The sword light flashed, as if it was beyond the limitations of time and space.

Like thunder, like a tide of rage.

It’s more like a bolt of lightning, a divine blade that falls for nine days.

The brilliance is so dazzling that even the full moon in the sky seems to have lost its color.

Although there was only one sword, as far as the sword light came, Chen Yuhun’s body was enveloped by sword qi.

Ximen Chuixue’s sword technique was pure and clean, like snow on an iceberg, without the slightest impurity.

Even, not pretty at all.

All of Ximen Chuixue’s sword moves were created to kill.

Abandon the beauty, abandon the routine, abandon the false tricks.

Even, abandoning its own defenses.

When a sword comes out, either the opponent dies, or he dies.

There will be a death, and there will be no room for redemption.


Chen Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he exhaled lightly.

This is the first time since he came to this world that he has really fought against a peerless master.

In the next moment, a sword qi that made people seem to be cold even to the bone marrow came out of the sheath.

Like a shocking lightning, like a long rainbow passing through the sky, high in the clouds, ethereal.

Sword moves are as you like and vary widely.

This is the supreme sword move in martial arts.

It is also a sword technique unparalleled in the world.

Flying Immortals!

Ximen Chuixue’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

The sharp one is like a sheathed Excalibur.

Of course, the sword in his palm was far colder and colder than his gaze.

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

The two-handled swords gently intersect.

It is like two light dragons intertwined.

Tearing energy burst out.

The surrounding glazed tiles seemed to be immortal, and under the fierce shooting of the sword qi, a crisp shattering sound sounded one after another.

Uninterrupted, there were glazed tiles shattered and exploded with a bang.

The starry moon is even lighter.

All the brilliance between heaven and earth has been concentrated on the two swords.

The long swords no longer collide.

Between heaven and earth, there was silence.

The two long swords continued to tremble, turning into afterimages one after another.

Every change is a deadly sword.

Lu Xiaofeng, Honest Monk, Gongsun Lan, Wei Ziyun, and even the emperor are all unfathomable martial arts masters.

But looking at these two long swords that seemed to have spiritual wisdom, I couldn’t help but sweat coldly.

It was as if his own supreme cultivation was under the random stabbing of these two long swords.

In an instant, it will be destroyed and destroyed.

After the two long swords collided to the limit, they staggered.

The long sword shook, and finally turned into two streams of light, piercing each other’s vital points.

The two people are close at hand.

Both swords have been stabbed out with full force.

There is no room for manoeuvre.

It seems that any hesitation and hesitation represents suicide.

The sword light flashed and suddenly stopped.

The two long swords stopped at the other party’s heart pulse at the same time, motionless.

The two stared at each other’s sword tips at the same time, expressionless.

There was silence.

“Thank you City Lord for your teaching.”

For a long time, Ximen Chuixue sighed softly.

“Is it worth it?”

Chen Yu sighed slightly, the sword light flashed, and the sword returned to its sheath.

“I have practiced swords for seven years, and I have entered the realm of forgetting myself, and I am sincere in the sword, and I have achieved success.”

“After entering the rivers and lakes, before killing people, they must fast and bathe, for the sake of sincerity to the sword;”

“Whoever is killed should be killed, and never indiscriminately kill the innocent, for the sake of sincerity.”

“Sincerity is not the strength of the past, the fight has changed and the stars have changed, and it has not changed for more than ten years, so it is sincerity.”

“Today, although he died under the sword of the city lord, he also died for life and death, and died with the sword of sincerity.”

Ximen Chuixue’s pale face showed a slight blush, as if extremely excited.

Of course, this is also the excitement of returning to the light.

Chen Yu’s sword had completely broken his heart.

Immortals are hard to save!

However, for Ximen Chuixue, this is actually nothing remarkable.

Chao Wen, the sunset can die!

Life and death are no small things!

“The owner of Ximen Zhuang is so open-minded, and I am deeply admired below.”

Chen Yu hugged the sword.

In his eyes, martial arts or kendo are just tools in his hands.

Martyrdom for the sake of tools is actually putting the cart before the horse.

But Ximen Chuixue is obviously not the same kind of person as him.

Chen Yu didn’t talk to the other party about his thoughts.

“It’s a pity that it won’t be long before I was killed, otherwise I would have had to have a drink with the city lord to celebrate today’s defeat.”

Ximen Chuixue let out a long laugh, and the long sword was like a dragon, turning in the air and returning to the scabbard.

The next moment, he flicked his white clothes, swept through the air, and quickly left.

Although his heart pulse is broken, he will definitely die.

But his martial arts are supreme, but he can suppress it temporarily.

Meet your family and explain what happened.

Time is precious, and Ximen Chuixue will not be polite.

“Ding, you have killed Ximen Chuixue, and the challenge mission is completed.”

“If you kill the remaining targets, you can improve the mission evaluation.”

“Decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden Purple, fame shocks the world, gain reputation +1000, current reputation 7300.”

Space prompted.

Although Ximen Chuixue is still jumping alive, the space has also been counted.

It is estimated that Simon blows snow in this plane to evaluate.

By any means, there is no possibility of survival.

After all, this is just a martial arts plane.

No, a mythical plane like Journey to the West.

In that kind of place, a nine-turn golden pill can be restored if it is eaten and shattered bones.

Even if you die, you can go to the Yin Cao Di Mansion to pull the soul back…

“After indefinitely! Take care of yourself all the way! ”

Chen Yu held the sword and said lightly.

“There will be no end to it!”

The sound of Ximen blowing snow came from afar.

“Ximen blows snow…”

Lu Xiaofeng sighed, looked at the honest monk with an earth-colored face, and his mood was a little empty.

“Sure enough, it was a battle of the world.”

The emperor exhaled slightly, looking excited.

Just now, when Chen Yu and Ximen Chuixue had a decisive battle, the sword qi was rampant and soared into the sky.

People who practice martial arts naturally cannot miss this once-in-a-millennium prosperous battle.

The emperor has a special status, and can only watch while secretly running Xuan Gong.

Push your spirit to the limit and use it to prevent sneak attacks.

Fortunately, no thrills.

The emperor took a few steps in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

The four masters of Ouchi hurriedly protected him and jumped down together.

The side doors at the four corners of the square opened, and countless royal forest sergeants poured out and gathered on the emperor’s side.

Dozens of long swords shining with cold light faintly formed a sword array.

Not far away, the mountain of guns and knives unfolded one after another.

Jinge reflects the bright moon, and the cold light is iron.

The majesty and temperament in the Forbidden City are by no means comparable to any sect.

Guarded by hundreds of people.

The emperor’s tense spirit also relaxed slightly, and he exhaled a long breath.

“Your Majesty, how are those people above handled?”

Wei Ziyun asked.

“Except for Lu Xiaofeng and Ye City Lord, the rest of the people will all take it and bring out the investigation of this matter.”

The emperor’s face sank, and he hummed softly.

Ribbons that merely circulate in the royal family will also leak.

It is clear that the ghost is doing trouble.

This matter can be big or small, which made the emperor extremely angry.


Wei Ziyun and the other four bowed slightly at the same time.

At this moment, the sword light flashed, like thunder and anger, and lightning was powerful.

Although it was night, suddenly, it burst out like daylight.

“Third brother, you…”

Wei Ziyun and the others looked at Yin Xian of the “Rich and Noble Divine Sword” blankly.

But seeing him sneering, the long sword in his palm was like autumn water.

The next moment, the emperor’s head suddenly flew up and landed more than ten meters away.

The headless body stands in place.

The blood gushed out, terrifyingly.

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