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“Ahem, the concubine has seen Yang Da… Master. ”

Xiao Zhao helped an old woman with a hunched back and white hair like silver into the hall.

The old woman bent down and coughed constantly.

Seeing Yang Xiao’s appearance, he seemed to be a little emotional, his voice choked, and he almost shouted “Brother Yang”.

“You are also a disciple of Mingzun, or the Dharma King of this sect.”

“When I left the church, I left it alone. The six major sects besieged this place, and they dared to stay out of the matter, aren’t they afraid that this seat will settle old accounts with you? ”

Chen Yu frowned, and his face sank.

As a professional-level actor, Chen Yu saw through the other party’s acting skills at a glance.

It’s nothing more than a bit of a weak heart.

I want to climb the relationship of the year and play the emotional card.

After all, the Six Gates faction besieged Guangming Peak, and she did not come, which was also a big mistake.

“Ahem, back then, the whereabouts of the Yang Sect Master were unknown, the dragons were leaderless, and the concubine body left just then.”

“The concubine heard Xiao Zhao say that the six major sects were besieging this place, and they didn’t think about tea and dinner, and they came day and night.”

“Fortunately, Sect Leader Yang made a great move, swept away the ugliness, and shocked the world in a battle.”

Daisy hurriedly fawned.

She also heard some wind about this on the way.

The rumors of the rivers and lakes are getting more and more outrageous.

In the final version, it has become Chen Yu one person and one sword, invincible, and easily kills seven in and seven out of the six major sects.

Daisy was stunned when she heard it.

But no matter how much moisture there was in this matter, she could at least be sure that she was definitely not the opponent of the man in front of her.

“Are you talking to me in a mask like that?”

Chen Yu frowned and asked.

“Brother Yang, it’s still as domineering as it was then.”

Daisy smiled wryly and tore off the human skin mask on her face.

Under the mask is a Tallenian woman with a high nose and deep eyes and skin as white as snow.

Considering that her real age is at least fifty-five years old, it is obviously well maintained.

Of course, although it is radiant, it still shows a trace of aging.

There are still few masters of the martial arts plane who can ignore the passage of time.

At least, with her cultivation, she can’t do it yet…

Being too recognizable is a hassle anywhere, so it’s no wonder to hide it.

Over the years, Han Qianye has died, and Daisy is alone.

It is necessary to avoid the revenge of the Ming Sect and to prevent being captured by the Persian Archbishop, presumably the day is uneasy.

No wonder the whole person became nervous.

The strategy he came up with was also nervous, and he actually expected his teenage daughter Xiao Zhao to be able to deceive Yang Xiao.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu frowned slightly.

“Sect Master Yang asked Xiao Zhaochuan’s concubine to come this time, and mentioned the “Great Movement of Qiankun”, I don’t know what to order?”

Seeing Chen Yu frowning, Daisy panicked slightly in her heart, and hurriedly got down to business.

After all, she didn’t come to see Chen Yu to catch up on the past.

“There are indeed some serious things, Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, can it be on your Spirit Snake Island now?”

“You! Third Brother Xie did come to the island a few days ago. ”

“The concubine dares to ask, how did Sect Master Yang know about this?”

Daisy’s face changed, revealing a suspicious look.

“The things of the world are nothing but God knows, the earth knows, you know, I know.”

Chen Yu said leisurely.

The original book can also explain that Daisy met the exterminator and was hung by the Heavenly Sword.

Then he was not angry in his heart, and found Xie Xun planning to borrow the dragon slayer knife to fight the extinction again.

But now the movie version of the devil has changed a lot of plots, and Chen Yu doesn’t know if there is such a stubble.

But his original intention was only to test Xie Xun’s location, not to restore the truth.

Knowing that Xie Xun was on Spirit Snake Island, he was very satisfied.

“Brother Yang was wise and brave in the past, and he is a first-class figure in the sect.”

“I haven’t seen it for decades, and it is as wise as the sea, far from what the concubine can speculate.”

Daisy was silent for a moment, her face changed several times, she didn’t know what the hell was in her brain, and sighed.

“Mrs. Han, you are the dragon slayer knife in hand, and you can really command the world, dare not obey?”

“Can you really let the Persian Ming Sect not hold you accountable?”

“…… What is the Leader’s opinion? ”

Daisy’s face changed several times and she hesitated.

“Take me to Xie Xun, I want the dragon slayer knife.” After the matter is completed, I can also pass on your “Qiankun Great Transfer”, or I can go with you to meet the Twelve Treasures Tree King of the Persian Ming Sect. ”

“If there is a punishment on the side of the Persian altar, this seat will resist it for you.”

“As one of the three holy women, and now I have Xiao Zhao, I should be burned by fire, this is the self-imposed canon, I am afraid that I cannot be persuaded.”

When she mentioned “burning her body”, Daisy shivered, obviously extremely afraid.

The leader of the Persian Ming Sect, except for the founding Ming Zun, has always been a woman, and she is a virgin who does not marry.

After each patriarch took over, three women were selected and called “holy women”.

These three holy women took the oath and marched in all directions to make meritorious contributions to the Ming Religion.

After the death of the sect leader, the elders of the church gathered to discuss the merits of the three holy women, and selected the saint woman with the greatest merit to succeed the sect leader.

But if any of these three holy women loses their chastity, they shall be burned to death.

Even if they flee to the ends of the earth, they will send people to pursue them in order to maintain the dignity of the Holy Church.

Now the head girl of the Persian Ming Sect has passed away.

One after another, people rushed to Middle-earth to find Daisy’s whereabouts.

Every time Daisy thought about it, she was flustered.

“Well, I heard that there is this rule. But well, the rules are dead, and people are alive. ”

“It’s impossible, unless Xiao Zhao is allowed to succeed as a holy woman, and then make great contributions and be elected as the sect leader, I may be exonerated from guilt.”


Xiao Zhao seemed a little scared and shouted softly.

The leader of the Persian Ming Sect was just a puppet, and he was killed by the King of the Twelve Treasure Trees.

Even if you live or die, you can’t make your own decisions.

It’s worse than being a little maid.

Xiao Zhao was naturally a little reluctant.

“It’s the next best move, let’s hide first, they won’t necessarily find us.”

Daisy hesitated for a moment, and a trace of softness finally appeared in her eyes.

“With the power of one person, this seat swept through the six major sects, I don’t know if you Persian Ming Sect, but there are such cultivators?”

“Naturally it is… There is none. ”

Daisy was startled.

“That’s it, after the matter is done, when I encounter the Persian Ming Sect, I will reason with them as the leader of the Middle-earth Ming Sect.”

“If they’re willing to listen to reason, it’s naturally best.”

“If they don’t listen and insist on burning you according to the canons, then I’ll kill them.”

“What twelve treasure tree kings, the wind and clouds make the three flow, kill it with one brain.”

“When there are enough heads, this rule will naturally be ineffective.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

His purpose was naturally for the Order of the Holy Flame.

But this kind of thing, I know it.

Daisy has always been suspicious, and explaining too much to her in advance is prone to problems.

“Sect Leader Yang… Take it seriously! ”

Daisy was stunned to hear this.

He didn’t think Chen Yu would lie.

After all, now that Chen Yu is the head of a sect, he must say everything.

It’s just that this kind of thing is said so lightly, which makes her still have a trance.

“When can I leave for Spirit Snake Island?”

“Ahem… I’m going to prepare the boat, and in a month we’ll go to Haizin Town. ”

Daisy thought for a moment and sighed.


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