“Junior Zhang Wuji, meet Sect Master Yang.”

In a room, Zhang Wuji leaned on the head of the bed, startled.

Seeing Chen Yu come in, he hurriedly got up and wanted to bow down.

Although he was also a Wudang disciple, he should have been imprisoned.

But considering that he is Yin Tianzheng’s grandson, he can still enjoy special treatment.

After all, Yin Tianzheng had contributed a lot to Chen Yu’s ascendancy.

Chen Yu would not deliberately embarrass Zhang Wuji to disgust people in order to show his iron-faced selflessness.

Considering that Zhang Wuji had indeed not killed anyone in the Ming Sect, the remaining members of the sect had no opinion.

“It’s okay, you have injuries, you don’t have to be too formal.”

Chen Yu’s sleeve robe flicked, and the breeze blew to stop Zhang Wuji from bowing down.

“Thank you Sect Master Yang!”

“How are you hurt?”

“Junior… Within seven days, it should be healed. ”

Seeing Chen Yu’s indifferent eyes, Zhang Wuji’s heart tightened slightly, and he didn’t dare to hide it.

“Well, it’s not much different from what I estimated.”

Chen Yu nodded, and Yun said lightly, “Wuji, are you willing to join this sect and take up the position of Guardian King?” ”


Zhang Wuji’s expression changed drastically.

“Your righteous father, Xie Xun, the Golden Retriever Lion King, and your grandfather are both Guardian Kings, and they are dedicated to teaching, and I trust them very much.”

“You have a family tradition, the son inherits the ancestral inheritance, isn’t it good?”

Chen Yu smiled.


The son of God inherits the ancestral inheritance!

When did becoming a king become a profession?

Besides, even if it is the ancestral industry, it should be Zhang Cuishan’s vein…

Zhang Wuji held his throat in his throat.

“The juniors have not made any achievements, so they are in high positions, some can’t say it, right?”

Zhang Wuji thought for a moment and asked.

Thinking of Chen Yu’s unpredictable skills before, he shrunk his neck rationally and did not complain.

“You Jiuyang Divine Skill learned from the fire foreman of the past, right? Jiuyang Jiuju can be regarded as a rare opponent in the world. ”

“With this cultivation, it is more than enough to be a Dharma King.”

“In this case, I have a task to give you, and if you can do it well, it will be considered a great achievement.”

“What mission?”

Zhang Wuji was startled, seemingly a little curious.

“This time, the masters of the six major sects will all stay on this top of the light, and they will all be handed over to your unified care.”

“You were not a member of the Ming Sect before, and the situation is special.”

“If you are kind to that group of prisoners, and if you take proper care of it, you can also show that you have a big heart.”

“In front of your master in the coming day, it is also reasonable.”

“If things are done well, it can even resolve the dispute between this sect and the Central Plains martial arts. Come to Japan to work together to resist the yuan and do something big. ”

Chen Yu smiled indifferently.

“This… The junior wants to think about it. ”

Zhang Wuji’s heart pounded.

“Wang Hou General Xiang, Ning has a kind of feeling? When a man is alive, he should do the next vigorous event. ”

“My Ming Sect has millions of disciples, sweeping the world, and coming to Japan to seal the territory and split the land, I don’t know.”

“Those who achieve great things, do not wait for the time to know!”

Chen Yu said casually.

If Mingjiao counts the righteous army, indeed, there are more than a million troops.

Six big pies can be made into adult meat buns in minutes.

But these people only obeyed the orders of various rebel leaders, such as Han Shantong, Liu Futong and even Zhu Yuanzhang.

Neither Zhang Wuji nor Yang Xiao, the later sect leader, instructed to move.

Otherwise, the emperor would not have Zhu Yuanzhang’s turn.

However, these things do not need to be said in such detail.

For example, when capitalists paint cakes and feed employees chicken soup, they also say impassionedly, and the specific details are avoided.

Chen Yu is already considered good.

At least the platform of Mingjiao itself does have a glimmer of hope for chasing the world.

“Thank you for the great trust of the sect leader, the juniors will repay each other!”

Zhang Wuji thought for another moment and said indignantly.

“Good! Rest first, and when you are healed, I will announce this appointment. ”

Chen Yu smiled slightly and walked out.

This version of Zhang Wuji, he actually likes it quite a bit.

Ambitious, but also capable.

Perhaps, there is also a bit of a mysterious protagonist aura.

More appetite for him than the original Madonna character.

Anyway, Chen Yu is a hurried passer for this world, that is, staying for half a year at most.

He did not intend to ascend the throne and become emperor.

For those who are ambitious, do not care.

Everyone takes what they need.

Being ambitious and capable is obviously more useful than only knowing foolishness.

As for the future Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang…

If you finish the task, you can also find time to meet once.

Chen Yu secretly planned.


Sweet and cool area, Green Willow Mountain Villa

There is a bluestone paved road in front of the village, and Zhuangzi is surrounded by a small river, and the river is full of green willows, and the scenery is like Jiangnan.

“How’s it going?”

Lord Zhao Min was wearing a men’s suit, gently shaking the folding fan, and could not hide a graceful and luxurious atmosphere.

“Lord Yu, the Six Gates faction besieged Guangming Peak and never returned. All the people and horses have been guarding the road for more than ten days, but there is still no movement. ”

The eight-armed Excalibur Fang Dongbai bowed down.

He was originally the head of the four elders of the Begang, the essence of swordsmanship, and he was famous for moving rivers and lakes.

More than ten years ago, he fled to the Ruyang Royal Mansion for the sake of glory and wealth.

“What do you mean?”

“The subordinates inquired and learned that the Six Gates Sect may really have fallen into the top of the light.”

“How is it possible!”

“According to everyone’s previous analysis, isn’t the Ming Sect defeated this time? Master Cheng Kun also personally went to the Guangming Peak, and the inside should be combined with the outside. ”

Zhao Min frowned and said angrily.

“The subordinates heard that Yang Xiao, the former bright left envoy of the Ming Sect, advanced his martial arts by leaps and bounds, and defeated the masters of the Six Gates Sect with one person…”

“What? To be more detailed. ”

“First point to kill the head of Emei to exterminate the master Tai, and then defeat the three major gods and monks of Shaolin with a sword.”

“Shake the Wudang True Martial Seven Interception Formation even harder, and subdue the three factions of Kunlun, Huashan, and Kongyu.”

“The Six Gates Sect was defeated and imprisoned by him in the prison of the Ming Sect.”

“It is said that those masters of the rivers and lakes have to spin and embroidery flowers every day, mine and plant trees, and talk about labor reform…”

“It is also rumored that Yang Xiao has become the leader of the Ming Sect.”

When Fang Dongbai said this, his tone was still a little strange.

Although Yang Xiao is a master of the world, Fang Dongbai originally thought that he was also between Bo Zhong and himself.

Now seeing the other party’s fierce record, I can’t help but be a little shocked.

“With such a great merit, it is normal to become a sect leader.”

Zhao Min was silent for a moment: “So, our plan to deal with the Ming Sect with all our efforts is meaningless?” ”

Whether the Six Gates Sect is dead or alive, Zhao Min actually doesn’t care.

But at present, there are all kinds of rebels, most of them under the banner of Mingjiao.

This problem, not only Zhao Min, even Ruyang Wang Chahan was very upset.

Therefore, Zhao Min was responsible for provoking the fight between the Six Sects and the Ming Sect and carrying out the plan of driving away the tiger and devouring the wolf.

It is planned to destroy the main altar of the Ming Sect by drawing salaries from the bottom of the kettle.

Then, ambushes were laid along the way, and the six major factions were either captured or killed.

Originally, she weighed it repeatedly and felt that it was a foolproof plan.

As a result, such an unplanned result was actually made.

It made her angry.

“This… Mingjiao is not taboo about this matter at all now. ”

“Even, Zhang Wuji, the new Dharma King and the successor of Jiuyang, allowed the imprisoned experts of the Six Gates Sect to write letters to their families to report that they were safe.”

“The Jiuyang descendant also came out?”

Zhao Min was stunned.

“He… He also wrote to Shaolin Wudang and other sects, saying that it was necessary to guard against sneak attacks in the near future. ”

“We found out by accidentally stopping a few flying pigeons that were delivering letters.”

Speaking of this, Fang Dongbai spoke, looking a little embarrassed.

“How can it be so!”

Zhao Min’s face sank again.

It’s as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

“County master?”

“Yang Xiao, huh? The new sect leader, huh? Won a few wastes, what awe! ”

“Please come and see me.”

“By the way, inform the veins of the Vajra Gate, saying that the Jiuyang Divine Skill has reappeared in the rivers and lakes, and their ancestor fire foreman Tuo is afraid that he is still in the world.”

Zhao Min snorted coldly.


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