White Eagle Country

Doomsday Squad Headquarters

“Captain, there is good news and bad news.”

The female secretary pushed open the door and placed a cup of coffee on Captain Doom’s table.

“Let’s hear the good news first.”

Captain Doom looked up and smiled.

Picked up the coffee smoothly, sniffed it, showed an intoxicated expression, and took a large sip.

The next moment, his face became extremely ugly.

Suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out the liquid in his mouth without leaking at all.

“Shit, what is it?”

“It should be called bean juice, right? Although the taste is a bit peculiar, it is indeed not poisonous. ”

“Damn, I’m not afraid of poison! Besides, if the poison is so unpalatable, can it still poison people? ”

“Making fresh things into a tainted taste is actually a very profound cooking skill, and bean juice is not easy.”

The secretary said leisurely.

“Dirty water? It really tastes like that! ”

Captain Doom said angrily, “But… How can you make this thing like coffee? ”

“It shouldn’t be like this, it’s just the queen disguising it as coffee.”

“So, you can also understand that this is a drink that the Queen personally made for you.”

“Is she sick?”

“With her strength, she shouldn’t get sick.”

“That… Is it that the plan to snipe Zhenwu failed? ”

Captain Doom seemed to react, frowned, and asked.

“Judging by the news ten minutes ago, yes.”

“What about the ice girl? Let her come to me. ”

“That might require a soothsayer to dream up, but I don’t think there’s much hope.”

“After all, if the spatial copy falls, the soul basically can’t come back.”

“…… He’s dead? ”

Captain Doom was stunned.

“Of course, by the way, the queen is very angry.”

“So it is, I see!”

Captain Doom sighed, expressionlessly took the bean juice, and drank it in one gulp.

“Wise decision.”

The secretary nodded, seemingly relieved.

“…… What about the others? ”

Captain Doom paused for a minute before his face relaxed.

“The same.”

“…… What about Neo, the werewolf of the Dark Council? ”

“It’s the same.”

“Is that the bad news you said?”


“What’s the good news!”

“The good news is that Cain, the deputy head of the Dark Council, because of Neo’s death, attacked our headquarters three minutes ago.”


“Then, she was honored to be the target of the queen’s vent.”

“…… The result? ”

“I held out for a minute in the Queen’s ‘Approaching Science’ field, and then I was hit by a psionic bullet from the Queen, and I went back with serious injuries.”

“By the way, now the Dark Council is at enmity with us.”

“Damn! Is this all good news? ”

Captain Doom was shocked.

“Of course, the queen is already discouraged and does not intend to trouble you again.”

“…… That said, that’s really good news. ”

Captain Doom was startled, sat down, and muttered.

“Give me a real cup of coffee, order another cake, and celebrate.”

“Willing to serve you, sir.”


While Captain Doom and Li Tieyi and the others were in a hurry, Chen Yu had already packed his luggage and boarded the plane to Youzhou.

After boarding the plane, Chen Yu came to his seat and found Cheng Ruoyan sitting on the side with a smile.

To Chen Yu’s right, there was an empty seat.

Guess it should be Su Muqing’s location.

However, the plane did not see her until it took off.

As for why she didn’t come up, Chen Yu didn’t bother to care.

It’s not good, someone else has money.

It’s also possible to do private jets directly.

After all, the academy does not stipulate that this plane ticket must be used.

“Student Chen, hello!”

“I haven’t been on an airplane, so I might be a little nervous for a while, so please don’t mind.”

Cheng Ruoyan looked at Chen Yu and smiled, her face slightly pale.

“Your first time?”

Chen Yu looked at her and said suspiciously.


“Haven’t experienced it in the quest either?”

“I usually go to supernatural quests, and now I am fully challenging the demon and spirit magic quests.”

“I rarely touch the city, science fiction, magical abilities and so on.”

Cheng Ruoyan smiled.

“Demons? Spiritual law? ”

“Well, from the eleventh floor, these copies are involved. Hasn’t Student Chen reached the eleventh floor yet? ”

Cheng Ruoyan blinked her eyes wide, a little surprised.

“Me? The tenth layer has not yet passed. But it’s also fast, I should try the tenth layer in the next few days. ”

Chen Yu said casually.

“Oh, that’s also soon, then come on Classmate Chen.”

“With the strength of Student Chen, the tenth layer should not be difficult.”

“But if you duel, everyone has to work hard.”

“The opponent should be eliminated, don’t show mercy to your subordinates.”

Cheng Ruoyan tilted her head and encouraged.

“Thank you, I’ll do my best!”

Chen Yu’s eyes flickered, and he said very sincerely.

With a roar, the plane taxied and took off.

Cheng Ruoyan’s face turned slightly white, closed her eyes, and sat down honestly.

Chen Yu shrugged his shoulders, casually took out the shopping brochure on the plane, and flipped it up.

After the plane lands

The two did see the vehicle that picked them up.

However, it is an ordinary taxi.

The taxi driver was very talkative, blowing nonsense all the way, and drove Chen Yu and Cheng Ruoyan to the two-dimensional animation factory.

The conversation and personality are very suitable for what a taxi driver should look like.

So Chen Yu suspected that he was a real taxi driver…

After arriving at the destination, the two dragged their suitcases to the front desk of the company.

“Hello, we are new people who have come to join the company.”

Cheng Ruoyan greeted the front desk according to the requirements on the admission notice.

“Hello, after verification, you are a new employee of the company’s test team.”

“It’s Sunday, and HR isn’t here. You can go to the staff dormitory next to you to rest. ”

“I have made an HR appointment for you, and after 9:00 tomorrow morning, you can come to apply for employment and receive your badge and meal card.”

The front desk checked the information of the next two people and handed over the two suite cards.

It’s quite rigorous.

Chen Yu glanced at her a few times.

I can’t tell if it’s an insider or a simple front desk girl.

“Thank you!”

The two thanked each other, dragged their suitcases, and walked out again.

“Goodbye then.”

Chen Yu looked at the road and waved his hand at Cheng Ruoyan.

“Huh? Chen Tong… Brother Chen, aren’t you going to the dormitory? ”

Cheng Ruoyan seems to feel that it is not good to call classmates after “joining” in the “company”.

A little embarrassed shouted “Brother Chen”.

“No, I bought a house on the side a while ago, go over and take a look first.”

Chen Yu shook the key, turned around and left.

In these days, buying and selling houses is not private.

Murong Xueyue and the others must know.

Chen Yu didn’t plan to hide it.

Anyway, buying a house is not a shameful thing.

Living in your own house is definitely more comfortable than the dormitory, and you can play another layer of reincarnation tower at night.

“Huh? All right…… Good bye! ”

Cheng Ruoyan was startled, looked at Chen Yu’s back, and puffed out her cheeks a little speechlessly.

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