“Go to bed early and get up early to maintain health!”

Chen Yu woke up refreshed.

He slowly made a breakfast and ate it with peace of mind.

Although theoretically, he can go without sleep or food for more than ten days or even half a month.

Then sleep for a day or two, and eat a big meal to make up for it.

But normal people certainly don’t do such a thing.

Time is tight in the copy, and there is no time to eat, drink and sleep.

In the Overworld, if you are so extreme.

Sooner or later, I tossed myself out of a bunch of psychological problems.

After breakfast, I flipped through the newspaper.

Found the headline on the main page that the Dark Council and the Doomsday Squad among the five super groups declared hostility.

Many experts have specially analyzed and commented on this.

But the tone is very written.

It belongs to the kind of writing that has thousands of words of nonsense and has no actual content.

People are indeed cautious.

After all, these two battle groups are super forces with eighth-order powerhouses and more than one seventh-order powerhouse…

Plus peak reincarnation has few brain circuits that are normal.

Random words, in case you are seen by Lucifer or the Mechanical Queen when you are in a bad mood…

That picture is so beautiful.

Offended the capitalists, in fact, it is nothing.

At best, it’s just a ban.

However, offending the top powerhouse is likely to be physically blocked.

“Did you collapse? So real? ”

Chen Yu finished reading the incident commentary, and did not understand the cause of the matter.

I have the impression that their relationship is quite good.

There are also frequent friendships.

The last time he was in the quest, he encountered these two war groups and planned to cooperate to ambush him.

The career match is also good, it actually has a bit of a taste of war herding thieves.

It’s a classic combination.

Unfortunately, the strength is a little weak.

As a result, Chen Yu didn’t have any pressure from beginning to end…

It was easy to wipe them out.

“Forget it, don’t think about it.”

No, it’s a vampire or werewolf from the Dark Council who wants to cannon the Mechanical Queen.

Then it was shot by the furious queen.

The two sides fought.

This kind of plot is familiar at first glance.

It is obviously the regular life of high-end reincarnations.

Chen Yu pondered for a few minutes and gave up his heart of gossip.

Grabbed a minimum agricultural school bag and walked out.


Consider that nine o’clock should be the peak time for business processing.

At half past nine, Chen Yu came to the animation factory.

After checking Chen Yu’s identity at the front desk, he made an internal call.

“Hello, Mr. Chen, I am Liu Xi, the HR of the company, you can call me Lucy.”

“Later, I will complete your onboarding, which may take half an hour.”

A moment later, a young girl in her twenties wearing a professional dress greeted her.

“This is the company’s proposed treatment standard and contract for you, you can see if there is anything that needs to be amended.”

Liu Xi took Chen Yu into a temporary conference room and hung up a sign that read “Do not disturb during the meeting”.

Then he bent down to take out a wad of printed A4 paper from his bag and handed it over with both hands.

“Position: Test team, animation senior test engineer?”

“Basic monthly salary: 38,000, 500 meals per day, 2,000 a day for domestic travel…?”

Chen Yu looked at the treatment and looked a little strange.

“Mr. Chen, the first year of the company is a probationary period, and attendance is not counted during the probationary period.”

“If Mr. Chen has other arrangements, he can not come to the company.”

“The salary package will be paid to the bank card you provided on time.”

“…… What is my job? ”

“Well, you are responsible for reviewing anime within the company, and if there are clear logic and setting problems, you can report to your direct supervisor.”

“Once the relevant issues are reviewed, the company will revise the content and give the author a certain performance reward.”

“Probationary employees, theoretically have no performance appraisal requirements.”

“If you are interested in long-term development, you can end your trial early or transfer to another group when the trial period is over.”

“Other groups?”

“Scripts, skill settings, world view settings, etc. are all possible.”

“Special service groups, overseas groups and the like belong to the combat formation.”

“The labor cost of writing code is low, and reincarnation is not recommended.”

“Artists need professional skills. In fact, we are looking forward to mid-to-high-end reincarnation becoming artists. ”

“…… These internal animations are actually all plot worlds, right? ”

Chen Yu fell silent and asked.

“Yes, Mr. Chen, this is what the management meant.”

“Some analysts feel that people’s impression of anime is higher than the written word.”

“Many spatial skills are expressed using anime, which is also more accurate than text depiction.”

“Can you consult the relevant copy information at will?”

“The relevant information before the 20th floor copy is not confidential. After the 20th floor, a certain company rank and contribution degree are required. ”

Liu Xi smiled.

“Does turning the academy into a company model mean that workers in the workplace are more convenient to manage than school students?”

Chen Yu smiled and was noncommittal.

“Not really, this is the request of the vice president of the group and the CTO of the company.”

“It is said that creating some workplace atmosphere here and formulating a clear promotion route is easy for people to pursue and sustenance more than the reincarnation tower.”

“…… Who came up with this? ”

“Taoist Amin.”

“What about Murong Xueyue?”

“Murong Xueyue is the CEO, but she likes to be called the mountain master.”

“Okay, is our test team under Armin’s responsibility?”

“The test department is managed by Mr. Mo Li. He is a seventh-order senior reincarnation and a direct reporter for all test engineers. ”

“If the superior structure is superior, it should be Mr. Mo Li to report to Amin.”

“Mr. Jasmine?”

“Well, Mr. Mo Li is the deputy battle leader of the Hundred Sons and Hundreds of Families, and the space ID is called Mozi.”

Liu Xi was taken aback and quickly added.

After reaching the seventh rank, the bigwigs in official positions generally do not care to disclose their identities.

Mozi has been stuck on the 30th floor for several years, and he has basically cut off the hope of improvement.

Even, he has a bit of a pension mentality, and has not challenged the reincarnation tower for a long time.

Space has no additional punishment for such reincarnations who do not participate in the quest for a long time.

There is a cold attitude of “love to play, don’t play”.

“Does the company have a layoff plan or exit process?”

Chen Yu thought about it and asked again.

“…… I’ve never heard of layoffs, but it’s okay to leave. ”

“A written application is made three days in advance for the probationary period, and a month in advance for regular employees is sufficient.”

“Under normal circumstances, everyone gathers and disperses, and it will be approved.”

“If confidential projects are involved, there will be exclusive agreements and treatment standards in advance, which need to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.”

Liu Xi thought about it and added.


Chen Yu nodded, signed every page of the contract, and then handed it back to Liu Xi.

In the transcendent world, the biggest reliance is on its own strength, not the contract itself.

“Thank you, Mr. Chen, the company thanks you for your choice, and welcome to join.”

“Please wait a moment, Mr. Mo Li will personally come over and take you to the work area.”

Liu Xi took the contract very solemnly, bowed, and left the room.

“It’s quite formal, and companies that don’t lack money can really be willful.”

Chen Yu ordered a cup of Irish coffee at the beverage machine, sipping it in one gulp, and his mood was a little complicated.

Not sweatjob companies at all.

It doesn’t smell like that.

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