge Liang had not yet created the character of “Crouching Dragon”, nor did he have good brothers to blow him in business.

When I introduced myself, I had to show off my ancestors.

After all, the Three Kingdoms period was very important for birth.

But to be honest, Chen Yu’s impression of this warrior clan was still because of the young man in front of him.

Even Chen Yu suspected that the rest of Langya Zhuge combined, was not as well-known as this future Zhuge Cheng minister.

Oh, Liu Bei in this time and space is gone.

That’s fine.

Whether Zhuge Chengxiang will appear is already unknown.

“It turned out to be Zhuge … Good nephew. ”

Chen Yu looked at Zhuge Liang and didn’t know what to call it for a while.

You can’t shout “Zhuge Villager”, right?

Simply, casually shout a good nephew.

Anyway, I don’t lose myself.

In terms of age, Zhuge Liang is not a few years older than his daughter Lu Lingqi.

It’s barely justified.

Such a call for Zhuge Liang’s words…

It’s pretty cool.

“…… Thank you Wen Hou for your love. ”

Zhuge Liang was startled, and his cheeks twitched slightly.

Some reluctantly agreed.

“This is a dining hall, not a place for discussion, don’t be inhibited, and sit down and talk.”

Chen Yu smiled and motioned for Zhuge Liang to sit opposite him.

“Thank you Wen Hou.”

Zhuge Liang saluted again and sat opposite Chen Yu, with a light face.

However, it did not cause pressure because of Chen Yu’s identity.

Of course, Chen Yu estimated that this was also related to his own cultivation.

In the game, Zhuge Liang is the only spell master.

You can use various strategies of the three classes of military master, magician, and fairy magician.

It’s powerful.

Reached an intelligence of 100.

Like Lü Bu’s 100 forces, they are the first in their respective fields.

There must be at least a fifth order.

Considering that Zhuge Liang in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is the existence of the peak of his debut.

There is no masochistic leveling process at all.

It’s not good, the strength is stronger than Chen Yu imagined.

“The good nephew came all the way in a hurry, haven’t you eaten breakfast yet?”

“Ling’er, serve another bowl of porridge.”

Chen Yu’s heart moved, and he casually ordered.


Lu Lingqi had dried her tears, but her tongue was still hot and numb.

Hearing Chen Yu’s order, he quickly got up, quickly filled a bowl of porridge, and placed it in front of Zhuge Liang.

The smell of porridge overflowed.

“I actually don’t… Since Wen Hou Xiangci gave it, then he would not be polite in the future. ”

Zhuge Liang seemed to intend to refuse.

Suddenly, his nose subconsciously shrugged.

Looking at the plain white porridge in front of him, his expression was slightly puzzled.

Then, he picked up the spoon on the side, filled a large spoonful of porridge, and put it in his mouth.

Lu Lingqi’s eyes narrowed, revealing a little fox-like expression.

It seems like waiting to see a good show.


At the entrance of the white porridge, several ice crystals appear in it, reducing the temperature of the hot porridge to the category of ordinary people.

Then, Zhuge Liang’s slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened.

Showing a puzzled expression.

He traveled hundreds of miles overnight, and most of his originally unfathomable spiritual power had been consumed.

Zhuge Liang originally planned to recover as much as possible after seeing Lü Bu in Xia Picheng.

In a day or two, if you can recover to ninety percent of your strength, it will be very good.

But now at the entrance of the white porridge, the spiritual power is surging in the body like a vortex, and there is actually a tendency to accelerate recovery.

Zhuge Liang estimated that after drinking porridge, he could return to his peak state in half a day.

It’s terrifying!

Zhuge Liang looked at it carefully and found that this was an ordinary bowl of white porridge…

He pondered for a long time about the possible combination of medical and surgical paths.

I found that this should still be an ordinary bowl of white porridge.

It’s just that the taste is unbelievable.

Zhuge Liang sighed, moaning comfortably while feeling that his IQ had been challenged.

The last time I felt this…

It should be when you were three or four years old, right?

“What do you tell you when your nephew comes this time?”

Chen Yu asked with a smile.

“Meng De thief, who undertakes funds and is arrogant, wantonly and violent, Shilin is angry, and the people are full of grievances…”

“Now the general is stationed here, and the Cao thief attacks the way with no way, which is not taken by the benevolent in the world.”

“Therefore, Liang Te came to help the general, to resist the Cao thief, and to stop the war with war.”

Zhuge Liang also seemed to understand that Lü Bu’s cultural level was limited.

After casually saying a few words, seeing Chen Yu frowning, he immediately changed to a normal person’s dialogue.

“So, my nephew came to help me?”

Chen Yu’s heart moved.

“May the dog and horse do what they do.”

Zhuge Liang smiled.

“It’s so good, now with Kong Ming’s help, like a fish in water.”

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, his brain made up for Lu Bu’s personality, and laughed loudly.

Zhuge Liang should be problematic.

Chen Yu didn’t think that Lü Bu could let this ambitious bull come and defect.

Even if Zhuge Liang wants to be an official, he has a large number of choices.

Liu Zhang, Liu Cousin Yuan Shao Sun Ce, can all mix into a good position, and even walk smoothly.

Unless the brain is in the water, come to find the notorious self.

His only advantage is mostly the opposition to Cao Cao.

With Zhuge Liang’s standpoint, he obviously would not throw himself into the Cao camp.

Most of them wanted to use their own force to fight big with small numbers and calculate Cao Cao.

The best outcome was to kill Cao Cao.

In this regard, it coincides with his own goal.

Of course, Zhuge Liang was also a decisive person in history.

It is very likely that Cao Cao was dealt with, and he took the knife with his backhand.

In the future, it is still necessary to take precautions.

But Chen Yu doesn’t matter now.

At least before Cao Cao’s defeat, his relationship with Zhuge Liang was still a period of cooperation.

“I received a secret report that several Assassin masters will enter the city at night with bad intentions.”

“If it is convenient for Kong Ming, prepare at night and accompany me to kill the assassin.”

“Benhou also happens to want to see your Dao cultivation.”

Chen Yu thought about it and smiled.

If you pick three at night, although you will not lose.

But in case the hole card is exposed and others return directly, it is not very cost-effective.

If you bring Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others, there are relevant portraits of Cao Jun over there.

If you really want to take it, the other party will run away.

But Zhuge Liang is still a fledgling, and there is no popularity in the world.

I really don’t believe that Cao Cao can put his portrait in it, day and night.

If you play a poor information, you can kill the other party’s yin.

“Bright leads.”

Zhuge Liang thought about it and nodded with a smile.

Anyway, it is the master of Cao Ying.

His goal was to deal with Cao Cao, not to clash.

“Very good.”

Chen Yu glanced at the bloody watch and showed a smile.

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