“Wuji? It’s you? ”

“How did your martial arts become so powerful?”

“Your cold poison… Is it cured? ”

Song Yuanqiao and the others were overjoyed and hurriedly surrounded Zhang Wuji.

They were fingered by Chen Yu, and although Xiu Wei was blocked, it did not affect the action.

On the contrary, he is much more lively than Zhang Wuji, who has broken ribs…


Yin Tianzheng was startled, looking a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay, the Eagle King can rest assured, and this seat will not be like a child.”

Chen Yu said indifferently.

“Thank you Yang… Master! ”

Yin Tianzheng was overjoyed and hurriedly reciprocated.

Shouted a few subordinates, got a simple stretcher, and also gathered beside Zhang Wuji.

“Kunlun, Huashan, and Kongyu, are the three factions of yours tied up or fighting with this seat?”

Seeing that the Wudang faction had retreated, Chen Yu’s eyes swept over the embarrassed He Taichong, Xianyu Tong, and Guan Neng, and asked indifferently.

“Brother Yang’s sword technique is divine, so our husband and wife will ask Brother Yang for a lesson or two.”

He Taichong, the person in the field, has the highest status.

Seeing that Xian Yu Tong and Guan Neng were looking at him, He Taichong couldn’t help but curse secretly in his heart.

But in the end, because of the loss of face, he still walked out with his wife Ban Shuxian.

He Taichong and Ban Shuxian are brothers and sisters.

The master of the two, Bai Luzi, died in vain at the hands of the masters of the Ming Sect, Kunlun was masterless, and He Taichong took the position of head with the support of Ban Shuxian.

Although it is not known who the real murderer is, everyone in the Kunlun faction has always guessed that it was Yang Xiao.

Originally, He Taichong did want to find Yang Xiao to settle accounts and take revenge.

But after seeing Chen Yu, he found that the target’s martial arts were too strange.

It was as if the sword fairy was in mortality.

He Taichong and Ban Shuxian decisively fought sloppily and never mentioned it.

After all, the enemy of killing a master is not in the sky.

It’s fine if it’s not done by the other party.

I’m afraid that if the other party admits it without any care, then he will be finished…

The two walked out with a heavy heart, the sword divided yin and yang, the qi went three levels, and the sword qi was surrounded.

One person pointed his long sword at the sky, and the other slashed the ground with a long sword, but he was in a purely defensive posture.

Both of their wrists trembled slightly, obviously heartbroken and their momentum decayed.

Nothing polite about this sandbag.

Chen Yujunzi’s sword swiped at random, and two sword qi cut off their long swords.

Conveniently made up for each of them in the sea of anger.

He Taichong and Ban Shuxian fell to the ground at the same time, and were carried back by all the disciples.

“What about Huashan and Gongyu?”

Chen Yu glanced at the Emei faction and saw a bunch of young nuns gathered together, their faces were pale and shivering…

He twitched the corners of his mouth, not bothering to be embarrassed.

His current positioning is at least a peerless grandmaster.

If you run to bully the little girl and the little nun, the pattern is too small.

“Yang Daxia, we are wrong, we shouldn’t have come!”

“Don’t kill us! We are all waste, pigs and dogs are not as good! ”

The second elder of Huashan hurriedly begged for mercy.

“…… I have always been iron-clad and will never collude with the two wastes of the Huashan faction. ”

“If you can’t make a move today, you won’t make a move, and if you kill me, you won’t fight back.”

Guan Neng’s eyes rolled, and he scolded the second elder of Huashan with an angry face.

“Bring it all down, if there is resistance, shoot and kill…”

Chen Yu was silent for a moment, and the gentleman sword shook his hand, and the sword energy surged.

The five elders of Huashan, Xianyutong, and Kongyu were subdued.

Xian Yu Tong is exquisite, but his character is not very good.

In the original book, Zhang Wuji spent some effort to make him discredited.

However, Chen Yu didn’t have so much sense of justice, so he was too lazy to do much.

Anyway, it’s just a small person…

Chen Yu originally made up for the six major factions to besiege Guangming Peak.

At that time, he will fight with the six major factions with all his might.

The imaginary scene is very passionate.

But when you really fight, the style of painting becomes very strange.

Inexplicably, the decisive battle began, and the other party knelt all casually.

It feels, a little… Bored.

“Lead the way!”

Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao, the five scattered people, and the Five Elements Banner swarmed up with the four gates of heaven and earth, wind and thunder.

Put many disciples of the six major sects on the top of the light together.

Considering that the heads and high-level of the six major sects are restrained.

Even if there were still some masters in the various factions, they did not dare to act rashly and were imprisoned one by one.

At this time, the plot has been completely rewritten.

The butterfly effect fanned out the tornado.

The classic Wan’an Temple scene should be directly gone.

However, if it’s gone, it’s gone.

Later, I pushed the picture all the way.

Chen Yu thought about his task and felt that the impact was not great.


Inside the Flame Hall

Chen Yu sat in the main seat.

Yin Tianzheng and Wei Yixiao sat on either side of him.

The Five Elements Banner and the Five Scattered People also sat down according to the rules.

“This is the death of the Yang Sect Leader, although I think the Holy Fire Order should not be related to the position of the Sect Leader, but this thing will be recovered behind the throne, and it will also make the previous sect leaders of the Sect blind.”

Chen Yu took out Yang Dingtian’s suicide note and circulated it in turn.

He actually didn’t care about the content of Yang Dingtian’s suicide note.

Recovering the Order of the Holy Flame is only necessary for space missions.

At this time, with the strength of one person, he defeated the masters of the six factions, and his reputation shook the world and was unparalleled in the world.

The eyes of the people in the church looked at him as if they were looking at the gods.

Admiring the strong is the primitive instinct of human beings.

In other words, if the Ming Sect is analogous to the imperial court, then he is properly regarded as a high-ranking lord, similar to the white-faced minister on the stage.

If Yang Dingtian is in power, he can only choose to give way, or be given way…

“I couldn’t imagine that Sect Master Yang I was brave and wise, and he would go crazy because of the love of husband and wife!”

“If we had to see this suicide note sooner, how would we have failed today.”

After everyone circulated Yang Dingtian’s suicide note, they all sighed.

“The former sect leader Yang Dingtian died violently, there was no one in the sect, and one of our great sects that shook the rivers and lakes actually made a mess of killing each other and torn apart.”

“There are those who have left the religion, some have stayed out of the matter, some have set up their own doors, some have committed wrongdoing, and even more so have fought with each other.

“Today, Yang Xiaoyang left envoy, turn the tide and look at the world, who is contending with it…”

“The old man proposed to appoint Yang Xiao as the sect leader, and the sect can be expected.”

After reading the suicide note, Yin Tianzheng stood up, bowed to Chen Yu, and half knelt down.

Yin Tian is the highest status among everyone, except for Chen Yu.

He should have taken the lead in persuasion.

“I also had this intention a long time ago, follow what Second Brother Yin said.”

Wei Yixiao also knelt down.

“See the Sect Leader!”

The five scattered people, the five elements banner envoy and the others knelt down one after another, looking happy.

“With good intentions, this seat will be respectful rather than obedient.”

“This religion is not my teaching, and I need to rely on you a lot in the future.”

Chen Yu smiled slightly, his hands weak.

“Ding, you have completed the integration of the Ming Sect, and the task is complete. Depending on the subsequent development of Mingjiao, the evaluation can be improved. ”

The space system prompted.

“…… Is this still a developmental task? ”

Chen Yu’s eyes flashed, thoughtful.

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