“It’s Xiao Chen, right?”

A moment later, there was a knock on the door, and an old man with gray hair and a cane walked in.


Chen Yu said hello.

Mozi is the first batch of high-end reincarnations.

For more than a decade, the first reincarnators have either fallen or retreated, and very few are still active.

As an organ master, Mozi’s combat effectiveness is not extremely strong.

Far inferior to warriors and Taoists of the same rank.

However, in the elite circle, Mozi has always had a sense of presence.

Although, his extreme combat effectiveness is not high.

But his creation can abuse countless future strong people in various reincarnation assessments.

“Call me Mo Lao or Lao Mo, Mozi is a bit lucky.”

“I’ve always suspected that the back is stuck, and 10% of the time it’s possible that the name is too big.”

“What about the remaining 90%?”

Chen Yu said.

“Of course it’s your own food.”

Mo Li grimaced and laughed.


Chen Yu smiled perfunctorily.

Spit on other people’s grooves, so that others have nothing to spit on?

“During the exam, you broke my organ man, right?”

Mo Li smiled to himself for a few seconds and asked again.

“Carelessly, missed.”

Chen Yu shrugged.

“Huh? Well done! Come back and invite you to eat! ”

Mo Li patted Chen Yu’s shoulder.

“Old sir, are you all right today?”

Chen Yu hesitated and asked.

“No, no, no, I’m also a seventh-order person, and I won’t burn my head.”

Mo Li was stunned and explained: “I have always applied that the power level of this thing is too low to meet the needs of your contemporary spiritual guys. ”

“As a result, Murong Ya made a bet with me that whichever candidate can completely dismantle this thing, he will give me a thousand pounds of extraterrestrial meteorite and reforge this thing.”

“I thought there was no hope.”

“As a result, you actually demolished this broken thing.”

“It’s amazing!”

Mo Li shook his head, obviously extremely proud.

“…… Are you going to use a thousand pounds of extraterrestrial meteorite to create a new organ to beat the candidates? ”

Chen Yu was startled and subconsciously took a step back.

No wonder that high-end reincarnators have few normal brains…

This look is very unreliable.

“It’s not that, it’s enough to use five hundred pounds, and you can save some and do some research.”

“By the way, Lucy doesn’t understand much, in fact, our test team is not only a copy test.”

“It’s okay to test skills, talents, equipment, things like that.”

“If you’re not interested in these tests, you can also test my organ.”

Mo Li prodded.

“It’s a pity to break it, right?”

“Well, the defense power is not left alone, and I am currently planning to test his attack power ceiling.”

“We need a lot of volunteers to be human sandbags.”

“Don’t worry, there are sixth-order peak physicians stationed here, although they are not as powerful as the Space Great White Ball, they are definitely foolproof.”

“It’s still a young lady!”

Mo Li’s eyes lit up and he introduced happily.

“…… I want to go to the workstation first. ”

Chen Yu sighed and declined.

Running all the way to get beaten by a robot?

It’s stupid just to think about it!

He’s not a masochist, and he can’t do such a thing.

Unless you give potential points…

Of course, that stuff can’t be traded.

So, there is no such thing as a real fragrance!

“Okay! If you have an idea, feel free to come to me or send me an email. ”

“There are a lot of good young people in the test team today, and I feel full of energy.”

Mo Li didn’t care too much.

He took out a work card marked “D.001” and a meal card from his pocket and handed it to Chen Yu.

He is also a seventh-order boss, if he really lacks experimental assistants or research objects.

As long as the wind is released and a few words of guidance are available, some people come to sign up.

It is not necessary for Chen Yu to join.

“The badge is used when you enter the door to swipe the card and confirm the permission.”

“Fitness, swimming, meeting, entertainment and other ancillary functions can also go to the second floor to swipe the card.”

“Of course, if you have advanced permissions, you still need other certification.”

“There are 15,000 yuan in the meal card, you can go to the restaurant to order, and an additional 15,000 yuan will be recharged on the first day of each month.”

“As a friendly reminder, British meals are extremely unpalatable.”

While speaking, Mo Li took Chen Yu to the eighth floor as an elevator and walked out.

Outside the elevator, on both sides of the corridor, is a row of independent offices, there are dozens of them.

“It looks a bit like a hotel, but the environment inside is ok. If you order food, it can be delivered directly to the office. ”

“In principle, the probationary period does not need to output work products or send me work reports.”

“But if you want to access some encrypted data, you may need a certain performance point.”

“If you can offer something, someone will analyze the value and exchange it for performance points for you.”

“If you have any questions, you can come to the lab on the 7th floor to find me, or email me.”

Mo Li smiled, pointed to the office where the indicator note “D.001” was taken, and turned to leave.


“It’s pretty good.”

In a separate office, the windows are clear,

I also raised a few pots of pothos.

On the large desk is a computer with excellent performance.

A small sign was hung on the side: “Not allowed for mining!” ”

The computer is directly connected to the intranet, and is classified according to the copy, skill, talent, reincarnation strong assessment, etc.

Inside each category, countless texts, animations, videos, and discussion items are stacked.

Chen Yu took a cursory look and found that the main information was concentrated on the ninth to twenty-fifth floors.

Probably, low-level reincarnations will not appear in the company.

This information is not needed.

And, after the twenty-fifth floor, they are all a generation of bigwigs.

The fighting style is basically fixed, and relying on strategy does not necessarily have any effect.

You can only go your own way.

There are indeed quite a few animations, at least hundreds.

At a cursory glance, it is basically some copy-related content.

But…… It’s actually not pretty.

The reason is simple, those copies are all novels.

It’s like “Lu Dingji” needs to take Wei Xiaobao as the main perspective in order to experience the most plot and get the greatest reading pleasure.

But the reincarnators don’t know this.

The animation that led to “Lu Dingji” actually took the reincarnation as the protagonist, killing and killing all the way.

Simple and crude, the worldview and setting are also brushed aside.

There is little narrative structure.

“The Legend of Chu Liuxiang” and the like, although the protagonist is suspected to be Chu Liuxiang, the story is not formed at all.

After all, the third-person perspective is not the same thing as the God perspective.

Moreover, Chu Liuxiang’s martial arts are not low, and the light skills are even more inscrutable.

Even a sixth-order reincarnation can kill Chu Liuxiang at most, and it is impossible to quietly monitor him all the time.

If you see a few glances in a hurry…

It is better to use the main perspective of the reincarnation all the time.

“Forget it, these animations feel like gimmicks. Let’s just gnaw at the text, the character, the worldview…”

After watching the animation of “The Legend of Chu Liuxiang”, Chen Yu sighed and turned off the entertainment computer.

All kinds of flattery over Chu Liuxiang and his three sisters throughout the process.

In the end, I just went to challenge Xue Yiren.

The key plot does not go away.

What Shi Guanyin, Jellyfish Yin Ji, did not appear at all.

Although Chen Yu has not entered Chu Liuxiang’s copy, he also feels that it must not be played like this.

Following this animation so far as the plot, it would be nice to get an S.

If the strength is slightly worse, A may not be able to get it.

“If you are strong, it should be above the seventh rank, right?”

Chen Yu clicked on the strong assessment classification and found that there were dozens of folders.

He tried to click on the folder with “Murong Xueyue” written on it.

“The reincarnation is protected by SS-level encryption, and you need to obtain the corresponding permissions to open the folder.”

The system prompts.

Chen Yu was stunned and casually clicked on the folder with “Mozi” written on it.

“The reincarnation is protected by Class A encryption and can provide some information.”

Sure enough, it doesn’t look like a row.

One point and it opens.

Inside is his resume, appearance, and some skills that can be published.

Actually, there are quite a few invention patents…


Chen Yu swept his eyes, and at the bottom of all the names, he found a folder with “Zhenwu” written on it.

He frowned slightly and double-clicked.

“This reincarnation is protected by SSS-level encryption and is only available for inquiries by board members.”

“…… It’s good, it’s quite mysterious. ”

Chen Yu thought for a few seconds, casually clicked on a worldview text, and flipped it up.

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