“Yin Xian, bold, you are a monstrous crime!”

“Desert Divine Eagle” Tu Fang and “Star Picker” Ding Ao were shocked, their wrists shook, and their long swords were unsheathed at the same time.

“Whoever draws his sword in front of Shun will be killed!”

Yin Xian glanced at them coldly.

The sword light flashed again.

Tu Fang and Ding Ao fell to the ground on their backs.

A stream of blood gushed out of his throat like a spring.

The two people didn’t even make a miserable scream, they were already angry.

“You… Not Yin Xian? ”

Wei Ziyun subconsciously took two steps back, held his hand on the hilt of the sword, hesitated, and did not dare to pull it out.

Tu Fang and Ding Ao are both top masters.

But joining hands actually can’t catch each other’s sword.

Obviously, the other party’s sword technique has reached the realm of the gods.

Not necessarily under Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng just now.

Although his martial arts skills are much better than Tu Fang and Ding Ao.

But he wasn’t the slightest bit sure of victory.

“Yin Xian? All he had left was this skin. ”

Yin Xian tore off the mask with a wave of his hand, revealing an unfamiliar young face.

A beautifully contoured sculpted face with a cold, conceited, and determined expression.

The eyes are as sharp as a blade.

“…… You…… Who are you? ”

Wei Ziyun was shocked.

“There is no mercy for those who disrespect them!”

The young man swung his sword again.

Wei Ziyun was startled, jumped up, unsheathed his long sword, and met the young man’s long sword with his backhand.

Two swords flashed in the air.

With a soft “ding”, the long sword in Wei Ziyun’s hand was shattered into countless pieces.

Stirred by the young man’s sword qi, like a rain of flowers, it cut through the void and chased towards Wei Ziyun.

It penetrated his body without hindrance, bringing up one blood arrow after another.

Wei Ziyun screamed, and the moment he landed, he was killed.

“Long live the emperor, long live long live!”

Dozens of people at the top of the hall jumped down one after another and knelt on the ground.

Immediately after, under the leadership of the two Royal Forest Army leaders, hundreds of Royal Forest Army also knelt down, looking respectful.

“Today, thanks to Er and others leading the snake out of the hole, Shu can kill the pseudo-emperor and take charge of the reign.”

“Shu Te Amnesty and others are not guilty today, and they can be rewarded for their merits.”

The young man’s eyes swept away, looking at Chen Yu and the others at the top of the Golden Luang Palace, and recently put on a trace of an indifferent smile.

“You are the ninth prince of Taiping, right?”

Chen Yu glanced at the young man lightly and asked.

“Lord Yecheng knows a lot.”

“However, after tonight, there will be no more Taiping Wangshizi.”

Gong Jiu snorted lightly, with a bit of evil aura on his face.

“Indeed, the Prince of Taiping rebelled against the king, and when he became the Zhulian Nine Clan, I am afraid that he does not have this name.”

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

“Presumptuous! He is now the Son of Heaven. ”

“Since ancient times, the king has been defeated, but he can’t kill the head of the colt, what is the crime?”

“Ye Gucheng, you are also the honor of the city lord, don’t you understand this truth?”

Gong Jiu stood with his hands in his hands, with a sneer on his face.

He is a royal nobleman, and his martial arts are the best in the world.

In his heart, only Ye Gucheng could talk to himself about everyone present.

The rest of the people are like ants.

“Is the king defeated? Reasonable. ”

Chen Yu smiled lightly.

At this moment, shouts of killing sounded outside the palace, and the fire burst into the sky.

The sound of fighting kept coming, and it seemed that someone was rapidly approaching here.

Along the way, people turned on their backs and screamed.

“Nanwang? Mantis cicada catcher, yellow sparrow behind? ”

Gong Jiu was slightly startled, and his eyes were like knives.

“You’re not too stupid.”

Chen Yu said with a smile.

Rebellion is not a good thing.

Planning is troublesome.

Even, it will bring a bad head.

Not a last resort, not recommended to play like this.

Preferably, someone led the rebellion and slaughtered the emperor by the way.

Then, you are responsible for calming the chaos.

In the mission challenge, since there is the name of Gong Jiu.

That shows that there is a high probability that there is still a chance to encounter him.

According to the character of Gong Jiu who originally planned to rebel.

It’s easy to deduce something.

Therefore, Chen Yu arranged for the prince of Nan to keep an eye on the movements of the Taiping Royal Mansion for a while.

Once Gong Jiu plans to make a move, the Taiping Royal Mansion will naturally make corresponding moves.

If the Nanwangfu has mental calculations or not, it can take the lead.

Of course, in theory, whether it is the actions of the Nanwangfu or the Taiping Royal Mansion.

will cause the emperor to be alert.

But unfortunately, the emperor of this plane is just a man of great ambition and rhetogy.

Regardless of this plane or the original, the abilities are mediocre.

Mysterious organizations have emerged in the martial arts one after another, and the East Factory Jinyi Wei has been suppressed so much that they can’t raise their heads.

Even, if others rebel and kill all the way to the dormitory, he can be unaware.

Most likely, he focused his only talent on martial arts.

But his martial arts skills are far inferior to Gong Jiu and others.

Gong Jiu really did not disappoint Chen Yu.

More than half a month ago, after returning from the nameless island, he decisively discovered that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So, in just over ten days, the plan was laid out.

He even killed Yin Xian with his own hands and easily entered the palace.

Make dozens of ribbons, so it is suspicious.

Those extremely precious ribbons are only a reward for the Taiping Royal Mansion.

It’s just a slightly precious collection.

Take out one or two horses and effortlessly either.

The whole process, however, is not much flawed, which is remarkable.

Let Chen Yu and Nanwang Shizi be very satisfied.

“Humph! The winner is king, the loser is Cole! ”

“Today, Shu Jianger and others will be killed, that is.”

Gong Jiu also figured out what happened in an instant.

I couldn’t help but turn white with anger on my whole face.

“To kill is to kill.”

“With your martial arts, it is enough to rank in the top five in the world.”

“If you don’t die, it’s also a curse.”

Chen Yu smiled leisurely and unsheathed his long sword.

“Ye City Lord did have a chance to defeat Yuan.”

“It’s a pity, you fought with Ximen Chuixue before, and most of your spirit was consumed.”

“Now, within three strokes, you will definitely die.”

Gong Jiu sneered, and the long sword was unsheathed.


Chen Yu smiled slightly.

In mid-air, a sword light flashed, standing high and down, stabbing diagonally towards Gong Jiu.

Like blue sky and white clouds, flawless and dirtless.

“Is it a flying immortal again? Today, Shu broke the flying immortal with a sword. ”

Gong Jiu laughed loudly, jumped up, and the long sword was like a spirit snake, constantly trembling.

As the long sword trembled, countless sword qi burst out of the air.

Like a volley of a crossbow.

“Don’t measure yourself!”

Chen Yu was in mid-air and turned on the domineering skill without hesitation.

25% increase in all abilities!

The next moment, Chen Yu’s body suddenly burst out with a pale golden luster, as if it was mighty,

The sword soared, like the wind and rain of the sky.


In the void, two long swords collided together.

Gong Jiu snorted, and the long sword in his palm was shattered into countless pieces by Chen Yu’s blow.

The incomparable strength pressed his high body back.

Stepping on the ground, the extremely solid bluestone ground shattered.

The next moment, Chen Yuhan Xingjian stabbed lightly.

A sword qi that was cold into the bone marrow, like a meteor falling, crashed down.

Pass through the heart!

“You… You actually reacted… Still retained strength? ”

Gong Jiu’s body stiffened, looking at the blood constantly gushing out of his heart, dumbfounded.

He didn’t expect this to be the result at all.

The other party had just compared the sword and had clearly exerted the kendo to the limit.

But just now, it erupted with unparalleled power.

It’s simply unstoppable!

It simply doesn’t look like a human power.

He has cultivated all his life, and he can’t even take a sword from the other party.

“That’s right, you’re dead.”

Chen Yu landed on the ground, and a rare golden light flowed on his white robe.

Like a god.

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