
Song Yuanqiao cast the Nine Palace Serial Sword, and the long sword swung like a gushing river, continuously.

Another example is the flooding of the Yellow River, which is out of control…

Yu Lianzhou’s two yi sword techniques were displayed, with yin and yang, and rigidity and softness.

The sword momentum of the two echoed each other, and the yin and yang exchanged power, and their power suddenly doubled.

Zhang Songxi’s long sword was picked, and the Rouyun sword method unfolded in one style and merged into the sword array.

Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu came out of the thirteen swords of the Divine Gate, and the other came out of the finger-wrapping soft sword.

Song Qingshu honestly implemented the Wudang sword method that he was familiar with to make up for everyone’s lack of strength.

In an instant, the six-man formation climbed to its limit.

Pulled by the gas engine, the air is formed into a shield, and it turns into the body of a giant turtle.

One after another, the Wuxian sword qi broke through the air, condensing the appearance of the spirit snake.

In the void, the giant tortoise and the spirit snake appeared separately, from the virtual to the real, lifelike.

In terms of momentum, it is much more real than Chen Yu’s Flying Immortal Shadow.

The body size is several times larger.

The long snake is agile, the turtle is dignified, and one attack and one defense are an excellent match.

“The True Martial Seven Interception Formation is something.”

Chen Yu stabbed out several sword qi, which were blocked by the giant turtle aura cover.

When the spirit snake sword qi counterattacked, it also forced him back a few steps…

He frowned, feeling a little upset.

His ID in space is “Zhenwu”, but as a result, he encountered a Zhenwu Seven Interception Array, and it was a little difficult to deal with.

If it weren’t for the fact that this formation was already extremely famous, Chen Yu would have thought it was a matter of luck.

Speaking of which, Wudang Mountain is still the dojo of Emperor Zhenwu, and it is even rumored that Zhang Sanfeng is the incarnation of Emperor Zhenwu.

It feels a little unlucky to win or lose…

“Use domineering once.”

The golden light flickered, plating Chen Yu’s white robe with a layer of pale gold.

Domineering on!

Within ten minutes, he had the strength of at least a sixth-order mid-grade.

The long sword is cut out, and the sword vaporizes the dragon.

One after another, purple dragons rushed out and bit towards the turtle and snake spirits.

The sound of sword qi colliding was like a storm.

“Sleeping… Immortal fights? ”

“The Wudang Sect True Martial Seven Interception Array is indeed worthy of its name!”

“Yang Xiao is too much as the Bright Left Envoy, right? The right envoy of light also has this grade? ”

“How is that possible? This momentum, I believe it if Zhang Sanfeng made a move…”

“The problem is not Zhang Sanfeng’s shot!”

“No, people’s martial arts are strong to this point, are we really here to attack the top of the light?”

“You want to say a thousand miles to give away people’s heads?”

“Yes, that’s it!”

“…… It is also possible. ”

“Those bald people in the Shaolin faction are very bad, and they make us so miserable!”

“No wonder Wudang Zhang Lao Dao can’t come, he definitely knows the inside story!”

“So he sold all his apprentices?”

“No poison, no husband!”

The masters of the three factions of Kunlun, Huashan, and Gongyu talked about it, and they became indignant as they chatted.


The sword momentum was densely covered with the void, Chen Yu’s figure froze, and the long sword stabbed down.

Suddenly, as if the heavenly river was upside down, the sword momentum turned, pouring down with the might of heaven and earth.

A huge sword shadow slashed into the void.

A purple light flashed seven inches from the spirit snake, cutting it into two segments.

The sword was endless, slashing down on the tortoise shell and stabbing suddenly.

The spirit turtle wailed and exploded with a bang.

Chen Yu shook his long sword, and a sword aura pierced the Song Qingshu Dantian who was caught off guard.

Song Qingshu screamed and fell to the ground.

A sword light flew diagonally, like a shocking lightning, turning on everyone.

Song Yuanqiao and the others snorted at the same time, and the long sword flew away with a rain of blood.

In just a moment, Chen Yu stabbed each person with a sword on their wrists.

In the next moment, Chen Yu’s body turned, or clicked or hit.

Song Yuanqiao and the others who had not yet reacted made up a finger on their puncture points.

Everyone was empty, snorted, and fell out one after another, slumping on the ground.

“Yang Zuo is slow, listen to me.”

A figure fluttered lightly in the air and suddenly appeared in the center of the field.

The right hand clenched into a fist and punched out suddenly.

The crimson ball of light flashed, and the blazing True Qi continued to surge.

It’s like a hot sun.

“Jiuyang Divine Skill? Zhang Wuji? ”

Chen Yu’s heart moved, and his right hand slapped out, meeting Zhang Wuji’s fist.

“Huh? How do you know! ”

Zhang Wuji was slightly startled and expelled.

Turning his fist into a palm, he pressed Chen Yu’s palm in the void.

The flame ball and the blood lotus appeared in the air and collided together.

The next moment, Zhang Wuji’s face changed drastically.

I felt an irresistible force suddenly surging from the other party’s palm.

The Jiuyang energy that gathered him was dispersed like a swatting fly.

Zhang Wuji was shocked and hurriedly unloaded and flew back.

“Lie down.”

Chen Yu frowned and punched out of the air.

The fist roared and smashed into Zhang Wuji’s chest.

The fist wind and body, making a sound like a drum of the Yellow River.

Obviously, the other party’s muscles and bones have been practiced to a terrifying level.

But the next moment, the clatter of broken ribs continued to sound.

Zhang Wuji’s mouth sprayed blood, and his body was carried up by the fist wind, flying out more than ten meters away, and smashed heavily on the ground.

To be honest, Jiuyang Divine Skill belongs to the protagonist’s martial arts in this plane of “Demon Sect Master”, and the grade is extremely high.

It is a legendary-level exercise.

Compared with Chen Yu’s current Yi Tendon True Qi, it is one notch higher.

However, Chen Yu is now in a domineering state.

He was also not sure about Zhang Wuji’s upper limit of strength. Therefore, it directly used eighty percent of the force.

As a result, although Zhang Wuji was a great achievement in Jiuyang, he was directly bombarded like a ruin.

Of course, the Nine Yang Divine Skill is infinitely useful.

It is one of the strongest exercises of the Buddhist martial arts, and it is also the first exercise to heal injuries.

Practice to the depths, the internal power automatically protects the body, rebounds the external force attack, and can even give birth to purple qi, so that the King Kong is not bad.

Although Zhang Wuji’s injury is not light now, it is enough to fully recover for only a week or two.

“Yang Zuo Envoy really has a great skill, and it is far from the next.”

Zhang Wuji sighed and stood up, his face a little ugly.

He is now also an absolute master of Jiuyang Jiuju.

This kind of injury is really not in the eye.

However, this incident is a serious blow to his self-confidence.

It is not very lethal and extremely insulting.

Originally, Jiuyang God had achieved great success, and he was happy to go out of the valley, thinking that there was no resistance in the world.

Fantasize about becoming the supreme martial artist, laughing and arrogant.

As a result, I found that I couldn’t even pick up a move from the other party …

Suddenly, Zhang Wuji’s mentality collapsed a little.

“What are you?”

“The martial arts are really good.”

“However, this is Yang Zuo’s master of challenging the Wudang faction, and if you interfere indiscriminately, it is inevitable that you will not talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes.”

Yin Tianzheng and Wei Yixiao both smiled and said angrily.

“It’s okay, he is the grandson of the Eagle King, Zhang Wuji, the son of Zhang Cuishan, and it is okay to say that he is a Wudang disciple.”

“Since it is a subordinate of Wudang, joining forces with Song Daxia and others is also promised by this seat before.”

“Don’t embarrass him.”

Chen Yu waved his hand and dissipated his domineering state.

This is also the longest game he has played with domineering.

Slightly tired.

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