Chen Yu finished washing, looked up the information on the Internet, and then entered the reincarnation tower.

It’s okay at night, so you can hurry up for the next quest.

It doesn’t matter if you’re tired at all, just go to the company to fish and be lazy.

The atmosphere of today’s school is really corporate.

Even, let Chen Yu have some familiarity as a social animal.

If you don’t really find your information at the front desk.

Chen Yu really thought he was in the wrong place.

Then, “Fortune”, “996”, “Death from Overwork”, “Youzhou at Four in the Morning” …

All kinds of words swirled in his mind inexplicably.

As a result, he actually had a trace of curiosity in his heart.

I haven’t been to work for a long time, and if I experience a few days of fishing life…

It seems to be quite interesting.

“Enter the eleventh floor of reincarnation space.”

The 10th-20th floors are already considered intermediate areas.

On the Internet, there is not much related discussion.

Although there is no specific data, generally speaking, the reincarnation who can break through the tenth layer in their lifetime is probably less than 1%.

Blue Star has a population of about 7 billion, and excluding reincarnators who are not suitable for age, body, and family, less than 30 million people can break through the tenth layer.

Among them, there are many reincarnators who have received low ratings and exhausted potential.

As for the reincarnation who broke through the 20th layer, there should be less than 300,000 people.

This is also, the so-called elite quasi-high-end reincarnation.

The number of people who broke through the 30th floor should be less than 100 at present.

These people are generally benchmarked against strong people above the seventh order.

After all, in the later stage, the difficulty is rising in a perverted trend.

Without the seventh order, there is not even a threshold for challenging high difficulties.


“Starting from the current layer, new quests of demons, magic, magic, and magic have been added.”

“The classification of the original city, summoning, magic, and supernatural type dungeons has been canceled, but some elements will appear in the ghost and spirit dungeons of the Demon and Spirit Magic genres.”

“If there are copies of special elements in subsequent layers, they will be explained separately.”

“Currently a normal quest, please select the quest power element.”

“A: Demons; B: Science fiction; C: Abnormal energy; D: Spiritual Law; E: Martial Arts; F: Magic; G: Divine Art”

“It’s quite a big change.”

Chen Yu’s heart moved.

After the 11th floor, there is not much discussion on the Internet.

The best should have joined the war group at this time and can be discussed internally.

Not many people want to share their experiences for free.

Those who come here are also considered human spirits.

Few people want to be born and die to write a strategy, in exchange for a “sofa” and “big guy 666”.

Of course, some simple intelligence is still available.

For example, Chen Yu saw a post before, saying that he encountered the magical copy “Harry Potter” on the 11th floor.

It was a world he was familiar with.

But Chen Yu thought about it and felt that it was better to give up.

After all, he rarely watched magic fiction movies.

There were few magical worlds he was familiar with.

If it’s not Harry Potter, random to other copies…

It’s a sinkhole!

Even if you have luck and go to the world of “Harry Potter”.

He couldn’t imagine what he could learn.

The world is not very difficult.

However, the power system of that world is strange.

The vast majority of spells are not very practical.

Even if you draw the Avada Death Curse, it is actually easy to abuse vegetables.

If you meet a master, it is not as good as a sword qi.

If you go to Hogwarts, you can only play Quidditch and Bubble Hermione.

Finally, mix an SS score and become a salted fish.

If you don’t draw treasures such as the Philosopher’s Stone and the Invisibility Cloak, it’s a complete waste of a copy.

“Let’s choose the martial arts type.”

Chen Yu’s gaze swept over the demons and spiritual methods, and he hesitated slightly.

In the end, I chose martial arts.

If you change jobs later, it is not impossible.

But Chen Yu felt that at least after the seventh rank of martial arts, he would consider diversified development.

Anyway, in theory, martial arts should not exist in the late stage.

It should be merged into elements such as fairies, gods and demons, and fantasy.

“The quest selection is successful, and the random plot world is the quest “The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng”, which will be loaded in five seconds!”

“It is currently an official copy, and if a subsequent copy entry permission is triggered, the progress of that copy is also preserved.”

“Under no circumstances shall information about the reincarnation space be disclosed to the characters of the plot world. Otherwise, the direct mission will fail and the clearance proceeds of the next three quests will be canceled! ”


Outside the Jade Gate

The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of Wancheng Mountain.

Why should the Qiang flute complain about the willow, and the spring breeze does not close the jade door.

Baiyun City is located on the top of the snowy mountains, an extremely cold place, and the ice and snow do not melt all year round.

Towering and soaring into the sky.

The walls of Baiyun City are made of white granite stones and are more than ten meters high.

Nestled between mountains, above the white clouds.

Looking up at Baiyun City from the bottom of the mountain, it seems to be located among the clouds, cold and arrogant.

Just like the peerless White Cloud City Lord.

Chen Yu stood with his hands in his hands, standing on the top of Baiyun City.

The white clothes are like snow, but the face is as white as jade, crystal and moist.

His eyes were not pitch black, but they were terribly bright, like two cold stars.

When walking, it was like a king entering his court, and like a flying immortal in the sky, descending on earth.

“Ding, the reincarnation incarnated as Ye Gucheng in this plane, identity: Lord of Baiyun City, one of the three major swordsmen under the world.”

“Ding, the random skill is successfully drawn, and you can obtain the legendary sword technique: Flying Immortal (3/5)!”

“Outer Heaven Flying Immortal (Level 3): Strength +30, Physical Strength +30, Acumen +120, Spirit +120, the sword technique created by Ye Gucheng is made by gathering the gods of the Eight Immortals of the Upper Cave, such as the blue sky and white clouds, flawless and unblemished.”

“This sword technique needs to be upgraded to level 4 and needs to meet the full level of more than two sword techniques.”

“The current upgrade situation is met, do you want to upgrade?”


“Ding, the Outer Heaven Flying Immortal has been upgraded to the fourth level, strength +10, physical strength +10, acuity +40, spirit +40, deduction potential points 40.”

“If this sword technique is upgraded to the full level, the reincarnation person needs to be upgraded to the sixth rank and master a legendary-level skill.”

A sword intent appeared in Chen Yu’s mind.

A sword comes to the west, like a shocking lightning, like a long rainbow passing through the sky.

It is formed before the move is made, and God stays after the move has been made.

So that rigidity is the softest, and unchanged is change.

“It is indeed a sword move unparalleled in the world.”

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes.

“This set of sword techniques is only level five, and it is still a legendary-level martial art that is relatively easy to complete.”

“Even if it is a fourth-level Outer Heaven Flying Immortal now, the power is even more powerful than the Quan Zhen Sword Method plus the Evil Sword Method.”

“If you are at a full level, it is probably to turn fiction into reality, and it is indeed a means of the sixth order.”

“I still have at least Tianzi Dragon Qi in the legendary-level exercises, but I meet the requirements.”

“Luck is indeed good, although the strength and physical strength bonus of this move is not much, but the sensitivity and spirit are made up a lot.”

Chen Yu looked at the panel.

Power: 915; Stamina: 720; Acute: 907; Spirit: 831

On the contrary, the physical strength is a little delayed.

See if there is any opportunity in the future, practice a Shaolin King Kong not bad body, or the golden bell cover.

Those exercises have a physical strength bonus to thieves.

When opening the flying immortals in the sky, by the way, open a golden bell jar, and it is very stable to think about.

“But let’s do this first, we need to save some potential points.”

“It’s about to be the sixth order, and the skills that can be learned or not learned have been put away…”

There are 41 potential points left.

It is estimated that even if the Outer Heavenly Immortals meet the learning conditions, it is estimated that they will need 50 potential points.

The current points are not enough for him to upgrade.

Although he has obtained a lot of potential points, he has also used them quickly.

If you are at the sixth level immediately, the Yi Sutra will also go to the full level.

If the Tianzi Dragon Qi can be upgraded to level 3, it should also be considered to leave a point.

Still can’t make ends meet.

Of course, the vast majority of people in the space are much more miserable.

Legendary-level exercises, even if they can be obtained, few people can practice them to the fullest.

Even if it is a super elite, considering the pre-requirements, it often takes four or five worlds or even a dozen worlds to reach the full level.

The forum suggested that between the 30 floors, at most two legend-level exercises should be practiced.

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