Deep in the mangosteen forest after Wudang

Gumu Sensen, full of greenery.

“A fist versus a sword?”

Zhang Sanfeng stopped and rolled up his sleeves.


“Good! This sword is called Zhenwu, and Lao Dao used it to sweep away the evil spirits when he was young, earning the foundation of this Wudang faction. ”

“Now I have been raising for fifty or sixty years, and once it is unsheathed, even the gods can be cut off.”

“Except for the Heavenly Sword, nothing else can compare to it.”

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and took out a long sword.

Reaching out and shaking, the scabbard flew out tens of meters and stuck to the ground.

The shape of the long sword is strange, and the cold glow flickers, like cold electricity.

“The sword is also named Zhenwu, it has just been released recently, and it has beheaded the Hundred Damage Daoist and the Fire Foreman.”

As soon as Chen Yu pressed the true martial sword, the long sword popped out on its own.

The dark black sword body is plain, like ebony black iron.

“What is this broken… Well? Your sword is a bit good! ”

“Why is it also called Zhenwu, copying old ideas?”

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the sword in Chen Yu’s hand, his eyes narrowed, and he muttered.

“Fight or not?”

Chen Yu frowned.

The fat old man’s version of Zhang Sanfeng is obviously much more nonsense than the original one.

It seems a bit like Zhang Sanfeng, who likes to travel to other worlds…

I have the impression that I don’t talk about martial arts, and sneak attacks make deception commonplace.

“Fight and fight, when it comes to fighting, Lao Dao has not been afraid of anyone for a hundred years!”

Zhang Sanfeng snorted and stabbed out a sword.

The long sword rotated in the air and drew a circle.

Inside the circle, the black and white luster flickered, turning into a huge taijitu.

The yin and yang fish are constantly spinning and circling, seemingly chasing continuously.

The number of Da Yan is forty-nine, not divided into Tai Chi!

Chen Yu turned on the last domineering power, and the golden light continued to flicker on his body.

Jump up and slam down.

Flying Immortals!

In mid-air, golden sword qi swirled and turned into the shape of a golden dragon.

Suddenly opened his huge mouth, and without hesitation, he bit Zhang Sanfeng’s sword hilt.

“Sleeping? You can see the flaws in this move with a sword? ”

Zhang Sanfeng was startled, the long sword swung and swung his hand, and countless Taiji appeared in the void, twisting the golden dragon sword qi.

When the Taiji Sword is facing the enemy, it is ever-changing and endless.

Each move of the sword technique is stabbed in an arc and retracted in an arc.

If you want to talk about tricks, you can say that there is only one trick, or even no tricks.

But it is ever-changing and never ending.

The earth was vast, turning into a huge taijitu, as if miraculously.

This kind of sword technique has long reached the so-called “no sword” level of Dugu’s defeat.

“The Taiji Sword is indeed powerful.”

Chen Yu’s long sword shook lightly in the air, the sword intent changed, and the sword light was ethereal, like a magic lightning blade, striking from a height.

The golden dragon shadow continued to condense, interspersed in the purple electric blade and constantly roared and bitten.

Chen Yu’s idea is very simple, one sword qi is not enough, just a few more.

The taijitu densely packed in the air is constantly shattering and condensing.

This is a simple sword fight.

Compared with the internal force, it is much more dangerous.

“Why are you so brave?”

Zhang Sanfeng frowned, puzzled.

The Taijitu, which was originally densely covered with emptiness, became stiff, and the scope slowly shrank.

A moment later, the Taiji Sword Momentum changed from attacking and defending to attacking to defending.

Zhang Sanfeng’s sword technique and sword strength were originally higher than Chen Yu.

But after Chen Yu opened the domineering power and had the full-level Outer Heaven Flying Immortal bonus, he was a little higher than him.

The masters compete, and every bit determines the victory, life and death.

“Immeasurable Tianzun, the old way doesn’t talk about martial virtue.”

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the sword shadow in the sky, screamed strangely, and the long sword suddenly picked.

The clouds and mist are light, the mountains are thick, and heaven and earth are one.

In the center of the Taiji Array on the ground, a virtual image of a man with an extremely solemn appearance slowly walked out of the void.

The man is dressed in black and resembles a turtle snake.

True Martial Demon Emperor!

Although it was just a shadow, it emitted a coercion like the sky falling apart.

The sky filled with sword qi came to the man.

Then it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

“Emperor Zhenwu? This challenge is too much, right? ”

Chen Yu was a little speechless.

He knew that Wudang Mountain was the dojo of Emperor Zhenwu.

But I didn’t expect Zhang Sanfeng to really be able to summon a trace of the illusory spirit of the True Martial Emperor with the mountain shape earth qi.

Compared to the Shaolin Temple summoning Dharma, it is much more outrageous…

Although this trace of illusory spirit is definitely not comparable to the real True Martial Emperor.

But Emperor Zhenwu is obviously a existence beyond the martial arts system.

Fortunately, this trace of illusory spirit seems to be the defensive appearance of the Xuan turtle…

If it is the meaning of true martial arts, or the method of winding the spirit snake.

That’s the end of it!

Chen Yu complained in his heart, his hand was not idle, and the man and the sword became one.

Abandoning all changes, he turned the strength of his whole body into this sword and stabbed straight through.

The overwhelming sword qi roared out and stabbed at the illusory spirit of Zhenwu.

Zhenwu’s eyes seemed to show disdain, and he faintly looked at the sword qi in mid-air.

Chen Yu’s gaze swept over Zhenwu and met Zhang Sanfeng’s eyes.

The eyes suddenly turned blood-colored, and a strange luster flashed.

In an instant, countless strange and terrifying pictures were illusionized in the void and suddenly shattered.

“Crouch! What is it? ”

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, snorted, and his face became a little ugly.

Chen Yu was another spiritual shock.

Zhang Sanfeng screamed strangely, and shot out a backhand Taijiquan.

The True Martial Void suddenly collapsed and turned into particles in the sky.

The sword qi roared and scattered the dense Void Taijitu.

As soon as Jin Lian and Tai Chi palms touched, they suddenly exploded, and everyone in the four fields heard it.

Zhang Sanfeng’s body froze and shook slightly.

He has deep internal strength, but Chen Yu’s burst out of strength is still stronger than him.

Forcibly slapped it, causing some seizures of hidden injuries that had just been subjected to mental shock.

Chen Yu’s long sword shook, and a sword pierced Zhang Sanfeng’s shoulder.

The movements of the two people stopped at the same time, motionless.

“Master! Sect Master Yang’s subordinates show mercy! ”

Song Yuanqiao’s voice sounded, sweeping into the air, and seemed to be extremely panicked.

Almost at the same time, the figure of the yellow shirt flashed and stood beside Chen Yu.

“Do you still want to fight?”

Chen Yu lifted the domineering, feeling his eyes bleeding and blood surging in his mouth.

In addition to the final confrontation with Zhang Sanfeng, it also caused an injury.

Most of it was made by mental shock.

“If you want to fight a battle of life and death, you really want to fight, and the old way can’t turn it over.”

“However, if you compete, the old way is to lose a move.”

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it and sighed.

Taking a step back, he left the tip of Chen Yu’s sword and sealed the wound smoothly.

The True Martial Sword in Chen Yu’s hand kept making sword whistling sounds, and it seemed that he was extremely praised for the quality of the blood this time.

“Ding, you have defeated Zhang Sanfeng, and the ultimate challenge is complete.”

Space prompted.

“In a life and death battle, I should be more seriously injured now, but you are already dead.”

Chen Yu thought about it and said seriously.


“Don’t believe me?”

“Believe it, just now that spiritual attack, if the old Dao is hit again, he will vomit blood.”

“It’s very likely that Tai Chi broke, and then was directly stabbed to death by your volley sword.”

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while and sighed: “If you don’t fight, you won’t fight anymore, and you won’t compete with others in the future.” ”

“Master, go back to heal now?”

“Carry me back to heal the wounds, haven’t you seen that the old way is half dead?”

Zhang Sanfeng said angrily.


Song Yuanqiao was startled and arched his hand with Chen Yu.

Hurriedly bent down, carried Zhang Sanfeng on his back, and swept down the mountain.


“Zhang Sanfeng’s old way is very understanding, no wonder he has been single all his life.”

Chen Yu smiled and took the hand of the yellow shirt.

“Will you come back after you ascend to heaven?”

The yellow shirt wrinkled his nose, a little unhappy.

“It should be hard, but…”

Chen Yu thought about it.

“But what?”

“Maybe I will one day become the supreme, above the heavens and all realms, and it is too empty to travel with one thought.”

“At that time, if you want to come back, it may not be difficult.”

“That… I’ll wait for you when I go back to the tomb? ”

“Wait for me.”


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