“Task release.”

“Main quest: 1. Gain at least 2,000 prestige points and match the current plane grandmaster master.”

“Rewards will increase with prestige.”

“2. On the night of the full moon, at the top of the Forbidden Purple, watch or participate in the battle at the peak of Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue.”

“Challenge mission: kill Mu Daoren, Ximen Chuixue, and Gong Jiu.”

“Side quest: Discover the secrets of the embroidered thief and the red shoe.”

“This world is capped at two months.”

“Ding, the current reputation value is 4500 points, mission one has been completed.”

“Ding, due to the special status of the reincarnation, the main quest two will not officially start until the reincarnation is released.”

The system prompts.

Although there is not much discussion on the Internet after the 10th floor.

But this copy is actually quite famous.

Basically, like “Peerless Double Pride”, it is the most discussed copy related to Cologne.

Perhaps the matter of “decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden Purple” is relatively lofty in itself.

A sword in hand, I have it in the world.

The prince of the light prince is proud of the king, and the hero of the world.

In terms of artistic conception, it can also be regarded as the pinnacle of traditional martial arts.

Echoing with the Huashan Sword of the Golden Series, it has almost become a martial arts symbol.

From time to time on the Internet, there are also some discussions about who is handsome and who is powerful in Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng.

“Not bad, the challenge mission does not need to kill Ye Lonely City.”

Chen Yu didn’t think so much, his eyes swept over the task list, and he was slightly relieved.

I remember when I went to Luding Ji, I turned into Ao Bai, and the task required killing Ao Bai.

At that time, the mood was very difficult to put into words.

Fortunately, this time the copy does not have such an embarrassing option.

Guess, it may be that Ye Gucheng encountered a plot kill at the top of the Forbidden Purple.

The mission system directly filtered him.

This is also very good, don’t dwell on this.

After all, there is a name on the challenge list that can’t be killed, and it’s quite a block.


Since the 11th level, the difficulty of the mission has also increased significantly.

The main quest looks simple, but it also hides pits.

Mission 2, if memory serves, there are only six places to legally enter the palace to watch the battle.

Although Ye Gucheng came up with a bunch of viewing vouchers later, he could easily blend in.

But at that time, Lu Xiaofeng, the honest monk, the wooden Daoren, the four masters of the Great Inner Family, etc., are actually not so disciplined.

Once you feel that things are out of control, you will immediately clear the scene.

As soon as the gate of the imperial city is closed, it becomes a closed door to beat dogs and catch turtles in an urn.

Basically, to become famous in more than a month.

It is necessary to make a decent heroic character.

Even, it is best to have a good relationship with Lu Xiaofeng and others.

Only then can you avoid being surrounded and killed by this group of righteous path masters.

What the?

One person killed Lu Xiaofeng, Mu Daoren, and the four masters of the grandmaster-level Great Interior?

Well, strictly speaking, this idea cannot be said wrong …

If you have this strength, you can do nothing about the task.

To be able to do such a thing, at least 6,000 prestige guarantee.

Someone should have done this kind of thing too.

But Chen Yu estimated that such a reckless person must have walked very peacefully.

The grave grass is also estimated to be quite tall…

Not to mention the challenge tasks.

Ximen Chuixue will not say, almost male number two.

At least he is also a master of the fifth-order upper grade or even the peak of the fifth order.

The collapse of the character of the wooden people is the follow-up plot of Ghost Mountain Villa.

Now he is still a world-famous Wudang Taishang Elder.

For this old coin, it is not in vain at all.

Of course, there is no such thing as whitewashing weak three points.

Even, his true strength may be the first of the three famous swords.

After all, Ximen Chuixue is actually a growth stream player.

When fighting at the top of the Forbidden Purple, it was even weaker than Ye Gucheng.

Becoming a sword god and becoming a great master of kendo is after killing Ye Gucheng and divorcing his wife.

Now there is still a trace of concern in my heart, which is not the supreme divine sword.

As for the words of the Taiping King Shigong Jiu, in fact, it takes the Phoenix Dance Nine Days to officially appear.

If you go to the capital, you can go to the Taiping Royal Mansion.

But if he’s on the nameless island, forget it.

The road is far away, and the specific location of the nameless island is not yet known.

Even if you don’t think about whether you can win the little old man.

It is also impossible to abandon the main quest and run so far to fight.


“Meet the city lord.”

At this moment, a figure flickered, and a girl with black hair hanging over her shoulders and white clothes like snow walked up.

Yingying knelt down.

The girl wore a gauze and was delicate, but she was not afraid of the cold.

Demonstrate not weak internal strength cultivation.

There are at least third-order top-grades.


Chen Yu glanced at her.

In my impression, Ye Gucheng is quite good at playing.

Because I am afraid that people will find out that they are not actually injured, and there is no stench on their bodies.

Just bring a bunch of beautiful girls with you at all times.

In the place where he appeared, chrysanthemums were paved all the way.

It’s a bit cheesy though.

But with the beautiful girls with high appearance, they also give people a feeling of high purity and ethereal.

Compared with the empty prince in “Journey to the West”, there are many more pressures…

Of course, thinking about it now, it seems a little stupid to scatter chrysanthemums everywhere …

The moral doesn’t seem to be very good either.

At least Chen Yu didn’t plan to do this…

“Ximen Chuixue replied, originally scheduled for August 15 on the Purple Mountain in Jinling, postponed for a month.”

“The covenant battlefield shall be designated by the Lord at will, and the promise shall be kept.”

The girl’s voice is crisp.

“What day is it?”

Chen Yu thought about the plot, as if there was indeed this paragraph.

The two were originally scheduled to fight the peak of Purple Mountain on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As a result, Ximen Chuixue wanted to get married, so he cooed.

Then, he postponed his resignation for a month and changed it to September 15, the peak of the Forbidden Purple.

Instead, the effect exploded, becoming a classic plot and more out of the circle.

From this point of view, it can also be seen that Ximen Blowing Snow is still very stable.

In such a thing as marriage, you must get married immediately.

If you think “after this showdown, you can go back to your hometown and get married.”

Then most of him is gone…

“Today is the first day of August.”

The girl whispered.

“The first day of August, the fifteenth day of September…”

Chen Yu thought for a while: “You guys get ready, follow me to the capital.” ”

“Huh? Capital? ”

The girl was startled, revealing a puzzled look: “There are no famous mountains in the capital?” ”

“There is no need to name the mountain, the top of the Golden Luang Palace in the Forbidden City, in fact, is not bad.”


Chen Yu smiled and said, “On the night of the full moon, the peak of the Forbidden Purple, a sword comes to the west, and the heavens fly immortals.” ”

“After going down, you plan to spread these sixteen words all over the rivers and lakes along the way, and create momentum for the two of us to fight!”

Considering the needs of the prestige mission, Chen Yu still planned to create some momentum.

Anyway, now that he is powerful, just arrange it.

You don’t need to do it yourself.


The girl’s body shook slightly, and her voice was a little agitated.

These sixteen words, as if magical, carry a sense of pride that looks at the world.

It’s a surging mood just thinking about it.

“Set out in two hours, and within ten days, rush to the capital.”

“I will also personally engrave these sixteen characters on the noon gate of the Forbidden City as proof.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

Whether it is the main story, side story or challenge mission, according to the original plot, you need to go to the capital to get it.

Stay in this Baiyun City, where birds don’t, at most, you can only play with this group of beautiful girls, and no plot can be triggered.

What a waste of time!

As the owner of the city, of course, it is up to you here.

Then let’s just go.

Chen Yu calculated that this place was about five thousand miles away from the capital.

After the world ceiling is increased, the speed can also be increased a lot.

Walking more than five hundred miles a day is not too difficult.


The girl thought for a few seconds, nodded, and hurriedly led the way away.

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