“He Zhangmen, your martial arts are supreme, the sword technique is divine, you see Yang Xiao’s thief does not use the heavenly sword, but Mu Monkey crowns.”

“It’s better for you to go and behead him, and then take the Heavenly Sword as the treasure of your Kunlun Town Mountain.”

Elder Huashan Gao rolled his eyes and asked He Taichong.

“Your Huashan faction’s anti-two yi knife method is also a must, why don’t you go?”

He Taichong glanced at Elder Gao and said disdainfully.

“There is a succession in the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art industry. It’s okay for us to brag, but not to fight. ”

“You specialize in bragging?”

The first pass of the five elders of the Gong Feng can be a little dissatisfied.

“Uh, Jiuwen Gong sent the Seven Wounded Fists to come to the world alone, and asked Gong Feng to close the door to avenge Shi Tai?”

Elder Gao laughed and said to Guan Nengdao.

“The old man has been unwell recently, and he is not as energetic as Elder Gao.”

Guan Neng snorted coldly, his eyes wary.

Although the reputation of the five elders is quite loud, their strength is extremely weak.

Even if they join forces, they are not as good as the exterminator Tai who is holding the Heaven-Leaning Sword.

Seeing that Chen Yu was like a spell, he somehow killed the exterminator Tai…

Guan Neng’s heart had already secretly retreated.

He Taichong and the others also had no idea of making a move.

Since the other party dares to say that one person picks one faction, it means that there must be a lot of hole cards.

At such times, the first one goes to give away the head …

Isn’t it just stupid?

“Don’t, I see that the head of the door is old and strong!”

The dwarf elder said with a smile.

The second elder of Huashan is not particularly reliable in the original work.

After the movie was added, it became a pair of-stirring sticks and a bad atmosphere.

Everyone frowned when they heard it.

“Two uncles, say a few words and wait and see.”

The head of Huashan listened to a few words, but he really couldn’t stand it, and said with a bitter smile.


“The family teacher led me to wait thousands of miles to come, and in order to eliminate the demon guardian Dao, I have already put life and death behind me.”

“But I don’t want the demon sect to run rampant, cast a secret plan, and finally die…”

“The little woman, Zhou Zhiruo, a disciple under Emei, also asked Master Empty Wen and Song Daxia to preside over justice for the family teacher.”

In the Emei faction, a beautiful and beautiful girl walked to the side of Kong Wen and Song Yuanqiao, and bowed down.

As soon as the exterminator died, the Emei faction was basically abolished.

And Kunlun, Huashan, Gongyu and other sects, Zhou Zhiruo actually did not count on it.

Shaolin Wudang is more reliable in the presence.

“Amida Buddha, the matter is promised by the old man, and I will take the lead in Shaolin.”

Sora sighed, the monk’s robe flicked, and an invisible qi surged, holding Zhou Zhiruo up.

The next moment, the empty figure flashed and came to Chen Yu.

Kong Zhi and Kong Surname followed him in without saying a word.

“Just the three of you?”

Chen Yujunzi unsheathed his sword and asked lightly.

“Amida Buddha, if Yang Zuo can defeat the three of our junior brothers joining forces, my Shaolin will bow down.”

Sora sighed.

In the face of masters at this level, a large number of people is not necessarily useful.

If the gap in strength is too large.

When the qi ripples, it will make ordinary disciples ashes.



Ten fingers of empty wisdom are connected, like a polo flower blooming.

One after another, the air breaking finger force hit, like machine gun fire, extremely dense.

Doroye refers to one of the seventy-two stunts of the Seventy-Two.

If Sora exerts all his strength, he can easily blast the boulder into powder through the air.

“Donkey Kong God Palm!”

Sora sighed lowly, and a palm followed.

King Kong’s angry eyes appeared in the air, and a fierce splitting palm power suddenly gushed out.

In mid-air, the palm power was released, manifesting a golden giant palm print, and slammed with a bang.

It was as if the Dharma Protector King Kong had personally taken the palm.

The sword light flew diagonally.

Such as electric shooting stars, such as flying stars.

In mid-air, there is a faint appearance of a woman flying and scattering flowers, and there is the sound of falling from the sky.

After the Outer Heaven Flying Immortal reached the full level, he also stepped into the level of a sword out and a vision.

The sword light is ethereal, flexible, and ever-changing.

The sword power climbed to the limit, split into three, turned into three rays of electricity, and stabbed towards the three monks.


Before the surname could make a move, he was firmly entangled by a sword shadow.

He roared angrily, the dragon claw hand closed, performed the Shaolin Breaking Gong, the monk’s robe turned into an iron sleeve, and suddenly greeted it.

The blood mist disperses!

The three monks snorted at the same time and flew away with blood.

At the place of the sea of air under their navels, a small hole one finger deep appeared in each of them.

Blood kept pouring out.

“Good swordsmanship! The old man has never heard of it, and sure enough, it is unparalleled in the world! ”

Sora smiled bitterly, reached out and pressed a few acupuncture points to stop the blood that kept flowing.

The three monks tried to lift their breath.

It was found that the dantian qi was drained, and his cultivation was at least eighty percent sealed.

“I have a trace of qi in my sword qi, which can seal your cultivation for six months, and once time passes, the strength will recover itself.”

Chen Yu said indifferently.

He has the skill of seeing God not badly, and has stepped into the sixth rank.

For the study of tricks, the advantages of both national arts and martial arts have been integrated.

These methods of sealing acupuncture points and veins can be described as unique secret methods.

Unless his skill is far superior to him, his mastery of medicine is no less than his.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to unseal him.

This plane, who can meet this condition, is estimated to be only Wudang Zhang Sanfeng.

Sora and others, still far from it.

“Yang Zuo makes the sword method divine, and the old man thanks your excellency for not killing.”

Sora smiled bitterly, helped the two junior brothers, and walked back.

“Boss? First? ”

The disciples of the Shaolin Sect each lowered their Buddha’s trumpet, sitting on the ground, looking apprehensive.

Seeing the three monks returning, they all surrounded them.

“Sit down in peace, and if you come, you will be safe.”

“A stinky skin, what’s so great.”

Sora frowned and scolded.

“Amitabha! Song Daxia, Mr. Tieqin, Xianyu in charge, close the master, my Shaolin today is a failure, I have to bear your trust. ”

Sora also sighed.

“I couldn’t think of Yang… Yang Zuo made Taoguang cultivate obscurity, and his martial arts had reached such a realm. ”

“That sword just now, I’m afraid that no one in the world can use it outside the family teacher.”

“My Wudang has a set of formations, which can also be verified today.”

Song Yuanqiao’s long sword was unsheathed and held the sword as a salute.

Yu Lianzhou, Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting, Mo Shenggu, and Song Qingshu followed, scattered and scattered.

Between actions, agility and solemnity are both.

Everyone’s faces were solemn, looking at Chen Yu without saying a word.

“True Martial Seven Interception Formation? Proper understanding. ”

Chen Yu’s mind moved, and he nodded.

“Yang Zuo Envoy really knows a hundred schools, admire and admire.”

Zhang Songxi was shocked in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face.

This formation is an absolute formation created by Zhang Sanfeng looking at the snake and turtle Er Mountain, from the winding trend of the snake mountain and the stable shape of the turtle mountain.

One person can also form a formation.

If many people work together, they will be both offensive and defensive, and their power will be greatly increased.

Simply put, about one more person, twice as powerful.

Six people are already equivalent to thirty-two supreme masters.

However, Wudang also couldn’t make up the seventh person.

Among the three generations of disciples, except for Zhang Wuji, now Song Qingshu can use it.

If you want to come again, the martial arts are too poor, but it will affect the power of the formation.

Unless, if Zhang Sanfeng enters the formation and becomes the leader of the formation, it is another matter.

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