Three months later

Most of the people of the six major sects who were originally besieging Guangming Peak and were captured have been released one after another.

Incorporated into the Ming Sect Army in various places, to complete the work of the elite squad.

After making enough combat achievements, you can leave on your own without forcing it.

He must not be willing to make a move to resist Yuan, and Chen Yu didn’t bother to pay attention.

Continue to plant trees and mine, build a frontier …

The main altar of the Ming Sect was moved from the top of the light to the Jiangnan area.

From the Dharma King, down to the Five Elements Banner and the Four Gates of Heaven and Earth, Wind and Thunder, they all completed the migration.

Only a few disciples, along with Fan Yao, the right envoy of Guangming, who had recently returned, and Xie Xun, the Golden Retriever Lion King, were stationed at the top of Guangming.


“Ding, the reincarnation has become the supreme martial artist, and the challenge task has been completed.”

Chen Yu looked at the “Martial Forest Supreme” iron scroll in his hand, a little speechless.

Three days ago, Zhu Yuanzhang called for “expelling Hu Yu and restoring China” and sent Xu Da and Chang Yuchun to raise troops on the Northern Expedition to overthrow the rule of the Yuan Dynasty.

The Ming Sect used the dragon slayer knife as a token and announced that the rebel army would not distinguish between each other and join forces to resist the Yuan.

Shaolin, Begang, and Wudang factions Jing Conservant.

When blood was an alliance, all factions respected Chen Yu, the leader of the Ming Sect, as the supreme martial artist and ruled the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang specially created an iron scroll as a proof.

Of course, most of them have a subtext: “Boss, you be your martial arts supreme, the emperor will not rob me…”

Chen Yu actually has no opinion on this idea.

After all, his return is imminent, and he really has no time to be the emperor.

You can’t always take the throne and get addicted to it, and then directly give way, right?

“Won’t you join them in attacking the capital of Yuanda?”

“Even if you retire after success, it will be a name in history.”

The yellow shirt asked, rolling his eyes.

“It’s not necessary.”

Chen Yu shook his head.


“My broken ascension is imminent, and if I leave too many traces in the world, it will be a good deal, but it will not be conducive to their future behavior.”

Chen Yudao.

The Yuan Dynasty is not the era of Temujin and Kublai Khan, and the Mongolia will be shining with stars.

Even, in history, Wang Baobao, the only one who has defeated Xu Da, inexplicably gave away his head.

With the Ming Sect that he has been running for half a year, as well as the ability of Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da and others.

There is no longer any possibility of failure.

In other words, there is no need for him to participate in this battle to destroy the yuan.

“So where are you going in the end?”

“Wudang Mountain, meet Zhang Sanfeng, only he can fight me in the world.”

Chen Yu smiled.

“Zhang Sanfeng…, sure enough.”

The yellow shirt was startled, revealing a look of expectation.

The very existence of some people is a myth.

Zhang Sanfeng is such an existence.

A martial arts wizard who is unparalleled in the world.

Qianqiu Wushuang Grand Master.

Almost single-handedly, let Wudang be above Shaolin.

At the age of 100, he created his own Taijiquan sword, subtle and mysterious, opening up a new world that had never been seen before in martial arts.


Wudang Mountain

Chen Yu has already come to Wudang Mountain once in the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, and he is familiar with the road.

This generation of Wudang seems to have not broken the rules so much, and the tourist experience is better.

For example, the Sword Solving Pool is just an ordinary pond.

There are quite a few frogs singing inside.

There are also groups of tadpoles looking for their mother…

“I’ve seen Yang Da… The sect leader, I have seen the girl in the yellow shirt. ”

On the Wudang Hall, Song Yuanqiao and Yu Daiyan are separated left and right.

Seeing Chen Yu coming, they both greeted him.

Over the years, the people who came to visit Wudang were generally decent masters.

The two also casually greeted “heroes”.

Halfway through the conversation, I realized that something was not quite right, and quickly changed the title.

Yu Lianzhou, Zhang Songxi and even Song Qingshu and others are now fighting against the Yuan in the rebel army.

Song Yuanqiao did not go out because he had the status of the acting head of the Wudang faction and needed to maintain Wudang administrative work on the mountain.

Yu Daiyan was disabled for too long, although he found black jade intermittent paste from the fire foreman Tuo master and apprentice from behind.

But it will be difficult to recover for a while.

He also stayed in Wudang.

“Yang Xiao, the leader of the Ming Sect, has seen Song Daxia, Yu Sanxia, and Zhang Zhenren.”

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said aloud.

The sound is like thunder, constantly vibrating between the valleys.

“It turns out that Sect Master Yang came in person, and the old Dao has not been far away, and he also asks for forgiveness.”

A moment later, an old voice sounded, and a shadow appeared in the center of the main hall.

The virtual shadow is dressed in Taoist clothes, and his figure is tall, but the whole person is like a mess, and he can’t see it very real.

In an instant, the shadow condensed and turned into an old way.

Wearing a filthy gray sermon robe, his beards are like silver, and his figure is tall and burly.

And a little fat, with a small belly …

Okay, this is the Demon Sect Leader’s version of Zhang Sanfeng.

It seems that the shape and character are a bit different, which is understandable.

“Sect Master Yang’s internal strength is just deep, and he has blazed a new trail, which has never been done before, and he admires the old way.”

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Chen Yu, his face slightly solemn.

“What does Zhang Zhenren mean by this?”

Chen Yu was surprised.

“Your bones are like crystal, your blood is like lead and mercury, and your vitality is powerful, far beyond the reach of the old way.”

“If it wasn’t self-created, it must be the forging method of the ancient times, right?”

“It’s a pity that the old way is indeed old, if you want to be dozens of years younger, you must learn it.”

Zhang Sanfeng laughed, seemingly a little envious.

Although Chen Yu’s internal strength is high, he can still see the reality at a glance in the scope that Zhang Sanfeng can understand.

But this physical intensity is a bit excessive.

Zhang Sanfeng estimated that as long as the other party did not deliberately suppress it, he could make a series of storms.

You can even use muscle strength to directly dismantle the True Martial Temple…

Thinking that he has been an old otaku for more than a hundred years, he has coarse tea and light rice all day, and has practiced pure yang boy skills to the peak.

Others eat and drink nonsense, eat dry and wipe clean…

Their own physical strength is far inferior to others.

Zhang Sanfeng’s heart was a little unbalanced.

“Taiji yin and yang, heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and summer are also yin and yang, men and women, up and down are yin and yang.”

“Zhang Zhenren’s generation of Taiji everyone, when the world is matchless, don’t you know that the lonely yin does not give birth, and the only yang does not last long?”

Chen Yu said quietly.

“…… Well? ”

Zhang Sanfeng blinked, seemingly a little confused.

Is this being ridiculed?

Sounds plausible?

No, there is a fart truth!

If it weren’t for Chen Yu, he would also look no less than his peerless grandmaster.

Zhang Sanfeng was almost squirting.

Pure Yang Tongzi Gong is to refine a breath of innate pure Yang Tongzi Qi and preach immortality.

Actually the weakness of the other party to come to the black boy skill is singleness?

Well, in a way, this is also a problem …

In order to climb the peak of martial arts, it is nothing to give up a little.

You winners in life, where will you understand the beauty and happiness of single dogs!

Zhang Sanfeng grinned, and the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

“This man…”

The yellow shirt also stomped his feet, his pretty face was red, and he seemed to feel a little ashamed.

She cultivates the Nine Yin True Scripture and is proficient in the Daomen classics.

He still knows much more than Chen Yu, who does not study and has no skills.

This interpretation has a bunch of words to refute.

But she thought about her position and had to shut up.

“It’s not early, let’s fight, it’s dark and lonely in a while.”

“The old Dao has long said that it is more painful to come directly to the meeting, and the remote bridge said to maintain a high demeanor.”

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand, a little excited.

“So it’s best, Zhang Zhenren please.”

Chen Yu arched his hand.

“Back mountain, if you fight here, this hall will be gone, you have to get another one, it’s very expensive.”

“The guest is whatever he wants.”


In the next moment, the two turned into two afterimages and flashed out at the entrance of the main hall.

In a flash, he disappeared without a trace.

“Go check it out?”


Song Yuanqiao and Huang Shi each performed light skills and chased closely.


Yu Daiyan looked at the crutch in the corner of the hall and snorted.

Stubbornly held up his crutches, jumped and jumped, and chased out.

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